Metal Sludge

Metal Sludge

Jack Russell’s Great White plays Sun National Bank Center Arena to crowd of less than 50 people? >Video





Jack Russell’s Great White plays Sun National Bank Center Arena to crowd of less than 50 people?

On The Road — Jack Russell’s Great White is on the road still rocking and rolling. The band has been through it’s ups and downs but trudges forward despite the lawsuits, tragedy and health issues that have come with the tag of Great White.

In a recent performance the band played Sun National Bank Center Arena after an AFL (Arena Football League) game. We found a youtube clip of the performance online and added it below. We also grabbed a few still shots of the arena.


Also some random comments and info from the guy who filmed the show. He notes less than 50 people watched after 1,500 attended the game.

We will hand it to Jack, he does sound very good here and props to the guys for putting on their show despite playing to an arena that is clearly 99.8% empty. Such is the life of being in a 80s rock n’ roll hairband. You learn to take the good, with the bad and always the ugly.



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