Metal Sludge

Metal Sludge

Ratt fans take initiative to replace Stephen Pearcy as band vocalist using the groups very own live tracks for online audition!






Ratt fans take initiative to replace Stephen Pearcy as band vocalist using the groups very own live tracks.
Ratt  —  Stephen Pearcy officially announced his departure from the Los Angeles based Ratt in April with this Metal Sludge exclusive. But it’s been some time since anyone has heard anything from the Ratt camp. No Bobby Blotzer rants since his facebook went dark, and not a peep from Warren DeMartini or Carlos Cavazo. But that is expected as neither have much involvement in the way of social media.

The only sign of life from the band was a Juan Croucier exchange with fans on his facebook in early July. Those comments from the band bassist were reported here.

Now the band may be quiet, but that doesn’t seem to be the case with the rodent rockers hardcore followers. It seems the fans have been working hard in the studio using Warren, Bobby, Carlos and Juan’s work to demo what they believe should be the band’s new voice.

Huh? That is what we said, just keep reading.

Seemingly out of the blue it appears some fans of Ratt are ready to audition their choice for a new vocalist right here on the internet.

According to their claim in an email to Metal Sludge below, a sound man who recorded the band Ratt live in 2013 has removed Stephen Pearcy’s vocals and they had their rock singer friend re-cut the lead vocals.

That singer is Ryan Coggin. He’s 33 and lives in Texas according to a quick web search.

Check out the email below and related Sound Cloud link that features Ryan singing “Body Talk”, “You’re In Love” and “Round N’ Round”.


Below is the  e-mail and links sent to Metal Sludge

A friend of mine did a live recording of RATT last year (hired by them) and took out Stephen’s iffy vocals and had our friend Ryan Coggin sing this live over the track… He also did Lack Of Communication and You’re In Love and both sound just as amazing as this… Pearcy has told the band explicitly that he is going to record the one last RATT record since they are contractually obligated but WILL NOT TOUR. I just wanted to throw this out there to try and start a “campaign’ to get Ryan in as the new singer.. He’s a great guy and a great singer… Thanks for listening and let me know if I can provide any more info, links or answer any questions.. Ryan doesn’t know I’m writing you guys.. he’s currently out touring with Hayes Carll as his tour manager but her belongs on the stage, not next to it.


Metal Sludge
Ratt Sludge




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