Metal Sludge

Metal Sludge

RIP … Bob Nalbandian of Inside Metal has Died at 58

Bob Nalbandian

Metal Sludge — Sad news from the metal community as we learn of the passing of Bob Nalbandian.

Nalbandian, 58, had recently battled an aggressive illness that contributed to his death.

Metal Rules wrote the following about Nalbandian: “Veteran heavy metal journalist, historian and documentarian Bob Nalbandian passed away on Friday, December 30 in Redding, California. According to his sister Diana Nalbandian Spahr, Bob was recently diagnosed with mantle cell lymphoma, an aggressive, rare form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma that arises from cells originating in the “mantle zone.”

Metal Injection also wrote about Nalbandian stating: “Metal journalist, documentarian, and historian Bob Nalbandian has passed away after a battle with mantle cell lymphoma. Nalbandian originally founded the fanzine The Headbanger in 1982 and wrote for such esteemed publications as Creem, Hit Parader, and Music Connection. Nalbandian is also credited as the person who put Marty Friedman and Megadeth in touch, resulting in a slew of classic riffs and solos through the ’90s.”

Metal Sludge sends our condolences to Bob‘s family and friends.

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