Metal Sludge — There are roughly 60 million Podcasters in the U.S. and millions more around the globe.
Thanks to a recent article on Sleazeroxx, they have spotlighted a 6-pack of those Podcasters that you might be interested in.
Below are 6 guys who were recently interview by Rueben Mosqueda for Sleazeroxx and they give their two-cents on a variation of related topics.
These 6 guys and their Podcast have interviewed the who’s-who of Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Thrash and 80’s Hairband Heroes from the last 40 years.
Check out some snippets of each interview here and a link below for the full article.
A little something on the next guy, Chuck Shute. I enjoy listening to his ‘smooth’ approach to podcasting. Sure he’s always prepared, but he doesn’t dictate the flow of the interview. He lets them be and the results are a top notch, informative, fun experience. Check out The Chuck Shute Podcast.

Sleaze Roxx: Who or what inspired you to get into podcasting? Who are some of your favorite interviewers?
Chuck Shute: I’ve always loved entertainment and watching / listening to good interviews of people who I’m a fan of. When I discovered podcasts, I remember listening to some and thinking “I could do this.” I grew up watching Conan O’Brien and was a big fan of his quick wit in interviews. I also think Howard Stern is one of the best interviewers, as well as Joe Rogan. I also listen to tons of rock podcasts — probably too many to name but Eddie Trunk and Chris Jericho are a couple of names.
Sleaze Roxx: You’ve had a wide range of guests on your show. What’s been one of your personal highlights and what’s been one of the most challenging and why?
Chuck Shute: Interviewing Erik Turner of Warrant was definitely one big highlight for me. Also Joey Allen of Warrant, Rachel Bolan of Skid Row and John Corabi [ex-Mötley Crüe]. I grew up huge fans of all of them so that was kind of surreal. Geoff Tate of Queensrÿche was a bit of a tough interview for me. I was sick at the time and for whatever reason he didn’t seem too interested in doing the interview but I powered through.
Sleaze Roxx: What do you think is more likely to happen? An L.A. Guns reunion with the classic line-up? A Ratt reunion with ⅗ of the classic line-up? Or a reunion between Donnie Vie and Chip Z’Nuff?
Chuck Shute: I think a semi-reunion with Donnie and Chip has already happened. They did some songs together. I think the Ratt thing definitely has a chance to happen, as that’s Stephen Pearcy’s band and he’s basically said he would want to do that to record an album at least. I don’t think the L.A. Guns thing ever happens. The main two players in the band are Phil [Lewis] and Tracii [Guns] and I don’t think they have any benefit in letting the other guys back in the fold. But never say never.
Sleaze Roxx: Who is someone that you’d like on the podcast, but haven’t on yet?
Chuck Shute: Sebastian Bach is my next big target, and after that, it’s Axl Rose.
I’m new to The Metal Voice, having just become a fan two years ago. The Metal Voice was founded by Jimmy Kay and Alan Dixon in Montreal, Quebec, Canada 11 years ago. I love Jimmy Kay’s passion for hard rock and heavy metal. I love his style, he’s really one of us. He and The Metal Voice have really established themselves as one of the premier rock and metal podcasts.
Sleaze Roxx: Who or what inspired you into getting into podcasting? Who are some of your favorite interviewers?
Jimmy Kay: Alan Dixon and myself would sit around talking for hours at friends get togethers about metal. We cleared the room quickly. So, my wife said you guys should do a show about metal on YouTube. Keep in mind 11 years ago, there were very few YouTube channels that had a continuous metal show. So Bam!!
Sleaze Roxx: 2021 was more or less 2020 lite. We’ve had a number of losses in the world of rock and metal. What’s a loss in 2021 that has impacted you the most and why?
Jimmy Kay: 2020 that affected me more than 2021. The start of Covid 19 took the life of former Riot guitarist and good friend Lou Kouvaris. Lou was fired from Riot, 40 something years ago, and was trying to make a comeback ever since and just when he started making an impact again in a big way, out of nowhere he dies of Covid 19. Still tears me up to this day. For 2021, I would say Eddie Van Halen, one of the greatest guitarists of my generation.

