Ex-Ratt drummer Bobby Blotzer’s wife files for divorce
Metal Sludge — Word from the web is that Bobby Blotzer has been fired again.
This time, from being a husband.
The former Ratt drummer appears to be on the receiving end of divorce papers.
Metal Sludge first reported on our World Famous Gossip Board on September 10th 2018 that Blotzer was headed for a divorce.
Court records now reflect the documents were filed on March 26th 2019 from his wife Michelle Blotzer.
The Blast is also reporting: “According to court records, Michelle Blotzer filed Tuesday in Los Angeles to end her marriage to the former drummer of Ratt. The two were married in 2013 and have no kids.”
Blotzer was fired from the band Ratt back in late 2016.
After a much publicized circus, and countless legal proceedings on November 29th 2016 the band officially released Blotzer from the group.
In a public statement the band in-part wrote: “Pearcy, DeMartini and Croucier have also expelled Blotzer from the Partnership. Blotzer thus has no further interest in the RATT name and may now only refer to himself as a “former member of Ratt” per the RATT Partnership Agreement. DeMartini, Pearcy and Croucier look forward to continuing to tour as RATT and thank their fans for all the ongoing support.”
The was the second marriage for Bobby Blotzer which ended in divorce in 1998.
A source close to Blotzer alleges he already has a new live-in girlfriend.