Metal Sludge — Two weeks ago most of our readers had no clue who Archie Cruz was or his band Santa Cruz, but the Finnish singer is trying his hardest to make himself known.
In a brand new podcast interview with the Rock and Roll Geek Show Cruz answers a plethora of questions.
The singer covers subjects going back to his original band’s (classic line-up) break-up while touring with Fozzy in 2018 all the way up through the recent “Whisky-A-Go-Go” train-wreck.
Cruz was asked if there was an issue between the Santa Cruz band and the Fozzy camp while touring together.

Cruz tells listeners that the two (2) bands were unfortunately sharing one tour bus and replied: “Basically we were an opening band for the (Fozzy) tour. So, I think we started killing it for the first show, from the first show, from the get-go. So, I think Fozzy started seeing us as a threat and their tour manager started doing f#@king nasty ass things to us (Santa Cruz).
F#@king with my in-ears, you know. And cutting our set short, sh!t like that” added Cruz.
“Basically there was something between me and the tour manager of Fozzy.”
The singer goes into detail about how his band pretty much self-imploded after he and his guitar player got into a physical fight during that U.S tour.
He also talks about the differences between their fans and Fozzy fans.
“Fozzy’s crowd is pretty much f#@king, you know, semi-retarded wrestling fans” says Cruz.
The interviewer adds: “I don’t anyone who listens to Fozzy except Eddie Trunk” as Cruz bursts into laughter.
Cruz then goes on to talk about Fozzy lead singer Chris Jericho.

“Chris Jericho he is, obviously he’s a f#@king acclaimed wrestler, you know. But as far as I’m concerned… he’s ahh, he’s not a real rock star dude.”
“I see Fozzy as his like hobby. He’s just f#@king having fun, and you know trying to be, trying to be a rocker. he’s trying to be a rocker, but he’s actually a wrestler” said Cruz.
For those who don’t recall, the band Santa Cruz basically had a physical band fight (between Archie and guitarist Johnny) that broke up the group in the middle of that tour with Fozzy.
As was reported by Loud Wire back on March 19th 2018 singer Cruz wrote in an Instagram post to fans after the break-up: “To all ya’ll wondering why the rest of the US gigs got canceled, the guys kicked me out of the bus on the street like a pariah and told me they’re in Santa Cruz no more.”
The band’s guitarist Johnny Cruz posted as well about the end of the band writing: “I’m very sorry to inform that I’m leaving Santa Cruz and so are Middy and Taz. We faced issues that we cannot solve even thou we tried everything that we could to make this tour and band happen. I can’t stay in a situation anymore where I have to be scared if somebody does irreversible harm to themselves or somebody else. That’s why I’m leaving. I never thought I’d be in this situation, but I have no more options to use. I’m sorry. Peace and Love,” stated Johnny Cruz. Meanwhile, Tazzy Cruz added, “I am sorry to inform but from this day on it is impossible for me to continue as a member of Santa Cruz.”
The interviewer also talks with Cruz about bands using samples or tracks and Cruz feels his band was unfairly singled out by Eddie Trunk.
Trunk was the first to rant about the Santa Cruz show in a social media post that included him writing: “What’s the point? Imagine you are a band that puts the work in to be live, and others don’t, play to a computer, and fans talk about how great they sound.. pathetic.”
The interviewer brings up that Trunk has many friends in the business who he is supportive of, talks about, promotes and more (who also use tracks), and felt that Trunk taking the direct shot at Santa Cruz was unfair.
Bands mentioned are Ghost, Fozzy, W.A.S.P. and Motley Crue, all of whom the interviewer and Cruz say use tracks in their live show.
Santa Cruz have just announced their return to Hollywood to play the “Whisky-A-Go-Go” on August 25th 2022.
The band promises this show will be different adding: “Back For Round 2 – This Time It’s Personal” on their show flyer.
Listen to the full interview at Rock and Roll Geek Show.
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