The Metal Voice @ Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, website.
Who doesn’t know The Classic Metal Show? We got Chris Akin on board which is half of the team that also includes Wendell Neeley. The duo is unafraid to share their true feelings on social issues, relationships and everything and anything rock ‘n’ roll and metal. Akin is hysterical, quite the character and a throwback to the ‘outlaw’ era of shock jocks. Check out The Classic Metal Show if you don’t already.
Sleaze Roxx: Who or what inspired you into getting into podcasting? Who are some of your favorite interviewers?
Chris Akin: The interesting thing is that we’ve been around as long as anyone doing it. We were podcasting in 2005, I think. It was so long ago that I used to have to manually code the RSS feed, upload it, and then send a “ping” to iTunes so they would know to update our feed. When we started, the rock/metal genre only had us, Talking Metal and a very small selection of other shows that were out there. I was more interested in internet radio, actually. I was doing commercial radio on WMMS in Cleveland, and I started doing the occasional appearance with Neeley on The Classic Metal Show, then hosted at WSTB in Streetsboro, Ohio [USA]. We knew immediately that we had chemistry doing it, and I liked it. When Neeley moved to Chicago from Ohio, he took the show to the internet on the old Live365. We struggled and figured out how to do a show together in those early days using whatever software I could find. My day job is as a tech, so I have always been good with that part. We made it work.

What I liked was that I could swear and be as filthy as I wanted to be on the internet, which was a far cry from the commercial radio thing I was also doing at the time. At some point, I got into a feud with the Talking Metal guys while doing The Classic Metal Show, and I said things so heinous in the commercial station’s eyes that they fired me. While that would be a blow to some, to me, it just opened the door to really concentrate on doing the CMS more full-time and focused. As a note, the Talking Metal guys and I are all good now. We worked it all out about 10 years ago. Anyway, once I wasn’t doing commercial radio anymore, it was onto internet radio stations, but I hated not being able to share the bits we were doing except on replays with those stations, so I figured out podcasting. Now, here we are!
Sleaze Roxx: You’ve had so many great guests on ‘The Classic Metal Show.’ What’s been one of your personal highlights and what’s been one of the most challenging interviews and why?
Chris Akin: As a rock kid, I’ve done so many great ones — Megadeth, Metallica, Ratt, Dokken, Rolling Stones, Slayer, Killswitch Engage, the Pantera boys, etc. Really, my “bucket list” is damn near empty. My personal highlights have very little to do with moments in interviews. For me, I just love that I’ve become friends with so many from doing this for so long. A great highlight for me was Philip Anselmo thanking me for the chapter in my book ‘Call Me Chris’ about Pantera. Becoming friends with guys like Dimebag or David Ellefson have been big moments for me. I was that idiot kid in the mosh pit screaming lyrics to “Peace Sells” on the ‘Rust In Peace‘ tour, and now every once in a while, I get a text that says “David Ellefson,” and I’m every bit the excited kid I was 30 years ago. It’s just cool to be considered a part of the industry that I wanted to be in for as long as I can remember.

Most challenging — hmmm, every interview is not great, but I don’t really have many that I look back and think, “Man, why couldn’t I connect with that guy?” I can talk like no other, and I make sure I know what they are promoting when they call, so generally things work easily. I guess if I had to stretch and reach for one, I’d point to one I did five years or so ago with Chris Bowes of Alestorm. What happened was that it was a total scheduling mixup with the publicist who crossed two interviews I had scheduled. So I go into the start of the interview and announce Joey Z from Life of Agony, and it’s really the guy from Alestorm. You can hear that neither of us knew what the hell was going on, but I had to adjust in a rapid hurry to do a decent interview with Alestorm that I was totally not prepared for…
Sleaze Roxx: Can you share what you have in store for the podcast in 2022?
