Blabbermouth — In a new interview with Golden Robot‘s “Conversations With…” video podcast, veteran talent manager Doc McGhee, who has worked with KISS, MÖTLEY CRÜE, BON JOVI and SKID ROW, among many others, spoke about the importance of musical chemistry within a band and the role of a lead singer in any group. He said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): “Bands are like marriages, okay? And you have problems keeping any band together. And more bands will break up than not, for sure.

“When Sebastian Bach left SKID ROW, and then later in life, I have to do a terrible fucking TV show called… I did it for MTV — for Rick Krim at MTV… VH1. And he said, ‘You have to do this thing called ‘SuperGroup’ for me. You put together the supergroup. We can’t tell you who’s gonna be in the band.’ I said, ‘Well, I’m not gonna do it, because I’m not gonna have fucking idiots, and then I’m gonna look like an idiot.’ [He said] ‘No, no. This is gonna be big. I’ll do anything for you.’ Blah blah blah blah blah. ‘Okay. Fine.’ I show up. [The band consisted of] Sebastian Bach, Ted Nugent, the kid from BIOHAZARD [Evan Seinfeld], the bass player… and Jason Bonham. But I’m sitting there with Sebastian, and somebody says to me, ‘You know Sebastian is pissed off at you.’ And I go, ‘Okay. What could he be pissed off at me for? It’s been years since he’s been in SKID ROW. What can he be pissed…?’ ‘Well, you took all his publishing away from him.’ So I said, ‘Really? Did I take his publishing away from him? How the fuck did I take his publishing?’ I said, ‘Let’s get Sebastian.’ So I get Sebastian. And I go, ‘So, Baz, I hear that you think that I took your publishing away from you.’ He said, ‘I didn’t get any publishing.’ I said, ‘Sebastian, you didn’t write anything. If you don’t write fucking something, you don’t get it.’ But he doesn’t get… So, it’s, like, okay, whatever.”
Reflecting on the period when Bach exited SKID ROW in 1996 while he was still managing the band, McGhee said: “I don’t say to [SKID ROW guitarist] Snake [Dave Sabo], who I love, and Scotti [Hill, guitarist] and Rachel [Bolan, bassist], who I really, really care about and [are] good people, I don’t say to them, ‘You know something? We’re gonna find a better lead singer and we’re gonna go on and fuck him.’ I go, ‘You’re fucked. Sorry. You guys can’t play with each other? You’re gonna be playing pay toilets again using your own change — even though artistically you’re gonna feel better about it. You’ve never been a bride; you’ve been a bridesmaid a bunch.’ But after ‘Slave To The Grind’, they had a chance to get on the PANTERA tour and the GN’R tour, they had a chance to make that step up, and they couldn’t do it. But am I gonna fucking throw the lead singer out? You have to be fucking retarded.”
Read the Full Article at Blabbermouth or listen to the interview below.