Metal Sludge

Metal Sludge

#1 BAD BOY … Pete Evick says Bobby Blotzer said; “If It Wasn’t For Us (Ratt) Poison Wouldn’t Even Be On The Map!”

Pete Evick of Bret Michaels Band and ex-Ratt drummer Bobby Blotzer

Bobby is a lot to deal with. Bobby Blotzer is a lot to deal with
Pete Evick / Bret Michaels Band

Metal SludgePete Evick of the Bret Michaels Band was recently a guest on the Chuck Shute Podcast.

Evick has plenty to say and it’s not a shock that the same guy who took Sebastian Bach to task, isn’t mincing words when he brings up former Ratt drummer Bobby Blotzer.

Evick takes a few swipes at Blotzer saying (All transcription by Metal Sludge); “Bobby is a lot to deal with. Bobby Blotzer is a lot to deal with.”

Evick then goes on to describe a day on tour with the Bret Michaels Band.

The guitarist recalls a specific night that also included Ratt (Bobby Blotzer‘s version), Dokken, Warrant and Jack Russell’s Great White.

Evick in addition to being the lead guitarist for Michaels solo band, is also the MD (music director) and the TM (tour manager) as well.

Evick then explains on how one arena was laid out and the biggest dressing room was closest to the stage, which is usually reserved for the night’s headliner, which was the Bret Michaels Band on this night.

Pete felt it a better idea to assign the closer dressing room (regardless of size) to Jack Russell‘s group.

Evick then details that Russell was already having some serious health issues and he wanted to give Jack the courtesy, to be closer to the stage.

In short, Evick says: “We’re the headliner and we’re Bret Michaels. So we should get that (biggest) dressing room, right? Because I was the tour manager (and guitar player) I would come (early in the morning) and assign the dressing rooms.”

“On that tour, it was my decision who got what dressing rooms. And, even if the dressing room was the biggest dressing room… whatever dressing room was closest to the stage, we gave Jack Russell adds Evick.

Evick then says: “So, Bobby (Blotzer) comes in, ‘What the F#@k! I need the biggest dressing room today’ (yelling sounds) and he starts yelling at me. He’s like, ‘If it wasn’t for us (Ratt) Poison wouldn’t be on the F#@king map anyway’, ‘And Bret‘s here because of us (Ratt) giving him a chance anyway.'”

The arugment seemed to be overheard by some of the other musicians back-stage, and it seemingly perked up the ears of Don Dokken who was just down the hall.

Evick then explains that Dokken walked up, stood with Evick and blasted Blotzer; Bobby what the F#@k is your problem? It’s F#@king Jack‘s room. What the F#@k! Whatever F#@king Pete says, it is. I am down there in the corner, I’ll take the smallest dressing room.”

Evick adds; “Love him or hate him, Don (Dokken) speaks the truth.”

The podcast is full of stories that Evick shares including some of the recent Rikki Rockett drama that surrounded Bret Michaels not touring with Poison in 2025.

Check out the full menu or listen to our embedded video of the interview all shared below.

0:00:00 – Intro 0:00:30 – Star Wars Fan 0:00:55 – Canada 0:01:40 – New Drone 0:02:59 – Travel Blog & Podcasts 0:04:05 – American Flag, Politics & Loyalty 0:12:15Bret Michaels Set List 0:16:45 – Casino Shows & Fair Shows 0:20:16 – More Intimate Shows 0:22:55 – Pete’s Other Projects & Songwriting 0:36:25 – Guest Musicians & Collaborations 0:39:25 – Working with Miley Cyrus 0:46:35 – Producing Music 0:51:30Don Dokken 1:04:25 – Musicians Playing Different Roles 1:13:15 – Facebook Posts & Fear of War 1:18:05 – Hurricane Victims 1:22:00 – Iron Dome & Terrorist Attack 1:26:25 – Digital Communication Attack 1:30:00Riki Rockett & Poison 1:33:15 – Bret Michaels Health Issues 1:40:55 – Celebrities & Again 1:48:15 – Outro

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