“I felt like it was a “weeknight at bernies”….unbelievable and the crowd were in a state of shock at what they saw and paid for….Jack couldn’t get five words out of his mouth and couldn’t even hold or at times find the microphone…“
— A fan’s review on Facebook after seeing Jack Russell’s Great White at ‘Lava Cantina‘ in Texas
Metal Sludge — This is not a review or an interview… but rather an opinion… and perhaps, one not everyone will agree with.
But to be up front out of the gate, I have never cared what anyone thinks, or if they agree with me… especially when I write about a reality full of truth.
So with that… here I go.
Over the weekend Jack Russell’s Great White played a few gigs that left many fans in Texas in absolute shock.
And know that this is not my opinion, nor description… but rather a gang of fans who attended.
Simply put, Jack Russell was in no condition to be on stage over the weekend but he was, and like previous shows was propped up like a puppet on a chair center stage.
Only this time, not only could Russell not stand or walk, but he could barely sing.
Matter of fact, Russell‘s condition was so bad, he barely sang at all.
Several who attended the show, out-right questioned whether Jack should have been on stage at all that night.
This was not the first time something along these lines has happened in the Jack Russell world either.
Back in March 18th 2022, Russell and his band Jack Russell’s Great White were scheduled to play at “Black Bear Casino Resort” in Carlton Minnesota, but upon arrival that day, the singer was immediately taken to an area hospital.
Our Metal Sludge story ‘VERY ILL … Jack Russell taken to area Hospital in Minnesota, his illness is unknown and tonight’s JRGW show has officially been canceled‘ detailed what happened that day.
“Jack looked really bad (this morning) when arriving after his flight landed, and was immediately put in a wheel-chair and taken directly to a hospital.” (Reads an excerpt from our 2022 story).
Back on October 1st 2021, Russell had similar problems when his band were scheduled to play a weekend’s worth of dates in Southern California, but the singer was rumored to be hospitalized at the time and did not appear, but the band did appear and played a jam of sorts for the fans.
Metal Sludge reported on that with our article: ‘FACE THE DAY … Rumor on the street is that Jack Russell of Jack Russell’s Great White has been hospitalized‘.
With that, it appears that Russell‘s health challenges are worsening, and we can only hope for, and wish Jack the best.
But in the meantime, it’s not fair to put this man under this type of duress to fulfill a simple rock club contract and it’s not fair to the fans either.
So now we return to this past weekend in Texas, which was questionable at best for there to be a show including Jack Russell in the condition he was in, but there was regardless of how he looked, or felt.
Don’t believe me… wait til you watch the videos all shared at the bottom of this article.
At points during the “Lava Cantina” show, band members took turns singing lead vocals along with a special guest singer named Dusty Rose who did the encore of “Once Bitten Twice Shy” at the Thursday night show.
This guest singer Rose sang lead vocals as Russell sat nearly helpless center-stage as the concert goers watched in awe.
The bottom line here is, Jack Russell needs to go home and get better, or simply retire.
And that is not just my opinion here at Metal Sludge but rather countless fans that think exactly the same way.
When is it time to stop the madness and throw in the towel?
Or should we all sit and watch the car crash as it happens… as its filmed for Youtube and archived for eternity.
Let’s not bullshit each other, or anyone else in the room… but if a picture is worth a thousand words, than how many words are these videos worth?
This Jack Russell thing has become icky, and it’s got to a point where someone has to be called out for their lack of sensible thinking.
I don’t say icky lightly either… and I will be blunt here when I ask this of you, the reader… is this what you as the fans want?
To pay for a show, where the name on the marquee is carried on and off stage, and can barely sing the songs?
To watch a guy, who is in a questionable at best condition, half-assing his way through a set that you paid to see and hear?
The answer is no.
Whether it’s Jack himself, his wife, his band, or the rest of those in his inner circle, someone needs to pull the plug…. and not just in this case, but in any case where the performance is far below acceptable.
The sad reality is, we’re all watching Jack Russell deteriorate before our very eyes.
And, the history of Jack‘s health issues are nothing new, as he was challenged in his ability to tour, travel and perform without incident even 15 years ago when he was still in the band Great White.
In 2010, there was the infamous incident in San Antonio Texas where Russell fell of his stool during the opening number, and struggled to get back up as a roadie assisted him to his stage chair.
