LITA FORD: ‘Next is the Amber Alert’ in hopes of finding kids she alleges were ‘Kidnapped’
Facebook — In the continued saga of Lita Ford and Jim Gillette’s nasty divorce, Ford has launched more allegations at Gillette via her Parent-Alienation Awareness facebook page.
Ford 56, says “I don’t know where my children are. He lies to them about me” and ranted coninuously from late night into the early morning with several postings we have screen captured below.
The mother of 2 sons (James 18 & Rocco 14) whom she had with ex-husband Jim Gillette has spoke out for years alleging physical abuse, brain washing and continues to claim he kidnapped their children.
Ford says: “Alienation turned to kid napping. Where are my children Jim Gillette ? If any one has seen these boys please alert the police or this page.”
After years of allegations from Ford, the former Nitro singer finally spoke to Metal Sludge on January 18th 2015 and broke his silence.
Gillette who is 47 said: “First of all and for the record, I have sole legal and physical custody of our sons. I think that should tell you just about all you need to know since it’s nearly impossible for a father to get that kind of result in a highly regarded US court. Unfortunately, it goes much further than that. As heartbreaking and unbelievable as this might sound, Lita Ford is not even allowed to see our sons by way of an agreed upon court order. This order was signed after nearly 2 years of litigation – during which time the courts only allowed her supervised visitation.”
Gillette also spoke to Metal Sludge in a follow up posting on January 25th 2015 where he elaborated in detail about the couple’s divorce.
Despite Ford’s continued claims the children have been kidnapped, in the follow up interview with Metal Sludge Gillette provided copies of Broward Country Florida court documents from December 5th 2011 (Case No. 10-12006 35 90) and an official Sherriff’s report from July 31st 2010.
The report was taken by Officer Carlos Gonzales (Badge ID #14804).
Gonzales reported: “I met with both James and Roco. They both began to cry when their Father told them he had to leave. They advised they were afraid of being left in the custody of their Mother. The boys stated they were afraid their Mother would kill them.”
The couple first married in 1994 after only a few weeks knowing each other. The bliss lasted 16 years and most of that time they lived in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Their divorce was final in 2011 but it’s been anything but bliss on a tropical island since.
Gillette who is an elite level trainned MMA fighter holds a black belt in Jiu-Jitsu. The one time king of hair extensions is also the 2014 World Master IBJJF Jiu-Jitsu champion.
Following in his Father’s footsteps James (pictured above) has been training for 12 years since the age 6. James now 18, is 6’2″ (taller than Jim) and weighs 215 pounds.
Ford seemingly became more upset as she continued posting and in one of her late night postings says the following: “Only crazy people do this to innocent children. No one in their right mind would do this to a child unless somewhere down the line they’ve had it done to them. Brain washing , making the kids feel inadequate, belittled, sexually assaulted . Then there’s our lovely court system who throws fuel on the fire. Great ! This is the USA ? Canada ? Africa ? Europe? Are they all in it together? Using our children. God , what really happens to the kids ? “
It appears that Ford is not only upset with Gillette, but with the court system as well. Even name checking the USA, Canada and Africa in her rant.
Ford seemingly wishes death upon her ex-husband as well boasting; “Hopefully his heart will explode” and claims Gillette injects testosterone and growth hormones.
In one of her final rants Ford accuses the children’s Grandpa, Gillette’s Father as part of the problem and that he too lied to the boys to help brainwash them.
We have reached out to both Lita Ford and Jim Gillette in regards to these most recent statements and await their reply.