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Metal Sludge

DOUCHE GONE WILD … Sebastian Bach Has Some Choice Words to Fans Who Do Not Agree with His Political Views: “Go F*** Yourself”

Sebastian Bach is aligned with Taylor Swift according to a recent Tweet

“‘Oh, he’s losing 50% of his audience.’ I don’t want that 50%, so fuck off! That 50% is not cool enough to listen to Sebastian Bach, so go fuck yourself.”
Sebastian Bach

Metal Sludge — In a brand new interview with Ultimate Classic Rock former Skid Row frontman Sebastian Bach has something to say to anyone who does not agree with his Political stance, and it’s not a nice one.

Bach who has always been outspoken, and when it comes to Politics the rock n’ roll madman is more of the same.

The new UCR article writes: Sebastian Bach isn’t just one of rock’s most powerful vocalists and vivacious performers — he’s also the foul-mouthed king of pull quotes.

Case in point: In a recent conversation with UCR, the famously outspoken singer had a simple message for critics of his left-leaning politics and vocal support of the Democratic Party: “Go fuck yourself.”

It turned out to be a prescient message. “There’s a song on my new album called ‘Freedom,’ and that’s everybody’s word right now,” Bach tells UCR. “I even read the comments [on my social media], ‘Oh, I love Kamala Harris’ new kicking-ass, taking-names attitude.’ I’m like, ‘What is going on? I wrote this song years ago!’ And it’s like everybody’s talking about freedom, kicking ass and taking names. So I’m like, ‘Well, I’ve got a song for right now.'”

Bach also recently shouted out Taylor Swift after she publicly endorsed Harris following the September presidential debate with a cheeky tweet that read, “I have done my research & I am endorsing Taylor Swift,” followed by the hashtags #Freedom, #KickingAss and #TakingNames.

Does that double as his own presidential endorsement? Bach plays coy.

“You know, I don’t tell people what to do, but I will say that if we don’t have democracy, we don’t have anything. So there, I just said it,” he laughs. “People say, ‘You’re alienating your audience.’ When I say things like that, I gain, like, 40,000 fucking followers! So this whole ‘Don’t alienate people’ — there’s only side that is fucking alienating people! There’s only one! The other one is actually uniting people. So spare me, ‘Oh, he’s losing 50% of his audience.’ I don’t want that 50%, so fuck off! That 50% is not cool enough to listen to Sebastian Bach, so go fuck yourself.”

Read More at Ultimate Classic Rock: Sebastian Bach to Critics of His Politics: ‘Go F— Yourself’

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