Chris Akin: Man, I have so much going on. The Classic Metal Show will be continuing to ruffle feathers and abusing those with weak spirits weekly from 9:00 pm to 3:00 am EST. www.theclassicmetalshow.com. Aftershocks TV is the show I do with Matt Hartnett that focuses more on stoner rock / metal stuff, as well as some cool industry talk. www.aftershockstv.com. I just recently signed on to be the co-host of Talk Toomey with Joshua Toomey. This will be cool to chat about the more modern metal stuff, and it’s provided by Knotfest.com, so the bands we are talking about are bound to be cool. www.talktoomeypod.com. ‘Chris Akin Presents…’ is my latest thing, which will be my interviews that don’t go on The Classic Metal Show. This will be interviews running the gamut from hair metal to death metal, and everything in between… maybe even some actors or mobsters or craziness like that. Heavy Metal Television. I relaunched that in 2021, and it’s pretty killer. All your favorite hard rock and metal from the past / present / future streaming 24/7/365. We also have shows that air each weekday at 8:00 pm (wherever you are), so you get great metal content there as well. www.heavymetaltelevision.net. I’m also working on a book solo, as well as two books with guys you’ve heard of but aren’t letting me say yet.
Last but not least, I plan on having a few more of my interviews featured on Sleaze Roxx! Eons ago under the old management, we did the weekly “Sleaze Roxx Song of the Week” on The Classic Metal Show, so our love for the site runs deep. Plus, it’s the only place I can come to find out what the old Badlands’ guys are doing these days, which is more than cool enough for me!
With 25 plus years of broadcasting experience, Wendell Neeley is the other half of ‘The Classic Metal Show.’ The duo aren’t afraid to tackle controversial topics in and out of the realm of music. We’ve caught up with Chris Akin, now it’s time to hear what Neeley has to say.
Sleaze Roxx: Who or what inspired you into getting into podcasting? Who are some of your favorite interviewers? You’ve been at it for a bit. You’ve entered your 27th year in 2022.
Wendell Neeley: The Classic Metal Show technically is not a “podcast”. It started as a live radio broadcast on a small FM radio station in the Akron, Ohio area in January of 1996. When I met my future radio partner Chris Akin in 1998, he was just getting into the IT business, working with the internet, building websites, etc. I had a very basic website for The Classic Metal Show at the time which was built and maintained by a friend of mine. Chris offered to take the site over and make a more professional presentation. The internet and websites were still in their infancy, so this was all pretty new technology. Around the year 2000 before there was even the term “podcast” Chris made the suggestion to record the live show which he would upload to The Classic Metal Show website and offer it as an audio download through an RSS feed.

Due to a career change, I moved to Chicago in 2003 and attempted to market The Classic Metal Show to terrestrial radio stations in the area. Since most radio stations were corporate owned there wasn’t any interest in hosting a show like The Classic Metal Show. The internet had made huge advances in technology, so Chris and I collaborated on the technical aspect of broadcasting The Classic Metal Show live on the internet. Through a lot of trial and error we were able to perfect a way to broadcast The Classic Metal Show live with the two hosts living in two different locations.
The Classic Metal Show is a live six hour show. Rather than offering the show as a large six hour download, we decided to use the popular concept of podcasting and break the show up into five one hour segments and offer it as a daily download through the week. If you missed the live six hour show on Saturday, you could catch all the segments throughout the week via the CMS Podcast.
I had an interest in broadcasting early on in life. A few of my favorite interviewers I enjoyed listening to were like Charlie Kendall of Metal Shop and Bob Coburn of Rock Line and more recently Ron Bennington. In the early ’90s, when I became aware of Howard Stern, that really fueled my interest in pursuing broadcasting and motivated me to attend broadcasting school and launch The Classic Metal Show.
Sleaze Roxx: 2021 was more or less 2020 lite. We’ve had a number of losses in the world of rock and metal. What’s a loss in 2021 that has impacted you the most and why?
