UPDATED: Fri. Feb. 26th 2021
Ratt main rodent Stephen Pearcy took to his Instagram on Thursday night sharing our Metal Sludge article headline about Bobby Blotzer appearing at the singer’s taping of a stream event.
A secondary post from Pearcy also shows a blond haired man with his back to the singer standing next to a drum kit.
Pearcy commented “Rehearsal tonight had swing” and shared the hashtag #drummerswhoplayyamaha while giving the camera a smirk and motioning towards the blond man.
Note: Bobby Blotzer has a long standing relationship as a Yamaha endorsed player since 1987.
Looks like da Blotz was at rehearsal last night.
Stay tuned…

Metal Sludge — Hot off our iPhone… we have incoming… are you ready for it?
There just might be a partial reuniting of the classic Ratt lineup within the next 48 hours.
Inside word is, that Stephen Pearcy will be filming a streaming show at the world-famous “Whisky-A-Go-Go” on the famed Sunset Strip.
The event will be shot over February 26th and February 27th 2021 and released via a streaming platform at a later to be determined date.
The rumor is… that former Ratt drummer Bobby Blotzer just may be sitting in on the kit for a few tunes with his former band-mate.
Metal Sludge has multiple sources putting da Blotz back behind the kit!
Vote in our Twitter poll below whether Ratt will fully reunite.
Stay tuned for more…
How likely do YOU think it is that @theRATTpack will reunite with Pearcy, DeMartini, Croucier & Blotzer?#ratt #reunion #babysteps #sludgesaysso #metalsludge
— metalsludge (@MetalSludge) February 25, 2021