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WHERE THE DOWN BOYS GO Joey Allen talks about his time in and out of the band Warrant


Joey Allen talks about his time in and out of the band Warrant

JA_Warrant_March_2015_1Canada — Joey Allen (Warrant) gives us a full overview of his career. He discusses the early days of Warrant, and their heyday in the late 80’s.

He also shares why he left the band after Dog Eat Dog, what he did in the years before his return, reflects on Jani Lane, and looks forward to the next cd, and when that will be recorded.

Joey talks about the following subjects:

*Joey Allen talks about
*The early days of Warrant and getting signed
*The band’s first tour
*The first & second record taking off
*Touring with Motley Crue
*Recording with Beau Hill
*Making ‘Dog Eat Dog’ with Michael Waegner
*Quitting Warrant and getting a regular job
*Returning to Warrant with Jaime St. James as singer
*The reunion with Jani Lane and all original members
*The downfall of Jani Lane
*Bringing in Robert Mason
*More on Jani Lane and what he brought to the band

Special thanks to Brian Sword and The Double Stop Podcast for this great interview

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