Metal Sludge

Metal Sludge

HIGH ENUFF … Donnie Vie accuses Vik Foxx of Publishing Theft, Foxx Blasts back about Reckless Drug Use

Former Enuff Z’Nuff bandmates Donnie Vie & Vik Foxx,

Metal Sludge — Former Enuff Z’Nuff singer Donnie Vie has recently attacked the band’s former drummer Vik Foxx over songwriting royalties.

Vie took to his official Facebook page and ranted that Foxx had stolen some of the singer/songwriter’s publishing rights.

Vie is alleging that Foxx has been collecting part of his royalties for 30 years.

Foxx has now replied with his own version of what did or didn’t happen.

Oddly, shortly after Foxx replied, Vie deleted his post.

But not before it was screen captured and re-shared by Foxx.

Foxx notes in his reply writing “and SRachelle is right on.”

Stevie Rachelle commented on the original Vie posting, but the comment was removed when Vie deleted the thread.

Foxx goes into various details and accuses Vie of reckless drug use that included heroin.

Ironically, before Foxx even replied, the short version of the Rachelle comment was something along the lines of: “Maybe had you not partied so much, it wouldn’t have taken til’ 2020 to realize what you are alleging happened here.”

See the screen captures below of the former bandmate’s feud.



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