Open Up & Say Sludge Wire November 3rd 1999
Wow…what in the world were we thinking?
The internet was in an infant stage and Metal Sludge was just starting out too. But during that first calendar year from September 1998 through late 1999 we uploaded several dozen Sludge Wire columns.
As we continue to celebrate Twenty Years (1998-2018) of Metal Sludge, we give you these crazy-ass Sludge Wires from wayback.
In a nutshell we would take various bits off the “news wire” from websites, press releases, pulications and print it – then add our ‘edgy’ comments.
If you’re REALLY politically correct, we suggest you DO NOT read these, these are not for the faint of heart.
Disclaimer: The comments made, the views of the (then) writers, the news items themselves and all the related content is NOT current and does not reflect the thoughts, or opinions of anyone at Metal Sludge.
These columns were published in 1998 and 1999.
Welcome to this week’s SludgeWire, featuring the lastest news along with our ruthless, gangsta style comments. Featuring Jani Bon Neil and OZZY STILLBOURNE.
Here’s some news from www.dlrnd.com, which stands for the David Lee Roth News Desk.
Ex-Van Halen Singer Suing Manager
LOS ANGELES (AP) – Former Van Halen frontman David Lee Roth is suing his former personal manager over a Web site where fans can buy the singer’s memorabilia.
The lawsuit was filed Friday in Los Angeles against Edmund Anderson, who worked with Roth for about 10 years, Roth’s attorney Jeff Benice said Saturday.
“The suit was filed as a result of Roth attempting to clean up the bootlegging and piracy of his image off the Internet,” Benice said. Anderson could not be reached for comment.
The 45-year-old rock star initially allowed Anderson to sell Van Halen T-shirts, tour posters and other items, and agreed to let him set up a Web site to help with sales. But in February, around the same time Anderson stopped working for the singer, Roth told him to shut down the Web site,
Benice said.
Anderson did so, but apparently “re-set up the old site,” Benice said. He says damages exceed $100,000.
The website is not named in this story, but has to be the Bulldog Products site, that Ed Anderson is very involved in. This site, DLRND.COM, has supported Bulldog though prominent links. DLRND.COM and DLRARMY.COM have also co-hosted a recent contest to which Bulldog provided prizes.
And on the VH3 front:
Rumor: Van Halen3 dumped by Warner Brothers!
Rothtober 31, 1999
NEWS FLASH! Internet sources have informed us that the Ultimatum story reported by CDNOW.COM back earlier this year was true… According to the Miss Truth column circulated by CDNOW, Warner Brothers gave them an ultimatum, get back Dave or get a new record label… They chose the latter. Reportedly they have been submitting demos to various labels, and
have so far found no takers.
Ding Dong, the wicked witch may be dead… Wonder if CMC has turned them down yet?
Please note also that you heard it here first!
Consider yourself noted.
But Van Halen hasn’t been dropped from Warner Brothers. You think the only person to know this would be a David Lee Roth fan site? There is still money to be made from Van Halen, no matter how faggy the singer is, so Warner Brothers isn’t going to drop VH. Van Halen probably has more money than CMC anyways, so they wouldn’t even need them. Van Halen has a built in fan base and they’ll sell a certain amount of records no matter what they do and how much the album sucks.
People, you don’t want Dave back with Van Halen. It’s over. Get over it. Dave is not the same Dave that was in Van Halen. Hell, Dave isn’t the same Dave that released Eat ‘Em And Smile. Have you seen Dave on tour this Summer? He’s a caricature of himself. Before he was cool and flowed well on stage. It was natural. It didn’t look thought out or planned, it just happened. Now Dave looks like somebody doing a Dave impersonation. He’s going through the motions, and looks like he’s trying to be DAVE too much. Ralph Saenz pulls off David Lee Roth better than Dave does now.
Gary is a fruity bastard, but Roth wore some pretty fruity looking outfits on this summers tour. People bitch about Gary being gay, but I wouldn’t doubt that Dave at least had one dick in his mouth somewhere in his life. Of course that’s just my opinion, what do I know?? And Eddie Van Halen is even more of a bitter recluse than he was before. Even if Dave rejoined Van Halen, they aren’t going to spit out Fair Warning 2! That era is over with, so enjoy the Dave era CDs, and fucking deal with it.
Here’s the latest news we got from some Bret Michaels newsletter.
