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Sebastian Bach says; “Don’t get married! Stupidest fucking thing I ever did." But then claims he'd marry his girlfriend if she wanted him to.




Sebastian Bach says; “Don’t get married! Stupidest fucking thing I ever did” but then claims he’d marry his girlfriend.


Europe –
Sebastian Bach is currently on tour in Europe in support of his recent solo release “Give ‘Em Hell”.  Bach is playing select festival dates and solo club shows to fill in the tour holes.

The former Skid Row screamer recently talked backstage at the Sonisphere Festival about his history of drinking and even claims he drank every night for 25 years. He talks at length about reasons why he has quit drinking, and notes, “I feel physically better, and I look better. When I get fucked up every nite, I look like pure hell. Like anybody else does.” 

Bach also acknowledged friends like Duff McKagan (ex. Guns n’ Roses) having his pancreas explode made him think,  “When your pancreas explodes, maybe it’s time to change your ways”  says Bach laughing.

When asked to give advice to a  new young up coming artist (like) Mia Klose, Bach says;  “Don’t get married. Stupidest fucking thing I ever did.”   Klose who is in the interview chimes in with;  “Aww, I don’t think so.”  Bach retorts; “You don’t know my ex wife.”   Then Klose  responds with;  “I hope my boyfriend isn’t watching this”  as she giggles. Quickly Bach jumps right back in; “Well, after saying that, I have a girlfriend, and I would marry her if she wanted me to.”

Bach_Minnie_July_9_2014_6Sebastian Bach with current girl Minnie Gupta left and at right with ex wife Maria


Bach was married very early in his career with his former wife Maria.

According to the NY Daily News in January of 2011 it was reported the couple was divorcing after 18 years of marriage.

An excerpt from the NY Daily News article is posted below:

The couple has three children together: Paris, 21, London, 14, and Sebastiana, who is 3.

It was not immediately clear who would have custody of the children, but thanks to a scandal-filled year for Bach, it seems like Bierk would have a better shot at court.

In December he reportedly called “Celebrity Rehab” host Dr. Drew a “quack” after the doctor insisted he had a substance abuse problem.

The month before that, he was arrested at a Canadian bar after he reportedly smashed a wine glass and bit the bar’s owner. After arresting Bach, cops found nearly 2 grams of weed on him and charged him with assault, possession of weed and mischief.

Watch the full video interview below with Sebastian Bach at Sonisphere Festival July 5th 2014

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