Metal Sludge — In a brand new interview with former Kik Tracee frontman Stephen Shareaux the singer says Motley Crue lifted a song title from him.
Shareaux recently spoke at length with the 80’s Glam Metalcast Podcast and talked about all kinds of interesting stuff.
As reported by Sleazeroxx: “Shareaux was asked about his audition with Mötley Crüe to which he stated (as transcribed by the 80’s Glam Metalcast podcast with slight edits):
“Nikki [Sixx] called me one day and said Vince [Neil] left that band and he wanted to know if I wanted to come down and check it out. I thought I was fucking dreaming! So a week later I found myself in this massive room with Tommy [Lee], Nikki, and Mick [Mars]. We played “Live Wire” first and it was just the loudest and most intense rehearsal I had ever been in. I hung out for 3 or 4 hours with them, it was a fantastic experience. When I left I remember sitting in my car and the hair on my arms was standing up, tingling from the energy and the volume from it all.
But there was also something in me that knew that those weren’t my shoes to fill, it wasn’t for me. A guy named John Greenburg (who was handling John Corabi at the time) filled me in on the whole thing. He said it was down to me and Corabi. Corabi just fit the bill and he was the right guy for the gig. I do think they lifted a song title from me…”Til Death Do Us Part”. That’s my title. I went to the bathroom and they were thumbing through my lyric book and that was a song that was in there. I’ll take credit for that!”
Hear the full podcast below.
80’s Glam Metalcast In this episode I talk to solo artist and lead vocalist from Kik Tracee – Stephen Shareaux! We talk about Stephen’s upcoming solo album, the stellar Kik Tracee debut “No Rules”, the rise and fall of the band, and the time he auditioned for Motley Crue!