Some exciting news on Ballads, Blues & Stories. JOHN KALODNER and his label Portrait/Columbia (a division of Sony) have shown interest in picking BRET up as a solo artist and putting out B.B. & S. As we send out this letter the deal is in the works and looks to be very promising and the beginning of a wonderful relationship. Of course this does mean that B.B. & S. will be released according to Portrait’s schedule, which looks to be March. However this also means that it will be done with proper radio & print promotion. A wonderful deal for BRET. Portrait/Columbia is also home to GREAT WHITE, RRATT & the soon to be “super group” featuring JACK RUSSELL, BOBBY BLOTZER, C.C. DEVILLE & Jack Blades.
Why did everyone get their names in capitals except Jack Blades?
POISON will head into the studio in November to finish up work on some new songs for the POISON 2000 album. This disc will also include some live tracks as well as the new songs. We should see it in either late May or early June according to BRET.
Metal Sludge Interpretation: CC and Bret can’t get along well enough to do a whole album, so they’ll release a live album of last summer’s tour, and put a few new songs like they did on Swallow This Live, which was what they did last time Bret and CC didn’t get along.
As far as “The Devil Inside” goes BRET and Showcase Entertainment have just signed a deal and will begin production in January on this movie.
Bret’s made more bad pictures than Photomat. End of story.
From SFK
Ryan Roxie has joined SLASH’S SNAKEPIT for an album that Slash says will return to rock. Gone from the lineup though is singer Eric Dover. The GUNS N’ ROSES live CD is said to be absolute killer. There will be a video release for “It’s So Easy”.
I wish I could say I give a shit about this, but I don’t.
The tracklisting for ANTHRAX’s “Return Of The Killer A’s”, due out in November, is as follows: Bring The Noise, Only, Potters Field (Hypo Luxa Hermes Pan Remix), Ball of Confusion, Crush, Room for One More, Inside Out, Hy Pro Glo (Hy Pro Luxa Mix), Fueled, Among the Living, Got The Time, Indians, Antisocial, I’m The Man, Madhouse and I Am The Law.
I was a fan of Anthrax back when they had a career. That’s my new favorite saying, so I’m using it here as well. Anthrax kinda started the whole metal/rap thing over 10 years ago. Now bands like Limp Bizkit are huge, and Anthrax can’t even sell out some clubs. Trends, aren’t they a bitch?
LIT’s first CD, “Tripping The Light Fantastic”, will get reissued tomorrow.
Wrong! That doesn’t come out until November 23rd.
The end of the year will see METALLICA hit the road with Kid Rock in support. A New Year’s Eve show in Detroit will see the band joined by Rock as well as Ted Nugent and Tommy Lee’s Methods Of Mayhem.
We reported this last week.
DECEMBER: 3rd, Friday Frederick, MD Xhale 4th, Saturday Springfield, VA Jaxx 7th, Tuesday Hartford, CT Webster Theater 8th, Wednesday Danbury, CT Tuxedo Junction 9th, Thursday Nashua, NH Sharky’s 10th, Friday Brooklyn, NY L’ Amours 11th, Saturday Wantagh,
NY Mulcahy’s 14th, Tuesday Limestone, NY Rock ‘N’ Rick’s Concert Club 15th, Wednesday Buffalo, NY The Sideshow Music Hall 16th, Thursday Scranton, PA Tink’s Entertainment Complex 17th, Friday Poughkeepsie, NY The Chance 18th, Saturday Old Bridge, NJ The Birch
Oh goody, it’s Sebastian Bitch and his merry men.
If you add songs to a CD, try to make it so they strengthen the album, not weaken it. These 2 new songs suck. I hope Bitch didn’t think to long to come up with this great new song title, “Rock ‘N’ Roll.” What type of fucking played out, whack ass song title is that? How unoriginal. The song is listed in the CD booklet as “(I’ll Never Turn My Back On) Rock ‘N’ Roll”. And the funny thing is, that song was issued to radio. Har De Har Har, that’s a laugh! Radio stations will just look at that song title and throw it in the trash. That’s my vote for gayest song title of the year. The cover of the album sucks too. What’s up with only the picture of him and no title or anything? Dude, you ain’t that well known. Sebastian was the voice of Skid Row, but Rachel and Snake obviously came up with the songs, because after listening to Sebastian’s solo stuff, it wasn’t him!
Crap from Metal Edge.
ALICE COOPER is joining the cast of The Attic Expeditions, a horror flick about a cruel doctor who puts a young murderer through a psychological experiment at a fake halfway house. Cooper plays a mental asylum escapee named Samuel Leventhal.
This is wrong. What this report really meant to say is that Alice Cooper is being put into an attic because like most things in an attic, he’s old and dusty.
