Metal Sludge

Metal Sludge

GUNS N’ GREED … Steven Adler’s brother on Guns N’ Roses: “Greedy, selfish people” who have “No heart”.



Steven Adler’s brother on Guns N’ Roses: “Greedy, selfish people” who have “No heart”.



NME — Steven Adler’s brother has called Guns N’ Roses “greedy, selfish people” who have “no heart”.

The drummer was one of the band’s founding members, and played with them from 1985 to 1990. He was fired from the group over drug use, but rejoined on condition of signing a contract in which he promised to stop taking drugs. However, his struggle with addiction continued and he was fired again.

Adler is now said to be sober, but has only played a small part in the classic rock group’s reunion shows. He has appeared at some concerts to play one or two songs – something his brother Jamie is not happy about.

According to Alternative Nation, Jamie Adler paid tribute to his brother on a Guns N’ Roses Facebook group, writing: “This man right here is what you call a true survivor. He went all the way to the depths of hell and was able to make it back alive. When most died he lived. What an amazing story of redemption my brother has to tell.”

Calling him the “greatest big brother/grooviest drummer I’ve ever known,” he added: “If only Slash, Axl, and Duff had 10% of the heart this man had then maybe he would be on tour with GNR.”

He continued to explain if the band “had an ounce of decency, compassion, love, care, and acceptance” they would have let Adler play more than one song at a show in Argentina. “The only thing the fans wanna see is Adler back behind the kit especially since the world knows Adler is no longer on drugs or alcohol,” he wrote. “It took him longer to drive down the hill from his house to the bottom then he was allowed to perform on stage in Argentina.

“What kind of inhumane people would ever be that cruel to someone? Greedy, selfish people only.”

 Adler_GNR_Family_March_2018_1Steven Adler, Jamie Adler and Momma Adler courtesy of Facebook 

Read the full story at NME







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