Metal Sludge

Metal Sludge

30 YEARS LATER … American Noize Fan Forum Artist Panel Video Surfaces feat; Slaughter, Hardline, Ted Poley, Tuff, Phantom Blue and more

American Noize Fan Forum Artist Panel – June 25th 1994 – Burbank California

Metal Sludge — June 25th 1994 the American Noize Fan Forum was held in Burbank California at The Hilton Hotel and convention center and the weekend event hosted bands, performances, industry types and was attended by fans from around the world.

The event was basically a NAMM type of convention but geared more towards fans and organized by American Noiz and Michelle Siddiqi.

Now a full 30 years later to the day, a 90 minute video has surfaced featuring an Artist Panel from that weekend.

The video shared below just surfaced on YouTube and features an Artist Panel where selected band members talked about all things related, and took questions from fans in the crowd.

The panel included; Mark Slaughter, Blas Elias and Tim Kelly of Slaughter, Ted Poley of Danger Danger, Stevie Rachelle of Tuff, Johnny and Joey Gioeli of Hardline, Michelle Meldrum and Gigi Hangach of Phantom Blue and Michael Lord of Tattoo Rodeo.

The panel was hosted by Sam Mann who was part of the Hollywood scene on the Sunset Strip, who also appeared as an emcee in Heavy Metal Thunder and Mud, and performed locally with his own band Sam Mann and The Apes.

This video is an interesting look back, 3 decades earlier as these musicians try to struggle through the mid 1990’s and navigate an industry that was less than friendly to the ’80’s’ hairbands as they were labeled at the time.

The weekend included select performances, meet n’ greets, merchandise and vendor booths, along with appearances from members of; Warrant, Black N’ Blue, WildSide, Jailhouse, Lancia and Shake The Faith in addition to those who appear in this video.

There were also a few industry types on hand, including Gerri Miller of Metal Edge Magazine and Doug Thaler (Manager) and Beau Hill (Producer).

This American Noize Fan Forum was also featured on Metal Sludge with photos in the TUFF DIARIES #21 as written by Stevie Rachelle.

Check out ‘TUFF DIARIES #21 … Fist First Tour, Making F#@%ing Videos, Building Bunk Beds, O.J. Simpson and Rock Club + Strip Club = Awesome‘ for more of the related found here.

Unfortunately there are 2 members of the Artist Panel who are no longer with us.

First we mention Tim Kelly of Slaughter, who tragically died in a car accident back on February 5th 1998.

We also lost Michelle Meldrum of Phantom Blue, who died due to complications of a Cystic Growth on her Brain back on May 21st 2008.

Gerri Miller has also since passed away in March of 2021, after battling Cancer.

Metal Sludge sends positive thoughts and condolences to their families, friends and band-mates.

Stay tuned to Metal Sludge for Breaking News, Updates and Features along with both new and classic interviews.



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