POISON’s Crack a Smile which has sat on Capitol Records’ shelf for years and is being revamped as Crack a Smile & More, won’t be the only release from the band or its members next year, but will be the first. “The intention is to put it out in mid-February,” says BRET MICHAELS, who is elated that the band’s fans will finally be able to hear it. Capitol is negotiating with MTV for the rights to the music from Poison’s Unplugged segment (that deal-making was what delayed the release, Michaels says) which feature C.C. DeVILLE, but the other tracks were recorded when BLUES SARACENO was in the band. One track from those sessions that wasn’t included on the original record will be added. “When we found out they were putting out the Greatest Hits album instead I never bothered finishing the lyrics, but I’m going to do that and record the vocals in the next few weeks,” Michaels explains. There’s no title for it yet. Otherwise, Michaels is working on music for a solo album to be called Ballads, Blues & Stories that will include new versions of “Something to Believe In” and “Every Rose Has Its Thorn” (a duet with EDWIN McCAIN) alongside new material. “In between each track, I’ll talk about why I wrote it, what inspired me, and how I came up with the lyrics,” says Michaels, noting that there will be an enhanced-CD portion including previously unreleased live, behind the scenes, and road footage. He has signed with JOHN KALODNER at Portrait Records, which is targeting a March 21 release. C.C. DeVille’s STEPMOTHERS is also signed to Portrait, an endeavor Michaels endorses. “He’s written some cool stuff, very RAMONES-esque,” he says, aware of DeVille’s heretofore frustrated ambition to write and sing his own music. “And rather than stand in his way or force him to do something he doesn’t want to do, I support him. I hope he goes out and does a great job as long as he comes back and we get towrite some songs and go out with Poison,” says Michaels, who thinks DeVille should sing on a track on Poison’s next studio disc. Entitled Poison 2000, this album will include between three and five new studio tracks and live material from the summer ’99 tour, recorded in Nashville, Tennessee and Charlotte, North Carolina. “We’re going in the studio within the month to work on it,” Michaels says, underlining DeVille’s committment to it. No deal has been signed, however. “We’ve had quite a few offers from major labels and we have to decide. I want to make sure whoever we go with, that the label wants to put the record out, not hold it for two years,” he explains. But the success of the recent tour has put them in a much better bargaining position, and they expect to sign, record, and release to coincide with a tour that will begin in late May/early June. “Promoters have all called and want to book dates,” says Michaels. “Every band’s career has highs and lows but last summer we proved we’re for real. We put our efforts back into our show and obviously it showed last summer. There’s a chemistry between us and our fans that works when we’re on stage. It was an absolute blast and we’re gonna do it again next summer, starting in the U.S. and then going to Europe and South America.” They’ve talked to SAMMY HAGAR about doing “a few dates together at least,” and Michaels’ wish list also includes WHITESNAKE, CINDERELLA, “and maybe DOKKEN or SLAUGHTER. We want to put a bunch of bands together who want to go out and rock and have a good time.” There is a chance, however, that Poison may join DEF LEPPARD for a New Year’s Eve show in Chicago. “We’ll see what happens,” says Michaels, who will usher in the millennium with friends if it doesn’t pan out. “But I’d love to be playing live, believe me. That would be the best.”
Wasn’t Bret talking about Whitesnake touring with them last year? Yo, Bret, Whitesnake isn’t really together, ok? And if they were, they don’t want to tour with you anyways. And yeah, Slaughter would be a great choice! They were such a good draw this year on the Rock Never Stops tour. I agree with Bret not standing in the way of CC. Let him record a solo album and realize that he sucks, then he can go back to Poison and live happily ever after.
