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Metal Sludge

#KISSTOO … KISS members Surface in Video Clip that includes Paul Stanley Openly Touching Female Interviewer and Sucking her Ear

Questionable video surfaces of a female interviewer with Paul Stanley & Gene Simmons

I’ll show you where it hurts”
Paul Stanley of KISS to female interviewer

Metal Sludge — The internet is forever and so are the videos and photos that get uploaded by the millions on a daily basis.

In recent days a video has surfaced on YouTube that has caught the attention of rock fans as it features KISS co-founders Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley with a female interviewer.

The 40 second clip shows the pair being interviewed by a female host who appears to be somewhat shocked at what was taking place.

Simmons and Stanley flank the host on either side, and while she is asking questions, the duo are quick to ask some of their own, and add some comments of their own as well.

The video which has over 14,000 views in a few days time show Stanley touching the interviewer openly and freely while the camera rolls.

“I’ll show you where it hurts” says Stanley laughing as he puts his hands on the girl’s neck and mid-section.

During the clip the interviewer compliments Simmons saying, “You’re holding up good though, how old are you now… may I ask?” to which Simmons replies, “And how old are you, 2?” and she answers, “I am about 14 years old right now.”

Simmons then suggest she’s hungry, and Stanley adds; “I have dinner for her.”

Throughout most of the footage, Stanley appears to be openly touching the woman and is seen kissing, licking and sucking on her ear.

All the while, the woman’s expressions seem to be that of concern or disgust as she looks back into the camera in shock.

The video appears to be taken from a longer clip and one blogger in our online Metal Sludge Gossip Forum suggests there was more that leads up to what the viewer sees in this clip.

We have shared that blogger’s description below.

NO ONE has ever pointed out, or bothered to watch this whole interview from the top, because the interviewer HERSELF IS VERY SEXUAL AND INAPPROPRIATE.


She starts at the very beginning of this video by KNOCKING HER HAND on the CODPIECE of the “tribute Gene”.

Watch this clip on YouTube below.

She then proceeds to, without warning or invitation, REACH OUT AND TWIST THE NIPPLE of the “tribute Eric”

When asks “tribute Gene” what is the best thing about Gene, as he stammers to find his answer, SHE SAYS the “obvious answer” to the BEST THING ABOUT GENE is HIS TONGUE.

As her segment with them ends she is once again in fascinated with the codpiece.

She then walks down the line of people and finds a DESTROYER era Gene cosplayer. What is the first thing she does? SHE IMMEDIATELY GRABS, what she calls his “wee-wee pad”.

She then asks him “Does KISS have sex appeal, at the end of the day?”, when he says “No, I am not sexually attracted to them, at the end of the day”… she cuts him off and says: “BUT YOU ARE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE DAY WHEN YOU WAKE UP WITH A HARD ON.”

When she comes to girls dressed as KISS she proclaims “KISS BOOBIES” and asks her assistant to hold her coffee cup so she can “talk to the breasts”. Among her questions, she asks if KISS is “… sex music, masturbation music?”.

She then meets Gene and Paul.

She say she is hot and removes here jacket to begin the interview, Paul says something to her, to which she cheerfully reply’s with a smile, I can’t quite make out the dialogue.

Then Paul ASKS her: “CAN I work on you some more?” And she says to Paul is “Yeah! While we are doing the interview, you wanna work on me, YOU GO RIGHT AHEAD, right here is where it hurts” pointing to her shoulder. She then backs up INTO Paul as he puts his hands on her neck and shoulder and he makes the corny old joke, “ I’ll show you where it hurts.”

From this point, I’m sure this is where everyone has watched the interview.

We have looked for the full interview, but have yet to find it.

The YouTube channel is titled The Fonz Kiss, and has been on the platform since 2011, it has 99 videos with over 9,500 subscribers and it appears most if not all of the content is KISS related.

Stay tuned to Metal Sludge for Breaking News, Updates and Features along with both new and classic interviews.



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