Metal Sludge

Metal Sludge

Steven Tyler joins street performers in Lithuania for their version of "Crazy" but he doesn't know the words and screeches like an animal instead as fans watch. >Video




Steven Tyler joins street performers in Lithuania for their version of “Crazy” as fans watch.


Steven Tyler was in Lithuania for an Aerosmith concert this week when he came across two women performing a violin-and-accordion rendition of Aerosmith’s “Crazy.” He OBVIOUSLY should jump in right?

NOPE. He should not. Steven doesn’t quite remember the words so he just starts yelping like an injured animal—he really gets to “WAILING” at the end of the song and when I say wailing, I mean like, he sounds in pain.

Don’t play around mirrors, they’ll crack.


The above content found at The X 105.9

Metal Sludge
Crazy Sludge




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