“Now I really feel like I have a clarity. With a whole new spin on it. This is definitely something I wasn’t looking for. I didn’t know about, and I had to go through this, to be like, you know, for God to go “Are you ready? Are you ready for this?” And it’s a powerful thing that happened, and it literally changed my life, my heart, my passion, my patience even.” — Bobbie Brown
Metal Sludge — A brand new video interview with Bobbie Brown has just been uploaded to Youtube that shows the Cherry Pie Girl talking in depth about recent life changes.
Brown appears on The Bay Ragni Show where she tells host Ragni about a laundry list of literal highs and lows that she experienced in the last calendar year.
Ragni has hosted Brown many times over the years and tells her she is back by popular demand as fans are continuously asking about her and requesting her to come back on his show.

Brown starts off by talking about her post pandemic experiences when she encountered a stalker who Brown alleges stole her identity, her social media accounts, and even money from the video vixen’s bank accounts.
Brown says the stalker experience had her going to authorities in her home state and fearing for her life, and for good reason as she describes the stalker was apparently in possession of a fire-arm too.
However, after dealing with authorities Brown says they turned on her, telling her she needed to be put on a mental hold.
By this point, Brown felt they were of no help to her which had her running-away back to the City of Angels in Southern California.
Brown then says after she ran from Louisiana back to Los Angeles where she rented a place (traphouse) sending a deposit without seeing it first, she showed up to find a house full of drug addicted teenagers and 20-somethings.
The Cherry Pie girl describes her latest house in Los Angeles that she shared with 18 roommates.
Brown says the party house was standing-room only and full of lost drug addicts who wanted to be Instagram famous, were gender confused and Only Fans account holders.
The experiences she shares includes walking in on what she described as a “blow-job party” and certain roomies doing cocaine in the living room.
Unabashed Brown even admits to having a Britney (Spears) moment and shaved her head in recent times.
Without hesitation Brown also admits that she found herself back on drugs.

But after the latest roller-coaster of highs and lows, the former wife of the late Warrant singer Jani Lane, tells readers in detail about an 8 hour divine intervention that changed her life.
Brown opens up about her divine encounter (as transcribed by Metal Sludge): “Everyone says that I sound like I am crazy but I’ve never been more lucid. I am completely sober, off of every single drug, alcohol, for ah, a year now. Everything.” says Brown.
Brown continues: “Um, every single addiction gone. Every single worry, gone. Like, I don’t… have anxiety, I don’t have, like every single thing that I was on medication for, or, you know, had addictions for years about, like, depression, trauma, all of it… literally went away, when I surrendered. I just said, I can’t do this anymore, I can’t do this anymore, but I wanna live.”
Brown says her divine encounter happened in July of 2022.
This encounter, or divine intervention as she refers to it as has the model, author and reality show star going into detail about her new found relationship with God.
Listen below as Bobbie Brown shares with listeners her story that includes laughter and tears as she pours her heart out in this 2023 tell-all video on the Bay Ragni Show.
Stay tuned to Metal Sludge for Breaking News, Updates and Features along with both new and classic interviews.