Metal Sludge — In a series of social media posts Julia Eisen has unloaded some scathing rants against her younger brother, Paul Stanley of Kiss.
Stanley, born Stanley Eisen is the younger brother of Julia Eisen and she is extremely upset with her only sibling.
It seems the recent passing of their Father William Eisen has Julia angered that she was not immediately informed of her Father’s death.

In a Facebook post on November 8th Eisen wrote: “My Brother Paul Stanley, has always been an opportunistic, self-serving bastard. He slandered our entire family in his epic sob-story “Face the Music”, and was recently quoted as saying that he “Didn’t care if my Father died.”
Eisen continued with: “My Father William Eisen, with whom I was very close, passed away yesterday at 12:19. I was not informed of this however, until 6:00 pm, when I called the hospital, because my Brother failed to inform me. He also tried to poison my Father against me, telling him that I planned on ripping him off for lots of money! I hope he goes to Hell.“
Stanley took to social media on Sunday November 7th at 4:17PM (PST) with a Tweet sharing a photo of his Father and a message about his passing.
Eisen also has made several comments, within her thread on her personal and public Facebook page.
When asked by a fan: “Has your brother (Paul Stanley) ever used his massive wealth to help you in any way?”
Eisen replied with: “Yes. He has helped me tremendously with monthly $ support, but he cannot give of himself in any way. Sad, right!”
In another comment/answer, a member of an online group called the (Kiss) Sync Army asks: “You should join our group. We do not like what he’s done with KISS (imposters, previous member bashing, lip syncing etc.). To hear how he treats his own family is disgraceful. Feel free to join and vent your frustrations.”
Eisen replied: “I cannot join a group that is committed to bashing him. He is a scumbag, but he is still my Brother. He needs to be held accountable for his fuck-ups.”
To view the exchanges, see the screen captures all linked below.