Metal Sludge — This post is not meant to be disrespectful or come across as ugly nor mean, but rather honest, factual and based in reality.
If you are sensitive to harsh criticism, then please be advise to not read further, log off and go elsewhere.
Don Dokken might be the worst rock singer on the planet earth in 2023.
Seriously, is there any worse lead vocalist performing anywhere in the world?
I say no… and challenge anyone to find a more pathetic example… and before you send me this clip, I am going to give these kids a pass.
Don‘s singing voice is the equivalent of a homeless wino babbling in an alley behind a liquor store.
What we’re all observing here is a train wreck of monumental proportions.
And the train has been wrecking for years.
It’s also highway robbery of the Dokken fan-base.
It’s crazy to think that the same fans that support these type of bands, who continue to put on lack-luster performances, are quick to blast pop stars for running samples or playing with tracks.
The sample debate is a whole different subject, so I will stick to the live bands for this, but you should also know that most of those pop stars can sing circles around many of your favorite rock singers… no question.
Think about it… has anyone fallen further as a lead singer in the last 4 decades?
I am going to say no.
The truth is, Don was well respected as an above average lead singer in the 80’s, and along with an exceptional range, he sang both great live and in studio, with clarity and control… it is without question that Don Dokken was once a great rock singer.
The key word here is, was.
However, in modern times, there is virtually nothing left of that voice that once delivered those smooth flowing and sweet melodies in popular hit Dokken songs like; “Dream Warriors”, Alone Again” and “In My Dreams.”
Whatever ability Don had in the 80’s and 90’s is all gone.
And while it’s not a crime that Don is out performing like this, it’s a black-eye on the 80”s genre of rock music.
It’s also another reason why fans of the 80’s question going to these shows and hesitate to part with their hard-earned money to see and hear sub-par performances like those I have embedded below.
The proof has been in the live clips shared on social media for years, and while it may seem nearly impossible to get any worse, the truth is, these live performances by Don are becoming more disturbing with every passing show.
Even more astonishing is that promoters are likely paying Dokken $20,000.00 and up to appear.
With the popular promotional campaign (gimmick) and use of the word reunion, some insiders have said the money is even higher.
One source tells Metal Sludge the package consisting of Dokken and Lynch Mob along with the advertised encore, that features Lynch are pushing these guarantees into the $30,000,00 range.

The encore each night is Lynch coming out and performing a few Dokken songs with Don and the band.
And let it be known, I am not here to say the band, the brand, or players are not worthy of their pay, but for the love of all that is rock n’ roll, give the ticket buyers their money’s worth.
Don‘s voice is atrocious at best and if these same performances were put on by my band, or any other name group from any genre of music, we would all be getting destroyed online just the same and rightfully so.
While the band itself plays at the highest level and sound great, once Don starts singing, it’s a safe bet they wouldn’t make it to the second verse on The Gong Show.
This is not about bullying, or being a hater either, nope… this is reality folks.
The same reality that exists when your one-time favorite football player hobbles off the field, and you yell at the T.V. set, “It’s time bro… time to hang it up.”
Don turns 70 in a few months, and while a person’s age does play a part in how they look, sound or perform, clearly Don is coming up short in all of the aforementioned categories when it comes to a live concert setting.
George Lynch on the other hand is only a year younger, but clearly won the genetic lottery and then-some… George still rips on guitar and looks great.. as do the others who back Don in his band
Throwing in another cliche’ here, Don is the weak leak.
Let’s be honest… it might be safe to say that the average grown man’s speaking voice, would sound better if they were asked to simply stand on stage and read the lyrics into a live microphone.
Don sounds sleepy and his delivery is monotone.
Seeing Dokken live is like going to the Indy 500 and watching the race leader sputtering down the straightaway at 25 miles per hour.
It’s underwhelming.
And let me add, that I do understand that Don has dealt with some health battles over the years, and that is yet another reason, that perhaps something should be done to make up for what has been lost.
I mean, if you are a baseball pitcher, who used to throw 90 mph fast balls, but now can only throw 30 mph, well… maybe you shouldn’t be the pitcher anymore?
If you used to be an Olympic diver, who can now only do a cannon-ball, maybe it’s time to stop diving.
The entire rock community have been quick to point out other rock singers from the era who have struggled at times with hitting all the notes that they once belted out in their hey-day, be it Paul Stanley of Kiss or Vince Neil of Motley Crue.
But with respect to all, both Paul and Vince are many levels above Don and it’s not even close.
In all phases of their game too, be it vocally, appearance or their effort to entertain.
Don at times comes off as arrogant, uninterested and smug, and that’s not a stretch… listen to him in interviews or watch him live.
Some say this is sad, and I say, no it’s not.
Sad is when someone gets cancer and dies.
Sad is when a family driving home from Church are killed by a drunk driver.
These are examples of the word sad.
Sad is not a fair word to use for Don, or Dokken… who are a self-hated rock band, who did sell millions, but fought like juvenile delinquents over inner turmoil and jealousy while in the midst of their platinum 80’s run.
Okay, you got me… most bands did.
But Dokken (mostly Don) have done this into their later years the same, while many bands out-grew their immature and ignorant ways.
This isn’t just my opinion either, the industry have watched these guys break-up, make-up and break-up again and then throw insults at each other for decades.
Each time using the ‘reunion’ word to milk fans for another half-assed (by Don) performance at sold out shows from the U.S. to Japan and back.
DOKKEN: The Hair Metal Band that Hated Itself > Loudersound – 2015
Crybabies of Rock: Rokken with Dokken… For The Money > Ranter In Shades – 2017
Why Does Everyone Hate Don Dokken > Harmony Central – 2006
Why Does Don Dokken Continue To Tour When His Voice Is 100% Shot? > The Bald Shredder – 2022
There are endless internet postings like these about Don, about Dokken, the singer’s arrogance and more on everything from YouTube to known music outlets or random blogs by fans.
In 2017 Don did an interview with Trunk Nation talking about whether or not Dokken would do more reunion shows, and his answer was as follows: “Because the point would be, again, to make money. I don’t need it, to be blunt. I’m not arrogant, but I don’t need it.”
So why in 2023 are you doing shows with George Lynch and stinking up every place you play at Don?
It is arrogance, and it has been on-going.
Don Dokken has been thumbing his nose at his band-mates, and anyone who doesn’t kiss his ass for his entire career.
Don’t take my word for it, google him and there are countless other examples like the ones I shared above.
So, with that… can anyone tell me why this performance is acceptable to the fans in attendance?
Soon you might even get Ozzy Osbourne touring in a wheelchair. #wtf
Isn’t there a time when we should bow out gracefully?
When should it stop?
Is there any integrity left when this is the best we can do for a $100.00 plus ticket?
And if it is acceptable for Don Dokken to mumble in front of fans for $30,000.00 a night, then fine, feel free to go pay to watch that car crash.
But also know that it should also be acceptable for anyone including myself to call it like we see it.
Last tidbit for anyone questioning me here… I am not alone in my opinion here and it’s not close, the entire industry has been snickering about this for years, however I am the only one with the balls to publicly state it.
Now watch the videos below and feel free to defend this garbage if you wish, but there is no doubt, it’s absolutely horrible… pure and simple.
Thank you for reading, Stevie Rachelle
Stay tuned to Metal Sludge for Breaking News, Features and Updates along with both new and classic interviews.
Don sounds like the bad-ass we all remember.
It’s too bad that Father Time has taken what Don once had… but it’s also the reminder that maybe it’s time to bow out?