Metal Sludge — In our series of old skool flashback interviews, we give you another oldie but a goodie.
This below is the exact 20 Questions we posted with Every Mother’s Nightmare singer Rick Ruhl nearly 20 years ago.
This was first published back on October 2nd 2001!
Ruhl is still going strong today with Every Mother’s Nightmare who just released “Resurrect The Faithful” on High Vol Music in late October.
The first single was called “Breathe”, the new video out now is “Here’s To The Ones” and there is also a remake of their classic hit “Love Can Make You Blind”.
There is more info on EMN today at the bottom of this classic interview.
We hope you are enjoying all these classic Metal Sludge interviews.

Metal Sludge 20 Questions with Every Mother’s Nightmare singer Rick Ruhl – October 2nd 2001
This week’s 20 Questions are with Rick Ruhl. A month or so ago, we got an email from EMN’s guitarist Jeff Caughron saying he was down with the page and that either him or Rick would do 20 Questions. So we sent them off to Rick because he’s the only original guy left! Rick is somewhat outspoken too, so if you’re a typical Sludgeaholic you should probably dig this. Enjoy!
1. What are you guys up to? This is your only chance to plug your projects, tours, websites, etc.
Rick Ruhl: We have been on tour the past month. We’ll start another tour with Tuff and Roxx Gang sometime in October or November. We have also been busy with working on our new CD, which will be out around November. CD and tour information can be found on our web page at http://www.emnonline.net. You can listen to a few of our songs at http://www.mp3.com/EMN. We are encouraging our fans to dedicate our song “Somehow,” which is on the MP3 page, to the victims of the terrorist attack.
2. Who’s in the band? Are they all replacements or the original members?
Rick Ruhl: The new line up is as follows: Troy Fleming, bassist; Travis Hall, guitarist; Chris “Newt” Beavers, drums; Jeff Caughron, guitarist. I’m the only original member. I’m still friends with the original members?we just all went our separate ways.
3. How did you find out about Metal Sludge and how often do you visit?
Rick Ruhl: By word of mouth. I visit every once in awhile. That’s only because I don’t have frequent access to a computer? Jeff visits everyday.
4. What hard rock/heavy metal band should give it up?
Rick Ruhl: Hard to say…but if a band is having a good time playing that’s all that matters and they should keep going.

5. Rate the following singers on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being somebody who blows chunks and 10 being a vocal god.
Jani Lane = 5
Sebastian Bach = 9
Rob Halford = 10
Vince Neil = 5
David Lee Roth = 7 (one of the best frontmen ever)
Geoff Tate = 10
Jack Russell = 8
Bret Michaels = 5
Jesse James Dupree = 5
Stephen Pearcy = 5
6. Who was responsible for picking the band name Every Mothers Nightmare, and did you ever consider using the name Skid Row Lite?
Rick Ruhl: It was joke for our first show but what is funny is this band was together before Skid Row.
Metal Sludge Fun Fact: Skid Row was formed in 1986 in New Jersey, Every Mother’s Nightmare was formed in 1987 in Memphis – this according to a general internet search.
7. Name the 3 low points and if you can think of any, list the 3 high points as well.
Rick Ruhl:
Low points – The first band members leaving. Coming off the road
High points – New band, new record, and new tours
8. Who’s the most overrated band today and why?
Rick Ruhl: Haven’t we all seen enough boy band-candy-ass music to last a lifetime? Its constantly crammed down our throats. But there is a lot of great new music out there by real artists.
9. Out of all of the bands EMN has toured with who treated you the best & the worst?
Rick Ruhl: Cheap Trick and Circus of Power treated us the best. Jackyl, Baton Rouge and Push Monkey treated us the worst. Push Monkey’s road crew is a bunch of assholes? They tried to act like they knew more about being on the road than we did and felt like they were better than us.
10. Rate the following bimbos on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being a bucket of pig slop and 10 being a hot momma.
Bobbie Brown = 7
Britney Spears = 8
Samantha Fox = 9 in her day
Jessica Hahn = 3
Lita Ford = 3
Jennifer Lopez = 5
Courtney Love = 5
Janine = 8
Gerri Miller = 10
Gwen Stefani = 9
Jamie Pressley = is a fucking 15!!!
11. What rock star deserves a smack in the balls and why?
Rick Ruhl: Too many to mention…but we can all probably use a smack in the balls every once in awhile.
