Metal Sludge — In our 3rd article about Jack Russell in the last week, it seems that there is a new piece to the puzzle on his recent health scare.
Don Dokken has went on record to say that Russell has fallen off the wagon and (is) “drinking again, taking pills” since the recent airing of the REELZ documentary “The Guest List.“

Dokken was a guest on The Classic Metal Show over the weekend and talked about his longtime friend Russell and his battles with booze, drugs and health in general.
TCMS which is part of the CMS Network is hosted by veteran journalist Chris Akin and Wendell Neeley.
Dokken who is a regular guest on TCMS show gives listeners an earful about Russell and his recent related health problems (as transcribed by Metal Sludge): “There’s something going on with Jack and I don’t know what it is. That documentary came out, I think he kinda got screwed on that, The Guest List.” says Dokken
“They told him they wanted to do a documentary about his life, and they they spun it into the fire” adds Dokken.
Akin brings up recent issues with Russell having to cancel a show in Minnesota (as first reported by Metal Sludge) and Dokken adds: “I saw he booked some shows, and I was saying to my old lady going, he ain’t gonna do those shows, he’s not healthy enough. I hate to say it Jack, if you listen to this interview, but you’re just not healthy enough.”
Dokken and Akin talk a bit more about the documentary that details the events that turned into The Station Nightclub fire and tragedy.
“Jack was like suicidal over it, and I think that had a lot to do with him, falling off the wagon, drinking again, taking pills, you know, you know, he, he went down the rabbit hole” says Dokken.
“I would have never allowed that in a million years” says Dokken about the documentary.
“This is a big mistake for your career Jack” adds Dokken.

Dokken details another recent show where Russell struggled to stay upright: “Let me tell you about Jack Russell. I was gonna call Jack Russell and ask him, what the F#@k happened at that “Whisky” show? I mean that was a tragic thing ya know, that was like a month ago, I think. Where he, I don’t know if you heard about it, he went on stage, and he was limping, and I know he has a bad hip, had it replaced, sat down on a bar-stool, sang half-a-song and fell off. And couldn’t get back up. They just carried him off the stage.
There is something going on, you don’t just… I mean… if you’re over medicated… but, I don’t know what’s going on with him, but you just don’t fall off a bar-stool.
He tried to get up 3 times, he just couldn’t. He just fell back down on the stage.” says Dokken.
Dokken even talks about past health issues with Russell and how they’ve known each other and been close for so long: “I was actually on the plane, he tells about when his stomach exploded, his colon… I was on the plane with him, that day. We were all flying home from a gig, we all got off the plane, no Jack.”
“He was in the bathroom. And he was stuck. He just passed out, his colon exploded, he almost died.” says Dokken.
“I wish him the best, I send him prayers” says Dokken.
Listen to a teaser below of the interview with Don Dokken on TCMS.
TCMS reports their full interview with Don will be released Wednesday.