Interesting lineups for the in-the-works DEF LEPPARD and SCORPIONS tribute records, now being recorded for Deadline Records. Basic tracks on the Lep disc are being done by WARRANT’s ERIK TURNER and JERRY DIXON and MÖTLEY CRÜE’s RANDY CASTILLO, and L.A. GUNS’ TRACII GUNS is playing all the guitar leads. On vocals, there’s L.A.G’s PHIL LEWIS (“Bringin’ on the Heartbreak”), QUIET RIOT’s KEVIN DuBROW (“Rock, Rock Til You Drop”), UNION’s JOHN CORABI (“Wasted”), BULLETBOYS’ MARQ TORIEN (“Photograph”), DANGEROUS TOYS’ JASON McMASTER (“Let it Go”), NEWLYDEADS’ TAIME DOWNE (“You Got Me Running”), LOVE/HATE’s JIZZY PEARL (“High & Dry”), JOE LeSTÉ, ex-BANG TANGO (“Rock Brigade”), STEVIE RACHELLE, ex-TUFF (“Too Late For Love”), KELLY HANSEN, ex-HURRICANE (“Rock of Ages”), MIKE TRAMP, ex-WHITE LION (“On Through the Night”), and STEVE WHITEMAN, FUNNY MONEY and ex-KIX (“Foolin'”). On the Scorpions album, the basics are being done by L.A.G’s STEVE RILEY and CHUCK GARRIC and DIG’s JOHN MORRIS, with GEORGE LYNCH on lead guitar. The vocals are by the same singers as on the Lep roster, with Hansen singing “Here I Am (Rock You Like a Hurricane),” Whiteman on “Still Lovin’ You,” Torien on “Falling in Love,” DuBrow on “Big City Nights,” Rachelle on “Blackout,” Pearl on “No One Like You,” LeSté on “The Zoo,” Corabi on “Another Piece of Meat,” Lewis on “Steamrock Fever,” McMaster on “In Trance,” Downe on “He’s a Woman, She’s a Man,” and Tramp on “Holiday.”
I’m getting sick of Cleopatra putting out this shit. The novelty wore off really fucking quick. It’s always the same singers, and who keeps inviting Kevin DuBrow to sing on these tribute records? The Led Zepplin remix album they just put out sucks more cock than a chick who sucks a lot of cock. Sorry, I don’t feel like thinking of anything clever to say there. Just know that it sucks cock, mmkay? And how much does Erik Turner suck? I mean really. Tracii Guns is laying down all the solos and shit, so Erik just comes in to do the rhythm. What’s the point? Any jabroni can do that. At least it gets him off the computer so he can’t send out email viruses.
CREED ended their Halloween show in Houston after only three songs when singer SCOTT STAPP strained his vocal cords. The band rescheduled the show for November 5 and also moved tonight’s gig in Lafayete, Louisiana to November 17.
Pussy. Finish the show! Stephen Pearcy doesn’t have a voice either, but you don’t see him canceling shows!
If the oft-repeated airings of POISON’s VH1 Behind the Music episode have left you yearning for viewing variety, the good news is there are more tele-sightings to come. The band will be on the cablenet’s Before They Were Rock Stars on November 26, but frontman BRET MICHAELS has a TV date this week, appearing on the CBS series Martial Law on November 6. According to Michaels, the show’s director and casting director saw the ubiquitous Behind the Music and rented his A Letter From Death Row and thought he’d be perfect for the “John Malkovich-esque” bad guy. “I’m this leader of a cult of people who are on this plane,” says Michaels, whose cohorts in the ConAir-like drama include DAVE NAVARRO and KORN’s DAVID SILVERIA. The good guy is played by a musician-actor, too: RICK SPRINGFIELD is an FBI agent chasing the escaped cons. Michaels was also commissioned to write a song for the episode–it’s called “The Nightmare” and it will play during a fight scene. “I may re-record it for my solo album,” he says (more on that tomorrow). Michaels is also tentatively set to appear on an upcoming (early next year) Politically Incorrect show to discuss relationships with the authors of The Rules , and there’s talk that “Every Rose Has Its Thorn” will be heard on a May sweeps episode of The Simpsons in which the bus driver gets married.
Hi, I was wondering if we could possibly get more Poison info for this SludgeWire. I haven’t heard enough yet!!!
Fuck, what the fuck is going on? Poison this, Poison that. Bret this, Bret that. I have a question for all of you: Have any of you REALLY seen Bret act? I keep hearing about Bret acting, but I’ve yet to see him act in anything. I’ve seen him act like he has hair, but I’ve never seen him actually act. If Bret wants to do something Politically Incorrect, he should do our 20 Questions.
MEGADETH is working with yahoo.com to stage a charity auction to benefit the Boys and Girls Club of America. The band has donated an autographed guitar, signed drum head, limited edition comic books, and concert tickets and backstage passes to shows on the current tour in support of Risk. Capitol Records plans to match the bid revenues dollar for dollar, and DAVE MUSTAINE has donated his winnings from VH1’s Rock and Roll Jeopardy to the cause as well. “Its time for more people to get involved with the lives of young boys and girls in America,” says Mustaine. “Megadeth is doing its part and now its up to the public to do theirs.” Visit http://auctions.yahoo.com/user/capitol_records_us to participate in the auction. In addition, on November 4, a Megadeth performance will be Webcast at www.capitolbroadcasts.com at 9 PM and 12 AM ET, and the band will chat with fans at 11 PM ET at www.chat.yahoo.com. Megadeth plays a KQRC radio show in Kansas City, Missouri tonight and will remain on the road through the end of the millennium–the band will cap it with a New Year’s Eve concert in home town Phoenix, Arizona. The tour is expected to continue in 2000.
