Metal Sludge

Metal Sludge

TAILS YOU LOSE … WBS, Inc. loses lawsuit, judgement issued and ordered to pay RATT $2,002,005.08

Juan Croucier and Stephen Pearcy of Ratt, with Bobby Blotzer of WBS, Inc.

Metal Sludge — After a few years in and out of court, the WBS, Inc. Vs: RATT lawsuit has an update as of August 6th.

According to online documents courtesy of Leagle it is noted that WBS, Inc., has been ordered to pay RATT over (2) two-million dollars.

WBS, Inc. is a California Corporation in which Bobby Blotzer was partnered in, a founding member of and served as the former WBS president.

WBS — short for Warren (DeMartini), Bobby (Blotzer) and Stephen (Pearcy) — was created in 1997 to handle licensing and other aspects of the partnership business, after Croucier declined to reunite with his bandmates following a breakup. However, in November 2016, U.S. District Judge Dean D. Pregerson ruled that, per the band’s partnership agreement, Croucier could only be fired with unanimous consent from the other members, which had not been granted by DeMartini. In March 2018, summary judgment was entered against WBS in another case it brought, again finding that the RATT marks were never properly transferred to WBS from the partnership.” courtesy of Blabbermouth.

Documents were issued from a Los Angeles County Court noting the following about Case No. CV18-03933-DDP-JCx.



Case No. CV18-03933-DDP-JCx.

RATT, a California General Partnership, Plaintiff, v. ROBERT JOHN BLOTZER, an individual; et. al. Defendants.

United States District Court, C.D. California.

August 6, 2021.

DEAN D. PREGERSON, District Judge.

The default of Defendant WBS, Inc. having been entered, Plaintiff’s Motion for Default Judgment having been filed, the submissions of the parties having been considered, and for good cause appearing:

1. A Judgment in the amount of $2,002,005.08 is hereby ENTERED against WBS, INC., a California Corporation, and in favor of RATT, a California general partnership, along with interest in the amount prescribed by statute.

2. WBS, INC. is ORDERED to refrain from using the RATT trademarks or any colorable imitation thereof.



The full court transcript and documents are available at Leagle

Screen capture courtesy of Leagle.Com
Screen capture courtesy of Leagle.Com


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