Wendell Neeley: Vocalist Mike Howe of Metal Church was a great loss. As a major fan of Metal Church, I was stoked when Mike rejoined the band after a 17 year hiatus. The albums Metal Church released with Mike after he rejoined fit comfortably in the Metal Church catalog. I had the good fortune of getting to know Mike over those years as well as attending numerous Metal Church shows. Mike was always very friendly, easy going, not to mention a fantastic vocalist and frontman. He’ll certainly be missed!
Sleaze Roxx: What do you think is more likely to happen? An L.A. Guns reunion with the classic line-up? A Ratt reunion with ⅗ of the classic line-up? A classic Dokken reunion or a reunion of Donnie Vie and Chip Z’Nuff?
Wendell Neeley: Having a personal friendship with all of the aforementioned bands, I can give you my thoughts on each. L.A. Guns — As far as I know, Tracii Guns and Phil Lewis have a good relationship and continue to play under the L.A. Guns banner. Due to the bad blood between Tracii and drummer Steve Riley, I don’t think you will see a full reunion of the classic line-up as the disdain Tracii has for Steve is pretty strong.
Ratt — I believe a reunion with the surviving members of Ratt is plausible. Bobby Blotzer has patched things up with Stephen Pearcy, and Stephen has been lobbying for a reunion and perhaps even recording one last record together. I think the one who would need some convincing is Warren DeMartini. You never know..
Dokken — Being close to the Dokken camp, I can tell you everyone from the classic line-up is on good terms. Don and George have been sharing the stage over the last two years and Jeff Pilson is willing to play with them when time permits. Unfortunately, I don’t think you will see a full reunion due to Mick Brown being retired and out of the music business altogether.
Chip Z’Nuff and Donnie Vie — Chip has said on many occasions that he would love to be able to patch things up and work with Donnie again. Donnie however has a strong dislike for Chip and the bad blood between them runs pretty deep. I don’t see them working together again anytime soon.
Sleaze Roxx: What are you looking forward to in 2022?
Wendell Neeley: To be honest with you, since this “plan-demic” has had the entire world turned upside down for the last two years, sometimes it’s difficult to see beyond tomorrow. I always look forward to attending NAMM in Anaheim, California every year, It’s a great time to meet up with friends and reconnect with colleagues in the music world. It was canceled in 2021 and rescheduled from its usual January date in 2022 and moved to June of this year. I may attend only if there are no mandates or draconian restrictions being enforced to attend.
I remember a few years ago, Jason Green appeared on The Classic Metal Show right after Bobby Blotzer’s Ratt imploded. I remember Green calling in and the next thing you know, he’s taken over the show with a one hour monologue on his time working with Bobby Blotzer’s Ratt Experience and then ‘fake’ Ratt. He’s gone on to start his very own podcast ‘Waste Some Time with Jason Green,’ which I’m a fan of.
Sleaze Roxx: Who or what inspired you into getting into podcasting? Who are some of your favorite interviewers?

Jason Green: I began studying broadcast journalism when I was still in high school, and then I spent some time working on the Geraldo Rivera show in New York City. I interviewed Geraldo for a school paper and I think he really inspired me. I always had the dream of hosting a talk show and my favorite interviewers were Howard Stern and David Letterman.
Sleaze Roxx: You’ve had so many great guests on ‘Waste Some Time with Jason Green.’ What’s been one of your personal highlights and what’s been one of the most challenging interviews and why?
Jason Green: My channel has well over 100 interviews now in just under a year, so it’s really hard to pick one. It’s an honor every time I get to talk to someone. I grew up watching as a fan. One highlight was to have the only modern interview with Carlos Cavazo, which has now reached over 76,000 views and really got my channel monetized. It’s always a challenge when I talk to someone I’m not that familiar with because the audience will call me out if I make one mistake.
Sleaze Roxx: What do you think is more likely to happen? An L.A. Guns reunion with the classic line-up? A Ratt reunion with ⅗ of the classic line-up or a reunion of Donnie Vie and Chip Z’Nuff?