If Dave Mustaine was really serious about helping the youth of today, he wouldn’t have released that piece of shit album “Risk”. That CD isn’t good for the youth of America. That CD isn’t good enough to use as a beer coaster.
SAMMY HAGAR, currently on tour to support Red Voodoo, is also doing a good deed for a children’s charity. The Red Rocker plans to cut off his wild blond mane during his appearance with JAY LENO on The Tonight Show on November 12. The shorn locks will be given to Locks of Love, which provides free or low-cost hairpieces and wigs to children who lose their hair due to medical treatments. Hagar, who celebrated his 52nd birthday at his Cabo Wabo Cantina in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico on October 13, appears live in West Palm Beach, Florida tonight and will be on the road through November 15 in Reno, Nevada.
Sammy should send the locks to David Lee Roth, he could also use a few strands.
DOKKEN will be taping for a new live video/CD at their November 4 show with GREAT WHITE at the Sun Theater in Anaheim, California. JUAN CROUCIER’s band LIQUID SUNDAY, now finishing an EP they hope to finish by December 15, has the opening slot.
Why is Gerri Miller always swinging from Liquid Sunday’s nuts? They don’t have a record deal, won’t be getting a record deal, and they basically suck. They play tiny bars in front of about 20 people. Just goes to show you if Gerri likes you, she’ll plug the shit out of you. If she doesn’t, you don’t exist. Journalism at it’s finest.
ALICE IN CHAINS fans who buy the band’s Music Bank boxed set at Tower Records (stores or Web site, www.towerrecords.com) will be able to access an exclusive digitial download of the live version of “Rooster,” for 30 days from the day of the set’s release, October 26. Music Bank includes 48 songs over three CDs and features hits, live tracks, demos, b-sides, alternative takes, new songs, plus a CD-ROM with a game, video footage, and interview clips.
You’ll also be able to watch exclusive footage of Layne Staley going into seizures, urinating on himself, and vomiting from doing too many drugs. A must see!
While JON BON JOVI’s WWII movie U-571 is due out in April and his indie drama Row Your Boat is looking for a distributor (it, and Jon, won raves at several film festivals so far), the singer-actor has turned down other roles and appearances in order to concentrate on the record BON JOVI is trying to complete for spring release. Recording the as yet untitled record (Sex Sells is only a working title) in New Jersey, the band keeps a tape of the classic American Graffiti running constantly in the studio for inspiration. Last week Jon and the band had a surprise visitor, thanks to friends: PAUL LeMAT, the actor who played their favorite character John Milner, showed up at the studio.
Thanks for letting us know Paul LeMat stopped by the studios. I’m a better person now for knowing that.
KORN, which received over 25,000 entries in the MTV-sponsored contest to design the cover of Issues, picked four winners and the designs from each will be available for a limited time. After that, only the grand prize winning entry will be used on the cover and the others will be depicted inside the album. MTV will announce the winner on November 5 at 5 PM ET. The band is offering free MP3 dowloads of four different remixes of “Freak on the Leash” at www.korn.com., one each week for four weeks. The first is DJ Lethal of LIMP BIZKIT’s “Lethal Freak Mix. Limp Bizkit won the Parents Just Don’t Understand Award at the WB Radio Music Awards last week.
I think a lot of people don’t understand Limp Bizkit. I will have to admit the South Park with Korn on it was fucking hilarious. It made me almost like Korn…almost. The take off of Scooby Doo was well done. We should interview Matt and Trey.
Ex-SEX PISTOL STEVE JONES and producer RONNIE KING are producing six songs for a NIRVANA tribute record for Deadline Reords. TOTAL CHAOS will cover “Breed” for the disc, which is due out in the spring.
Great, another tribute record. This time for Nirvana. They should have all the 80s band play on it since Nirvana was the band that wiped them all out. How ironic would that be? Most of them are still around, and Nirvana isn’t.
TOMMY LEE’s METHODS OF MAYHEM will be the opening act on METALLICA’s New Year’s Eve show at the Pontiac Silverdome in Michigan. KID ROCK AND TED NUGENT round out the bill. The first single from Metallica’s S&M albnum will be No Leaf Clover
We told you about this last week. Your welcome.
