Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons’ wife battle, Nikki Sixx piles on
Twitter — Recently Gene Simmons took a swipe at Prince on twitter by saying his death was ‘pathetic’.
Soon after his KISS partner Paul Stanley apologized in a tweet saying; “Embarssed by cold clueless statement’s re Prince’s death. Without all the facts better to say nothing. My apoligies”.
Gene then came full circle and admitted he was wrong and apologized as well. Something Simmons doesn’t do very often. See his statement below.
However even with the apology, that seemed to stir the pot a bit more.
Gene’s wife Shannon Tweed then stepped in as well to take her own swipe at Stanley in defending her Demon husband.
Tweed tweeted in part; “True friends don’t point at them & throw you under the bus! Especially partners of 40 years!”
Stanley shot right back at the Mrs. Demon adding; “Don’t confuse walking under the bus with being thrown under. My apology was right.”
Now Nikki Sixx added fuel to the fire by tweeting; “@Genesimmons recent heartless and uneducated remarks about Prince’s death shows why he’s not my hero aymore or anybody’s #FromHerotoZero”
Stay tuned for more….