12. EMN is based in Tennessee, so…have you ever banged a blood relative?
Rick Ruhl: Of course?
13. Finish these sentences:
Fred Durst is… hung well from what I hear
Bret Michaels should… take that goddamn hat off
Carson Daly looks like… a fuck toy (according to my girlfriend)
Jani Lane can… kiss my entire ass. He dissed me in Nashville after we smoked them!
Paul Gargano is… really a roadie for Britney Fox (just kidding, Paul)
MTV is actually… anti-video (what’s up with all the soap operas and game shows?)
Howard Stern can’t… figure out why he can’t get laid.
Nikki Sixx will… probably live forever.
14. On this tour, what’s the most amount people you’ve played in front of and what’s the least amount of people?
Rick Ruhl:
The most = 1,500
The least = 20
There’s always a good crowd when the club promotes it. How can these clubs afford to pay a band so much money and not put out a single ad?
15. Has Rich Ruhl ever:
Farted onstage into the microphone = I have at rehearsal and put a big delay effect on it.
Touched another man’s penis = no
Been envious of Tom Mathers = yes
Jacked off in traffic = yes
Spit in a girl’s face = yes
Considered suicide = yes
Quit in the middle of a tour = no
Drove drunk = yes
Laughed at a fat fan behind her back =
Sang along to a Garth Brooks song = yes
16. For $25,000 would you do the following: At the next family wedding, approach your best-looking first cousin and tell her that you have always wanted to “make love to her” and would she like to go upstairs for a little “family values”? Whether or not they agree, you can never tell them why you asked.
Rick Ruhl: Yes, I’d do it for $25.00!
17. What do you remember about the following years?
1975 =
1979 =
1983 =
1987 =
1991 =
1994 =
1999 =
Rick Ruhl:
1975 – 79 = great Kiss and Alice Cooper shows
1983 – 91 = partying
1994 – 99 = rehab
18. You don’t consider Perris Records a real record label, do you?
Rick Ruhl: Yeah, they do all the things other labels do (like spending money) but without all the red tape bullshit.
19. Do you think that it’s worth touring when you have enough guitars on the road for the entire audience to get up and jam with you?
Rick Ruhl: That’s a little overkill – we take six because we fuck up something every night, like break strings. You always need another in-tune guitar.
20. Time for Metal Sludge’s Word Association. We mention a name and you give us your thoughts.
Kid Rock = one of my favorites right now
Sebastian Bach = very cool guy
Dana Strum = prick
Tom Mathers = one hell of a sexy man
Korn = rocks
Kevin DuBrow = hair club for men
Gene Simmons = someone that rich shouldn’t be in that bad of a mood
KNAC = rocks
Saliva = Hey, Wayne – give me my guitar back!
Elvis = home
Thanks for the opportunity!
Rick Ruhl
Not bad. That’s the second week in a row that Warrant got slammed. And anybody who calls Dana a prick is cool with us.
Copyright & Credit Metal Sludge October 2nd 2001
Every Mother’s Nightmare @ WebSite – Facebook – Twitter – Spotify – Instagram – YouTube – Store – HighVol Music
Stay tuned to Metal Sludge for Breaking News, Updates and Features along with both New interviews and Classic 20 Questions.
Want to read more classic 20 Questions on Metal Sludge? Check out these interviews below.
SLUDGE FLASHBACK … 20 Questions with Warrant Guitarist Joey Allen – July 6th 1999
SLUDGE FLASHBACK … 20 Questions with Beautiful Creatures guitarist DJ Ashba – October 15th 2002
SLUDGE FLASHBACK … 20 Questions with Tracii Guns of L.A. Guns – December 2nd 1998
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SLUDGE FLASHBACK … 20 Questions with Britny Fox bassist Billy Childs – Sept. 28th 2004
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SLUDGE FLASHBACK … 20 Questions with Alice Cooper – October 30th 2001
SLUDGE FLASHBACK … 20 Questions with C.J. Snare lead singer of FireHouse – December 19th 2000
SLUDGE FLASHBACK … 20 Questions with Rick Ruhl of Every Mother’s Nightmare – October 2nd 2001
SLUDGE FLASHBACK … 20 Questions with Lupus from The Bloodhound Gang – November 19th 1998
SLUDGE FLASHBACK … 20 Questions with David Michael-Philips of King Kobra – Sept. 28th 1999