Metal Sludge — Guess who is in the news again?
That’s right, Santa Cruz is making headlines again, and this time it’s for their brand new video for their single “Under The Gun.”
Archie Cruz along with his new band-mates, Jerry Jade (guitars), Tommy Bradley (Bass) and Randy McDemian (Drums) appear in the group’s latest video which was shot in a Southern California dessert.

The band actually shot this the day after their much-to-do and talked about “Whisky” show that landed them in the news do to a play-back problem.
Since that April 6th show, the band have been a hot topic and have been featured on countless rock websites.
In the new video each members has adapted an alter-ego for the Western themed video.
Cruz is featured as THE GUN SLINGER, Jade plays EL PISTOLERO, Bradley is IL BRUTTO and McDemian is EL NINO.
Singer Cruz also has included his model girlfriend Emma Lærke Sørensen in the new clip who appears as THE SNAKE.
Sørensen actually shoots Cruz in the head after the pair embrace and kiss, and while the singer falls dead she walks off with his money.
Previous to Cruz being killed by THE SNAKE, he himself shoots and kills each of his band-mates one at a time.
The video lists the following credits: Young n Restless Productions presents, in collaboration with Industrialism films, a short film Under The Gun.
The clip was directed by Vicente Cordero and written by Archie Cruz along with Cordero.
Follow Santa Cruz on social media and watch “Under The Gun” below.
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