Metal Sludge

Metal Sludge

HELP IS ON THE WAY … Jeff Scott Soto appears to be Stepping in to Sing with Saigon Kick?

It appears that Jeff Scott Soto is going to be singing for Saigon Kick?

Updated: Sept. 5th 2024 (7:00pm PST)

Saigon Kick‘s classic era frontman and singer Matt Kramer has offered up his thoughts on the recent rumor that Jeff Scott Soto is stepping in to sing in Saigon Kick with guitarist Jason Bieler.

We have added Kramer‘s thoughts below.

Metal Sludge — Exciting news from the Saigon Kick camp as the band appears to be teasing some future shows.

But the tease has a twist, as Jeff Scott Soto appears to be stepping into the vocalist spot, either that or we’re on crack and reading into this wrong!

Soto shared the Saigon Kick logo earlier today with his last name (Soto) stamped across the Saigon.

Jason Bieler also shared the same and one would assume – which of course we should never do – but… we’re quick to make an ‘ass’ of ‘u’ and ‘me’, and assumed exactly that the pair are teaming up.

And… guess what… we have no clue if this is true or not, but it would make for a fun evening of rock.

So with that, we’re going to believe that we are right and it makes a lot of sense as Jeff Scott Soto and Jason Bieler have a long history as friends and also performing shows together.

The duo, who are often referred to as Soto/Beiler have graced various stages from the Monsters of Rock Cruises to The Mountain festival and others, so we’re going to say, that Soto Kick is happening.

Ironically, Soto recently posted the picture (above) of he and Bieler from last century talking about their long-standing friendship.

Soto then wrote: “I love this, has to be from 1991 me thinks, goes to show how long Jason and I have been buds, too bad we can’t stand each other these days, the whole Soto/Bieler thing, well we all know he’s riding my coattails…or am I riding his?”

As for who is riding the coattails, we’ll leave that debate up to these 2 during their always fun and entertaining live show together.

Within a few hours of both Bieler and Soto posting their Soto Kick teaser, the band’s classic era frontman and voice Matt Kramer has offered up his thoughts.

Kramer took to Facebook late this afternoon writing the following while sharing the new ‘Soto Kick‘ image that Bieler and Soto shared earlier in the day: “The greed for success and money by my X music partners never cease to amaze me. This is not progress. This is narcissism. My prediction Jeff will be out of the picture and you’ll see the real Saigon Kick logo with a young singer taking my place very soon. The lamest game and rock ‘n’ roll. 👎🏻#users#BadIdols

While this is no surprise, as the Saigon Kick camp have had their fair share of highs and lows amongst the members, we’ll have to wait and see who else is involved what these initial teasers mean going forward.

Saigon Kick originated out of Southern Florida forming in 1988 and in addition to Bieler and Kramer, also included Tom Defile (bass) and Phil Varone (drums).

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