Metal Sludge

Metal Sludge

Bobby Blotzer calls Ratt fans “sheep” and adds; “Stephen (Pearcy) is a mental case. He’s a self destructive person that will chop off a foot to save a toe. He wants the name (Ratt) 33.3% of it, I was willing to give, Warren (DeMartini) is unwilling to give period.”



Bobby Blotzer calls Ratt fans “sheep” and adds; “Stephen (Pearcy) is a mental case. He’s a self destructive person that will chop off a foot to save a toe. He wants the name (Ratt) 33.3% of it, I was willing to give, Warren (DeMartini) is unwilling to give period.”


Facebook — Here we have yet another installment from expert internet blogger and RATT drummer Bobby Blotzer.

Today Blotzer is arguing at length with RATT fans on facebook. Where else? Didn’t he claim he was deleting his account the last time he melted down? Anyway….the fans have a page titled “RATT Facebooks MOST COMPLETE RATT and FAN PAGE.

It looks like a few fans were noting they were all willing to support Stephen Pearcy solo, RATT the band and seem to show support for all members. The fans are open and honest about their feelings and the same seems to have come from RATT drummer Bobby Blotzer as well. The fans even show support for Blotzer, but they appear to have struck a nerve with the rodent motor mouth as he called them “sheep” and said they “no nothing” – yes, he spelled know, N-O.  The proper use of these words would read better if it said, “Bobby, we know that you have little to no ability to spell.

Anyway, moving along.  The fans have spoken and so has ‘da Blotz.

Blotzer has let ’em have it. We’ve included some screen caps below.


Metal Sludge
‘da Sludge




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