Metal Sludge

Metal Sludge

DOWN BOYS! Joey Allen lets his hair down on all things Warrant & Jani Lane with Inappropriate Earl



Joey Allen lets his hair down on all things Warrant & Jani Lane with Inappropriate Earl


West Hollywood — Join me as I have one of my favorite axemen of all time Warrant’s Joey Allen as he discussed the LA Music scene when it was popping and Warrant’s mercurial rise to fame and the effects of grunge, the 90’s for an 80’s band and much much more. You can find him along with the rest of Warrant on Facebook and Twitter and you know you can find Earl Skakel on there too!!! Please enjoy as Joey is a fantastic player and has a lot of great stories on the rise and fall of both bands and individuals from the era we all know and love!

“Big” Earl Skakel


Earl talks to Joey and they cover a gang of subjects including:

* Joey talks openly about who played on the first 2 Warrant records
* His lack of hair, or as he refers to it, the cul-de-sac look he sported for a while
* Talks about festival shows, casino gigs, touring packages
* Touring, flights & hotel
* Motley Crue
* Going back to school
* And some chat about the late great Jani Lane


Warrant photo c Eddie Malluk

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