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COURT ORDERED Metal Sludge Exclusive: Jim Gillette Finally Breaks His Silence on Lita Ford


Metal Sludge Exclusive: Jim Gillette Finally Breaks His Silence on Lita Ford
By: Metal Sludge 

Los Angeles — After reading countless interviews in recent years where Lita Ford accuses her ex husband of everything short of assassinating JFK, we reached out to Jim Gillette (again) to see if we could get him to talk. To our surprise, the former poster boy for hair extensions and horribly over the top heavy metal music finally replied. 

Now to be clear, as much as we enjoy making fun of Gillette in his NITRO glory days, this was a serious subject. We had high hopes of at some point getting the tattooed rocker turned muscle bound baboon to give us his perspective on these very serious allegations.  What we got back was shocking and sad, as anytime there are children involved it’s never a laughing matter.

We spoke to Jim and asked him a few simple questions. Because of his long standing silence, we didn’t really expect much. As luck would have it, we couldn’t have been more wrong.

We’ll let you read on…


METAL SLUDGE: It’s been a while since we’ve heard anything from you Jim. It seems that since your much publicized divorce with Lita Ford, you’ve been MIA. 

JIM GILLETTE: Yes, I felt it was best to lay low and keep these very personal matters private.

MS: Your ex wife Lita Ford has made some pretty vicious accusations about you in recent years.

JG: Yes, she certainly has.

MS: We here at Metal Sludge can’t recall ever seeing you address these allegations anywhere, and wanted to get the other side of the story. Would you care to elaborate?

LF_JG_Jan_2015_1JG: Well, unlike Lita, I don’t believe it’s right to say bad things about a child’s parent publicly or in private. I think divorce is hard enough on kids and they certainly don’t need to be hurt or embarrassed by an irrational parent who has an agenda. That said, I suppose I could finally shed a little light on the subject without being too harsh.

First of all and for the record, I have sole legal and physical custody of our sons. I think that should tell you just about all you need to know since it’s nearly impossible for a father to get that kind of result in a highly regarded US court. Unfortunately, it goes much further than that. As heartbreaking and unbelievable as this might sound, Lita Ford is not even allowed to see our sons by way of an agreed upon court order. This order was signed after nearly 2 years of litigation – during which time the courts only allowed her supervised visitation.

MS: But Jim, in a 2012 video interview with Full-Metal-Rock Lita says: “What’s happened is my ex husband has taken the children out of the country. They are in a country that is not protected under the United States law. And the only way for me to go there would be to go with the SWAT team because he would become physical with me.”

JG: Yeah I saw that, and unfortunately the kids did as well.

MS: This seems incredibly far fetched. So, is Lita really trying to say, that you kidnapped your own children [who you claim to have sole custody of] and fled the United States to avoid the law?

JG: It would definitely appear that way.

Obviously it’s not true as I have every right to live with our sons anywhere in the world. We are regularly in the states and have no reason to avoid it.  Everything is legal about the boys being with me, and all of Lita’s self-serving claims and slanderous allegations are completely and 100% ludicrous. Quite frankly, all of this is more than a little frightening for our family.

          >Lita Ford on Ultimate Classic Rock accuses Gillette of ‘Brainwashing’ their children against her
          >Lita Ford told the Examiner things went from bad to worse, ‘I got attacked by my own kids.’
          >Lita Ford article on Blabbermouth talks about her ‘kidnapped kids and a SWAT team’

MS: Wow. We had no idea.

JG: Yeah it was pretty heavy duty.  Not many people know about this as up until now I’ve kept my mouth shut. Our sons have urged me for years to tell the world our side of the story but this is all I’m prepared to share at this point in time. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that’s been so kind and supportive of the boys and me.

MS: Without prying too much, are you managing all of this alone and how are the boys doing?

JG: As a single Dad doing my best to raise 2 exemplary young men, it’s been a real blessing to have such an amazing outpouring of love and support from so many people. Also, I’d like everyone to know that James and Rocco are doing phenomenal. They’re the best sons a parent could ask for and I couldn’t be more proud of them.

          >Editors Note: Rocco Gillette is 13 and James Gillette is 17


MS: What next? Music or other, what’s in the future for Jim Gillette?

JG: We as a family have some things in the works but nothing I’m willing to go into detail about just yet. On a side note I’m a big fan of the Sludge and check the site daily. That’s why I decided to finally answer your questions today after turning away hundreds of interview requests over the years. Sludge kicks ass.

If there’s anyone out there who’s similarly suffering from a public smear campaign or domestic violence feel free to reach out to me through my official >Facebook< page.  Jim Gillette

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