Dokken selling custom one-of-a-kind signed hats for $450 each
Instagram — Anyone in the market for a custom made one-of-kind hat?
If so, we’ve got a hot lead for you, that is as long as you got a fat wallet.
Don Dokken has just announced via the official Dokken Instagram that he is selling 50 custom, signed and numbered hats.
The hats are $ 450.00 each and will include shipping in the U.S.A.
The new post starts off with; “NOW AVAILABLE AGAIN” so we’re assuming this is something Dokken has done in the past.
The post also notes: “Each hat is individually designed, signed and numbered by Don Dokken. No hat is exactly alike. $450 includes U.S. Priority shipping. Hats come in Small, Medium and Large.”
See the post below for more details and info.
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