Metal Sludge

Metal Sludge

POSTPONED … Jack Russell’s Great White postpones weekend show, source says “Jack is in no condition to tour”

Jack Russell’s Great White & BulletBoys show for June 1st at ‘Arcada Theater’ in St. Charles Illinois has been POSTPONED!

Metal Sludge — More unfortunate news from the Jack Russell’s Great White camp as their weekend show at ‘Arcada Theater’ in St. Charls Illinois has officially been postponed according to the venue.

Sources close to the band have continued to reinforce rumors that Jack Russell is not healthy and not in any condition to perform live and pulling out of this weekend’s performance strengthens the on-going rumor regarding the singer’s health.

Metal Sludge reported on Russell and his band’s shows in Texas back in early April when the group played a questionable gig that had fans in attendance in awe of the singer’s condition.

This weekend’s show was to be his first live appearance since the Texas debacle.

Our article PULL THE PLUG ….. Jack Russell’s Great White play Questionable gig in Texas as Fans Watch in Shock and Compare it to “Weekend at Bernie’s” included both videos and dozens of comments from both fans who attended the show, and those who saw the videos online.

The videos have all since been removed, and one can only guess, it was Russell‘s camp who had the mind boggling live footage pulled from the web.

The band at some point made some general statement that Russell had a new prescription and it messed him up, hence the slurred speech and inability to perform as contracted.

Jack Russell sits center stage as the band played around him – ‘Lava Cantina’ The Colony Texas, April 4th 2024

That same night, the back-up band of players (Tony Montana), took turns singing lead vocals while Russell sat near silent on a stool center stage.

The encore and the biggest Great White song in their set “Once Bitten Twice Shy”, was sung by a local cover band singer named Dusty Rose.

I felt like it was a “weeknight at bernies”….unbelievable and the crowd were in a state of shock at what they saw and paid for….Jack couldn’t get five words out of his mouth and couldn’t even hold or at times find the microphone…
— A fan’s review on Facebook after seeing Jack Russell’s Great White at ‘Lava Cantina‘ in Texas.

The band’s bassist Dan McNay doubled down after the Texas weekend supporting his singer.

“As far as I’m concerned Jack (Russell) has earned the right to play shows anywhere and anytime he wants. Healthy or not.”
Dan McNay bassist of Jack Russell’s Great White.

Metal Sludge shared the bassist’s commitment to his front-man and friend in our article; SAY WHAT? … “Jack Russell has earned the right to play shows anywhere and anytime he wants. Healthy or not” bassist Dan McNay

Now it seems that Russell has not improved much, or something else has taken place that has caused the group to pull out of this weekend’s show, in the 11th hour.

The ‘Arcada Theater” in St. Charles Illinois, has POSTPONED this weekend’s Jack Russell’s Great White show.

Jack Russell’s Great White were set to appear on Saturday June 1st 2024, at “Arcada Theater” in St. Charles Illinois with special guest BulletBoys, but the venue posted a “POSTPONED” notice on their official site just 3 days ago.

Upon checking the band’s related social media, there is no mention of the changes to the schedule on any of the Jack Russell’s Great White website or official pages, even though the date was not only listed on their schedule, but also being shared on their social media.

The date has since been scrubbed from the band’s official Facebook and Website.

Jack Russell’s Great White do have dates coming up in June and July, we have shared those below.

Once again, Metal Sludge wish Jack Russell a speedy recovery and healthy future.

Stay tuned to Meta Sludge for Breaking News, Updates and Features, along with both new and classic interviews.

The following dates are on Jack Russell’s Great White’s up-coming show calendar

Jack Russell looks on as Dusty Rose sings lead vocals for Jack Russell’s Great White at “Lava Cantina” in The Colony Texas back on April 4th 2024



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