Nearly 14 years later, and upwards of 60,000 views later, and the clip is still there for all to see.
Now in 2024, Russell is still being booked to appear and the truth is, he is not in any condition to do so.
Someone in that camp is lacking in their thought process, or perhaps, they are just down right greedy to earn money… for themselves, or the band.
We’re watching this ugliness take place live on stage in front of an audience who paid to see a professional International Recording Artist, but are getting far less… and it’s not okay.
And let it be known, once again, I am not alone in my thoughts.
Who is allowing this to happen?
Is it the band, the manager (if there is one) or the agent who is booking these shows?
Perhaps a combination of all the above…
Let’s start with the band members… the clear headed (we would think) professional players, who are standing next to and backing Russell on stage.
These guys all take the stage like a fire-storm, and are rocking out but at times appear to be somewhat oblivious of what amounts to a circus side-show sitting at center-stage.
Even some fans have pointed out that the band members themselves look uncomfortable being on stage in these situations.

Do I need to name you guys… or should we act like you’re not part of the problem?
Tony Montana, this means you.
Robby Lochner, you too.
Both of you carry more cache’ here than the bass player and drummer, so I will leave them out of my rant.
Robby, you have been in Jack Russell’s band for more than a dozen years, and Tony… your history is entrenched for 3-4 decades if I am not mistaken.
C’mon guys… how can you take the stage with this man in that condition?
Seriously… ask yourself this out-loud… I am calling you out.
So are the fans… and it’s not just a few either.
How can you take the stage with your singer in this condition, play your instrument and feel good about it?
The truth is… you can’t!
Or… you are lying to yourself for the pay-check.
I have watched all of the videos below… and you guys barely have the strength to look at your failing front-man, but yet the crowd should?
Those in attendance had no choice… and watched this sad scene unfold… and they paid to watch it.
Shame on all of you….
Shame on anyone who backs this, or feels it’s okay for Jack Russell to rot on stage, sitting on a stool looking half crippled and half out of his mind giving fans a half-assed performance… if you want to call it that.
There is not a person reading this, who can disagree with my view, and if you do, you’re delusional too.
As for Jack, whether he is on drugs (legal or otherwise) or booze, or a combination of both… it’s no longer okay to ignore this.
And if this is Jack, 100% sober, clean of all chemicals, prescriptions, or booze… then that alone speaks volumes, that he is in no condition to perform.
Or maybe, Jack is lacking the ability due to his various and on-going health challenges, and if this is the case, maybe he should not be performing or trying to when his condition is as such.
When the rock front-man is chained to a chair, with no ability to even stand or walk on his own, and in this case can’t even sing… why is he on stage?
So the rest of you can get paid?
I urge anyone reading this to go watch these videos now, and tell me otherwise…
Go watch now, before they’re all removed.
But hey… don’t take my word for it, let’s read what one fan shared on his Facebook just hours after the show on Thursday night.
Adding to that, I have grabbed and shared throughout this article several dozen comments from fans who are simply appalled that this is happening.
Whoever the promoter is for Jack Russell’s great white band you should pull your head out of your ass and understand that the show we saw at Lava Cantina The Colony tonight was an embarrassment to have jack russell in the shape he is in up on stage trying to sing this show was very sad he couldn’t sing or remember were he was even at ….the band Rocked but jack russell was in no shape or mind frame to be on a stage anywhere….I felt like it was a “weeknight at bernies”….unbelievable and the crowd were in a state of shock at what they saw and paid for….He couldn’t get five words out of his mouth and couldn’t even hold or at times find the microphone….Great White (Jack Russell ) was one of my all time favorite singers and I blame the fuckin promoter for not calling this over in out….Jack is too sick and can’t perform or even remember what the hell is going on ,and to pay for this!! the promoter of this show needs there head pulled out of there ass!!!

This article isn’t filled with hate either, it’s filled with anger.
I am angry that the people surrounding Jack Russell and his band, are not making better decisions here.
And once again, I am not alone… there are countless people who feel the same way.
I have said my piece, and I will leave you with this… first off, take care of your singer…
… and if any of you… Tony, Robby, manager, agent, Jack himself or anyone else involved has an issue with my article, my door is open… my phone is open… please feel free to get in touch and change my mind.
Thanks for reading,
Stevie Rachelle
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