“The spirit of the Sunset Strip and the bands that grew up through it are still alive.” — Danny Whaley / Lypswitch
LOS ANGELES – Once among Rock’s prime examples of a band big in Hollywood but not the world, Lypswitch never quite gave up.
The band known for hooky tunes, looks that killed and a catchy name, Lypswitch rose the ranks in no time to emerge as one of the most popular on the Sunset Strip,
We all know what happened precisely in 1991, so there is no need to rehash It for the millionth time.
Had the timing been different, Lypswitch would be Guns N’ Roses, and Axl Rose would be working at an airport. But here we are in 2023, and the saying that used to translate as “that’s life” is now “it is what it is.”
And with that Lypswitch – Danny Whaley Vocals, Mick O’Brien Guitar, K.A. Drums – still has something to say
We last checked in with you guys in our Metal Sludge feature “Where Did They Go?” back in 2018. What’s the latest with Lypswitch?
K.A.: This year marks the 35 year anniversary of the band. We released a new song and video in January called “Get Out-Run”. It’s a dark song and tells the story of addiction.
We are working on more new music to be released later this year. Also on our Facebook page we will be posting memories and pics from back in the day to celebrate 35 years. Still it is hard to believe it’s been that long ago.
Mick O’Brien: Yes, we are really excited about the new songs and can’t wait to release them.
Danny Whaley: There seems to be a movement and interest for the music we love and played. We are looking for opportunities to play with some of the bands that are playing live again. The spirit of the sunset strip and the bands that grew up through it are still alive.
Any other bands interested, let us know!

Do you like seeing old Hollywood bands continue to release CDs?
K.A. Hell yes I think it’s great. RLS, Demon Doll and Perris Records have all put out some great stuff over the years from the old Hollywood days. I also like what Eonian Records is doing.
They put out the Rock n Roll Rebels box set back in 2015 with over 30 Hollywood bands, but have also put out full CDs of some other classic bands from the Sunset era like Taz, Jones St, Liquor Sweet, etc.
D.W. Absolutely! It’s exciting to see where they are now and that they still rock!
What do you think of the current state of Rock
K.A. – It was good to see the success of the stadium tour last year. And a lot of the Sunset Strip bands are still playing so that’s a good thing. Danny and I went and saw Funhouse at the Whisky last year and they sounded great. Blackboard Jungle still has a yearly reunion show… GNR, LA Guns, Bang Tango are all still out there, Jizzy still tours and keeps the Love/Hate songs alive.
And how cool was it for Tuff to play shows in Australia back in January? Always good to see LA bands from back in the day still active, it keeps the memories and music of that great era alive.
D.W.: I see that the youth of today are finding the style of rock we loved and were so drawn to and learning and really liking what they hear. This is obvious as we see youth musicians are posting all the stuff we use to buy and listen to with our buddies.
It’s very cool to see them respond and take the time to learn and then post for all their friends and subscribers.
Does Politics have a place in rock and roll?
M.O.: I don’t think so much for this new generation. But back in the late 60’s and 70’s? Yes, absolutely. John Lennon believed in expressing his peaceful political views publicly and he challenged the younger generation’s beliefs on war and peace in the early 70’s.
His influence was powerful for that generation. Buffalo Springfield is another example of a rock band speaking their minds on war and peace. But for Lypswitch, I personally don’t think politics has its place in our music.
What do you think of Motley Crue without Mick Mars?
M.O.: Mick is a guitar legend and a founding member of the group. The band isn’t the same without him. But unfortunately his health has declined too much to continue touring with the band. He will be dearly missed by the majority of Crue fans.
Give 3 pieces of advice to any up and coming musicians.
M.O.: Practice every day, find like-minded musicians to share your creativity with,
And don’t be afraid to blaze your own trail and stand out from the mainstream.
D.W.: 1) Realize the band is the magic, not just one member.
2) Check your ego, and realize as it gets going, it’s a business and an art. The band is better than the one. You need each other, so get over yourself and make magic.
3) Make the music YOU like and stick to it.
Thinking back, what was the biggest mistakes bands made in the Hollywood days?
K.A.: Well we all made demos in an attempt to get a record deal. But looking back a better idea might have been to record an entire album and sell it at shows, etc. And shop the album not just 3 song demo tapes. Motley did this and it helped them get a deal.
We all got wrapped up in trying to impress the labels, makes me wonder if that was a mistake. I spoke with our Manager Curt Lorraine about this a few years after the scene changed and he agreed we should have spent the time and money to keep recording a full album instead of just demos.
D.W.: I think the mistake was record companies not allowing rock to compete with grunge. I think killing one for the other, left a lot of great opportunities for amazing growth for rock. We would have been able to provide the love and need for rock in a different lane with grunge and produced better bands and music competing for fans. Kids today don’t even recognize the difference! We could have stepped up!
Was the name Lypswitch based on Lip Service? Explain the name
K.A.: Actually the name was inspired by a street sign in Florida called Ipswitch.
How big was Lypswitch at your biggest?
K.A.:1990 was our biggest year, it is when we had good management and sold out some big shows on the strip at the Whisky and Roxy. By 1991 things started changing, I wish we could have been as good as we were in 1990 in 1988, that might have changed the way things worked out.
D.W.: Not big enough to land a solid deal! We were on the threshold of the big league and at the top of the minors. So proud of what we did. We sold out the Whisky numerous times. That was the greatest feeling!

Finally, what’s your strangest rock and roll memory?
M.O.: Running into Chris Holmes from WASP in the FM Station parking lot with K.A. and slamming beers with him. He just appeared out of nowhere and was super cool to us. He had a bunch of beer on him and he shared with us.
D.W.: Strange? Weird dude wanting to give me a foot massage! That guy was a freak that followed us for a bit until I told him never gonna happen bro for the 10th time and he went away to pray! Very strange.
Gerry Gittleson can be reached at Gerryg123@gmail.com
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