Metal Sludge

Metal Sludge

DID YOU VOTE? Does a touring musician cheat on his wife/girlfriend?


How often does a touring rock musician cheat on his wife/girlfriend?

Twitter Poll — This one is already stirring the pot. Did you stir it yet, errr, vote yet?

A touring musician is tempted on the road by beautiful and sexy girls every day. But do they all control themselves. That is the question in our latest Metal Sludge twitter poll.

Vote today and share our poll on your twitter, instagram and facebook. Let’s get to the bottom of this age old question.

We’re saying ALL touring guys are good boys. And of course, all the girls back home are good girls too. But who cares what we think, it’s up to you.

You have a voice, so be heard and Sludge you very much.

The above photo courtesy of Christie Kane! Christie Kane website: www.ChristieKane.Com Twitter: Instagram:




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