Metal Sludge — In a newly uploaded excerpt from Full In Bloom Music, the interview is with Producer Beau Hill.
Hill speaks at length about working with Ratt and the recording process.

Hill explains in detail how he recorded lead singer Stephen Pearcy, noting they would triple track takes and then he would edit and cut into those takes taking the best parts and make a vocal comp.
Pearcy would then listen back, and add that he could do better and they would record another set of vocal takes.
When asked about what it was like to work with drummer Bobby Blotzer Hill says: “Very difficult, very difficult. He was, out of everybody, he was the one that was always the hardest to please. Something was not right, with just about everything. And ah, yeah, he was my least favorite guy to spend any time with.”
“In my estimation, he (Blotzer) was kind of, generally a, ah, generally ah, I don’t know how I can put this, um… generally just disagreeable” added Hill while laughing.
Hill also talks about the band arguing over song-writing credits and compares them to “eighth graders at recess” when they fought over who did what in the song-writing process.
Listen to the interview clip below and take our Twitter poll too!
What’s your Favorite @theRATTpack album of the 80’s?#ratt #stephenpearcy #warrendemartini #robbincrosby #juancroucier #bobbyblotzer #beauhill #roundnround
— metalsludge (@MetalSludge) February 2, 2022