Bill Gazzarri 1924-1991
Wow… just wow!
Today I received a message in one of my social media inboxes that brought the BIGGEST smile to my face and I honestly got chills when I saw the attachment.
Call me weird, but this photo of Bill Gazzarri and I made me so happy…
I cannot tell you exactly why… but it did.
Maybe it’s because I am older now and continue to reflect on how fortunate I have been in life.
Be it the places I have traveled to and experienced… or the people whom I have met along my journey.
And Bill Gazzarri was one of those, who helped me in some way, to bring me to where I am today.
I recall various interactions with Bill over the years, and one that stands out is walking in the front door of Gazzarri’s and he says to me: “Kid, you are better looking than half of the girls here” with a big smile on his face.
Many of you who were local will recall, Bill had a promo about how only the hottest girls and the foxiest guys were at his club. Ha.
I also remember a few times that we took photos together but I had never seen any to date, until today, and I always wondered if any would pop up.
Remember… in the eighties there were no cell phones, and very few people had cameras at clubs.
Well earlier today one of Bill’s relatives, a niece sent me a message and shared this picture with me.
It was almost like time stood still for a second as I looked at the photo.
It appears to be from late 1988 or perhaps 1989, so basically this was taken about 35 years ago.
Which would have made me 22 or 23 here, I am 57 today, and Bill would have been in his mid 60’s.
Of course Tuff played Gazzarri’s several times, and there was one 2-night stint where we had some problems, and it got a little uncomfortable over that weekend… but other than that… every time I went to that club, Bill treated me great.
I have many great memories of hanging out at Gazzarri’s for not only our shows, but going to see other bands too… like; Young Gunns (WildSide), Taz, Nitro, Wild Boyz (Dorian Gray), Warrant, Pair-A-Dice, Odin, Lash Tavis, Sweet Savage and Reinkus Tide among others.
Bill Gazzarri was a larger than life person… who was a street kid from New York City who moved out West and built a small empire in Hollywood.
For what it’s worth, Bill Gazzarri truly was the Godfather of the Sunset Strip.
He was always dressed like this, and if he wasn’t at his club, he was sitting with Mario and some other legends at that front table at the Rainbow Bar & Grill eating dinner.
You would see Bill out and about almost nightly.
To describe the time, that scene, how it felt to be part of it, or what really went on – well, it’s basically impossible to do so or give it justice with only words.
You just had to be there, to really grasp all of what went on.
The 80’s on Sunset Strip were more than a magical time, and for all of us from the local bands to the girls, the promoters, the club owners, the zine publishers and more… we all lived it and nobody can ever take that away from us.
When Bill died in March of 1991, a huge part of the Sunset Strip died with him.
I attended his Funeral Wake, which was held at the club a week or so later during the day.
I remember seeing a plexi-glass cube set on a podium up on the stage, with his trademark Hat inside it.
Over several hours different speakers got up and talked about Bill, their friendships and inter-actions with him over the years.
In looking back, a few things happened that day that were pretty amazing to hear and be a part of…
First off there was a man speaking when I arrived… and the place was already packed full, it was standing room only and I barely made it inside the front door.
For those who remember the inside of the club, I was against the back wall, just to the right side of the entry (near / behind the bar) as I quietly took my place and listened.
This man talking was recalling a time in the early 1970’s when his son came home excited to tell his Father the big news; “Dad… we got a contract at Gazzarri’s!”
The man talked in detail about his son’s excitement, and how big of a deal this was for him and his band.
After all, this is one of the clubs that Jim Morrison and The Doors had played, and they went on to great success, so the kid was elated at this opportunity to play Gazzarri’s.
The man continued telling his story and said that he had talked to his son the night before about Bill and his unfortunate passing… the son was saddened that he could not attend the ceremony as he was on tour in Sweden.
At some point, he may have referenced his son’s name, but it escaped me, and I do recall being intrigued, as to whom he was referring to.
After the man finished speaking, the host of the event thanked him by name, “We’d like to thank Doctor Roth for being here today” and then it hit me… “Whoa… that is David Lee Roth’s Dad!”
Suddenly that speech by Mr. Roth took on a whole new meaning to me… and my mind just swirled thinking about the beginning of Van Halen, playing backyard parties in Pasadena and now that 19 year old was likely thinking, they were on their way to the big leagues.
Let that sink it… the dates and his age.
The time was 1974, which was 49 years ago and David Lee Roth was 19 years old, as was his guitarist, some kid named Edward.
Dave and his badnmates were through the moon, as they were going to play Gazzarri’s on the Sunset Strip.
Bill Gazzarri himself was just 49 at the time he first booked Van Halen to play his club.
Time sure does fly…
It was amazing to hear Dave’s Father detail this stuff for sure and I feel fortunate that I have these small memories.
And I would bet, that if Dave had not been on tour, which I fact checked in Google, and yes, he was in Sweden that exact week … you can rest assure, that he too would have been there in Gazzarri’s that afternoon paying tribute to Bill.
Something else happened during these various speeches as well…
At some point the front-door would open and other people would quickly step in, and find their spot.
This happened several times and suddenly a familiar face appeared and took a spot right next to me.
He and I made eye contact and simply gave each other a nod, and he took a spot to my immediate left.
As the ceremony ended, a Preacher took to the stage and asked everyone to pray.
The man next to me like the rest of us clasped his hands together, and bowed his head.
We all did…
The place was full of band members, dancers, other legendary local club owners, magazine publishers and their writers, and we all listened to the prayers being read aloud through the very sound system, on the very stage where so many of us stood… and sang our guts out on trying to make it.
Of course I knew who this man was standing next to me back in mid March of 1991, and while he was already known in the rock world, he had not quite reached the stratosphere he would over the next 3 decades, and surpassing almost everyone else who came before him.
That man was Axl Rose… and that alone should tell you just how important of a person Bill Gazzarri was to so many who came to Hollywood to chase their dreams.
From Jim Morrison and The Doors, David Lee Roth and Van Halen, to Axl Rose and Guns N’ Roses and so many more… Bill helped all of us.
Bill Gazzarri was a legend back then, and Bill Gazzarri is an even bigger legend today.
I want to thank you Bill Gazzarri for all you did for all of us…
We miss you and may you Rest in Peace.
Stevie Rachelle
#tbt Rest in Piece all you Rock Gods 🎶🙏 Pretty sure this pic was taken at the world famous #gazzarris night club on the Sunset Strip 1989 or so. #JaniLane #samkinison #RobinCrosby
— WARRANT (@warrantrocks) June 27, 2019

Notice bottom left, Byte The Bullet later known as SouthGang with Butch Walker.

Fun Fact: This was a Sunday night at the Miss Gazzarri’s Dance Contest and Jon Bon Jovi was standing right next to us, but was cut off in this picture.
Who remembers the Miss Gazzarri’s Dance Contest? #BillGazzarri #Gazzarris #SunsetStrip #Hollywood #1989 #80s
— metalsludge (@MetalSludge) June 5, 2019
Here is a picture of Axl Rose and Richard Black playing with Shark Island at Gazzarri’s, on April 26, 1986. Axl was friends with the singer, whom he considered a great performer. They played a version of Led Zeppelin’s “Rock N’ Roll”.
— Marc Canter (@recklessroad) April 30, 2021