On November 11, The BULLETBOYS and LOVE/HATE will play at Gazzarrri’s Night at the Key Club in West Hollywood, where Love/Hate will record three live tunes to join past hits on compilation for Deadline Records. Also, singer JIZZY PEARL will sign copies of his book, I Got More Crickets Than Friends.
Oh no, Love/Hate is doing one of these damn Cleopatra comps as well! Jizzy, what’s up with that?? Look for a review of Jizzy’s book coming later this week.
From Hard Radio.
VH-1 is looking for rock fans. Award-winning filmaker Joe Berlinger (producer/director of Paradise Lost, Brother’s Keeper, and the upcoming Revelations: Paradise Lost 2) has been commissioned by the VH-1 network to produce a new documentary series about rock fans, currently titled Fan. METALLICA has graciously agreed to be the subject of the pilot episode, which will be portraits of two or three of the band’s biggest fans, intercut with interviews with Metallica discussing their relationship with their public…
At least it ain’t Kiss! I’d have to go on a small killing spree if I had to listen to Gene talk about how much the fans mean to them. Lars is a cock as well, but at least they do have a decent fan club and that sort of shit.
The reunited ex-TYKETTO guys, Danny Vaughn, Michael Clayton Arbeeny, and Jaimie Scott, are in preproduction mode, and recording should be finished before 2000…
Who’s kidding who? Preproduction? This is 3/4 of Tyketto, they are probably recording on a fucking boom box! Bands like Metallica and Aerosmith go into preproduction, bands like Tyketto fucking write in their garage and record in their basement.
YNGWIE MALMSTEEN is scheduled to tour Australia in November. VANISHING POINT will be playing with Malmsteen in Melbourne whilst DUNGEON have scored the Sydney show…
A lot of people say Yngwie Malmsteen is a dick, but, uh, well, come to think of it, they’d probably be right.
THE BLACK CROWES have been dumped by Columbia. Surprising as the band have struck up a short road relationship with ZEPPELIN riff-master Jimmy Page…
So The Black Crowes have been dropped. Looks like touring State Fairs with Warrant might be next on their agenda.
Sources say that Tommy Lee has canned plans to tour with Vanilla Ice next year. Good move…
Sources? Tommy Lee denied this rumor about a month or so ago. Way to stay atop of things.
Nikki Sixx’s first release on his label Americoma is First Big Picnic from Motley Crue’s opening band LAIDLAW. The album was also produced by Nikki Sixx as well. Americoma.com is now up and running and you can hear tunes from Nikki’s upcoming 1958 album…
Laidlaw makes Union look as exciting as hanging out in the Grotto with Hugh Hefner and banging Playmates.
Here’s the track listing for the live Motley Crue CD.
The full track listing is:
“Looks That Kill” (Fresno – 11/25/85);
“Knock Em Dead, Kid” (Tucson – 3/14/84;
“Too Young To Fall In Love” (Tucson – 3/14/84);
“Live Wire” (Tuscon – 3/14/84);
“Public Enemy #1” (Perkins Palace –11/19/82);
“Shout At The Devil” (Tuscon – 3/14/84);
“Merry Go Round” (Perkins Palace – 11/19/82);
“10 Seconds Too Love” (Austin – 12/1/98);
“Piece Of Your Action” (Perkins Palace 11/19/82);
“Starry Eyes” (Perkins Palace –11/19/82);
“Helter Skelter” (Perkins Palace – 11/19/82)
“Smokin’ In The Boys Room” (Fresno – 11/25/85);
“Don’t Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)” (Dallas – 12/2/98);
“Wild Side” (South Padre – 3/10/99);
“Girls, Girls, Girls” (Dallas – 12/2/98);
“Dr. Feelgood” (South Padre 3/10/99);
“Without You” (Dallas – 7/31/90);
“Primal Scream” (Dallas – 12/2/98);
“Same Ol’ Situation” (South Padre – 3/10/99);
“Home Sweet Home” (Dallas – 12/2/98);
“Kickstart My Heart ” (South Padre – 3/10/99)
Ok, my money is saying that the first Disc is all live. It will be easy to find out because I have bootlegs of all those shows, so I’ll just compare. The second disc is all the hits, so I’d say if anything was redone, it will be on that disc. We’ll have to wait and find out.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: If Mark Slaughter sings in the woods and there is no one around to hear him, does he still sound like a cat in a blender?