Metal Sludge

Metal Sludge

TO HELL WITH OPINIONS … Michael Sweet is Miffed when Fans are Not all in on Stryper, yet they Listen to Bands who Sing about Satan & Sex

Michael Sweet of Stryper

Metal SludgeMichael Sweet of Stryper has posted on his social media once again with an opinion that shockingly, not everyone is buying.

is always quick to stir the pot, but isn’t always accepting of those with a view that differs from his or his staunch religious beliefs and when someone goes against his view, he’s often quick to jump on them, as seen in a few exchanges below.

In the Stryper frontman’s latest rant, he seems to be confused as to why fans will “lift a beer” (his words) in appreciation of music, or lyrics that are “praising Satan, Sex and God knows what else” (also his words) and he can’t understand select fans “distaste for Stryper“, (more from Sweet).

There are upwards of 1,000 comments and replies to Sweet, which we have screen captured and shared a few of those below.

Michael Sweet – posted on August 28th 2024

It’s interesting to see people comment on their distaste for Stryper. Often they say they don’t like us yet they really aren’t that familiar with us.

They would never admit that most likely it’s the lyrical content. If that’s true – how sad. To not like something you don’t even understand. Yet people will listen to bands praising Satan, sex and God knows what else and lift a beer and say “I love this!” The world is a very peculiar place.

I mean I love Judas Priest but I don’t love most of the lyrics. I can still enjoy the music and appreciate the musicianship. 🤷‍♂️

Michael Sweet

Reply to Michael Sweet from Stevie Rachelle

Butch Walker reacts to Michael Sweet’s comments

Reply from The Classic Metal Show’s Chris Akin regarding Michael Sweet

Click to (enlarge) read people’s reaction on social media to Michael Sweet of Stryper’s opinion on select metal fans not liking his band

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