Jason Green: This is a really difficult question. I don’t see L.A. Guns ever getting back together, and there’s really not enough money in it anyway. I also don’t see a really strong chance of three Ratt members getting along at the same time. This leads me to think Enuff Z’Nuff might be the best option if Chip can give up control. The line-up should be Donnie Vie, Chip Z’Nuff, Johnny Monaco, and Vic Fox. I don’t see any of these happening anytime soon…
Sleaze Roxx: Can you share what you have in store for the podcast in 2022?
Jason Green: I’m about to announce a partnership with Golden Robot Records, and this will allow me to do much more with the show. There’s going to be many more interactive live shows and promos. Plus, to commemorate me reaching 10,000 subscribers, someone is even going to get a chance to get a single released through their label, and if it does well, a second single, and if that does well, a record deal. More details coming soon on that. The channel is just getting started!
Thanks so much for the questions, and I really want to thank everyone who has subscribed to ‘Waste Some Time with Jason Green.’ The response from people is so overwhelmingly positive, and it blows my mind and makes me want to continue.
Catch Waste Some Time With Jason Green via YouTube.
Izzy Presley has many irons in many fires — music, comedy, and podcasting. He launched his ‘Another F’N Podcast’ years ago and has joined forces recently with Metal Edge [Magazine] and the result is the best thing since peanut butter and jelly. The podcast has been rebranded as ‘Metal Edge Magazine’s Another F’N Podcast’. That’s a mouthful. That’s what she said… Anyway, here’s Izzy Presley!

Sleaze Roxx: Who or what inspired you into getting into podcasting? Who are some of your favorite interviewers?
Izzy Presley: I’ve been a fan of Adam Corolla since he started podcasting. I was working at a radio station in Saint Cloud, Minnesota [USA] called Rockin’ 101 and I loved doing interviews. I was also doing some print interviews too for RX Magazine, I was the sports and music director. I listened to a lot of Corolla and when I decided to move out here in 2015, I figured I’d just start a podcast! Ironically naming it ‘Another F’N Podcast’, because everyone had a podcast! It was Corolla. As far as interviewers go podcast wise, Corolla is king, Joe Rogan is great, I love the wrestling ones like Conrad who does the Eric Bischoff podcast and all of those podcasts. He’s really, really good. Eddie Trunk! Come on! Eddie is king as well. Those are the big ones for me.
Sleaze Roxx: You’ve had so many great guests on ‘Another F’N Podcast’ over the years. You’ve merged with Metal Edge, what led to that?
Izzy Presley: What led to that was the pandemic! I was doing these ‘drunken summits,’ which I was doing before the pandemic, but now everybody was home. We started doing them more often and Paul Gargano was on many of them. He just started co-hosting with me!
Sleaze Roxx: What interview has been one of your personal highlights and what’s been one of the most challenging interviews and why?

Izzy Presley: One of my personal favorites was a ‘tranny’ porn star named Morgan Bailey. We got into her story and how she transitioned and how she got into porn. Very, very interesting and fun stuff. That’s one of my favorite interviews that I have ever done. Another highlight was when I had Big John from Rock of Love. He’s a good friend from the Monsters of Rock Cruise. That one was really cool. All the porns stars that I have on have been great! Which was the most difficult? That’s hard. I don’t know and that’s an honest answer. Pretty much everyone that I’ve had has been great. Some have been better than others, but ‘difficult?’ Not really.
Sleaze Roxx: What are you looking forward to in 2022?
Izzy Presley: I’m really looking forward to February because I can’t wait to get back on that boat! The Monsters of Rock Cruise is definitely the thing that I’m looking forward to the most in 2022. Ace Frehley shows, writing some more songs with Smokin’ Kills.
Sleaze Roxx: Can you share what you have in store for the podcast in 2022?
Izzy Presley: There’s going to be changes happening. There won’t be as many live shows. It’s going to change along with the relaunch of Metal Edge Magazine, so that’s what’s in store in ‘22. Also with that, there will be the return of The Izzy Presley Show and I will have people that I wouldn’t talk to with Metal Edge. Thank you for covering my stuff on the site over the years. Cheers everybody!
Izzy Presley @ Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, website.
Read all 5 full interviews over at Sleazeroxx