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Rewind With Chris Jericho, 9/21/00




WWF Superstar Chris Jericho

Y2J is back at Metal Sludge!  We lasted talked to Chris on August 17, 1999.  At that time Chris was just joining the WWF, but soon after our 21 Questions with Chris Jericho were posted, he became a main-eventer who ended up winning the WWF title (ok, so it was for 15 minutes), and is now in his own Chef Boyardee commercial!  He even got his own column in Metal Edge!  What more could you want?  And it’s all because of our interview last year!  That’s amazing!  

So now it’s time for Jericho to do a Rewind with us, so after this goes up, who knows how big Chris will get.  


1. What do you have going on now?

JERICHO:  I’m currently working on my set of inspirational audio tapes as well as spelunking and building popsicle stick rock stars (My Ron Keel looks amazing).

2. What do you think about Metallica suing Napster?

There’s definitely pros and cons to it and I understand both viewpoints.  But Lars bothers me nowadays. I wish he would stop alienating his fans and concentrate on creating a new album.

3. What the fuck up is up with all the Canadians in wrestling? Isn?t it good enough that you guys own hockey??

The way that the NHL is going, I’m sure that Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa and maybe Vancouver will be in Portland, Houston, New Orleans, and Salt Lake City in a few short years, so we figured we’d better get a stronghold in another sport!

4. How much of a pantywaist is Paul Gargano? Please give us an example.

Paul is actually an awesome guy.  It’s just that whenever he tries to keep up with the Canadian big dogs, he always ends up passed out in the corner!


5. Rate the following wrestling moves on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being a move that is totally lame and played out and 10 being a really great move.

The Worm = 5

People?s Elbow = 5

3-D = 8

Pedigree = 9

Crippler Crossface = 6

Rock Bottom = 8

X-Factor = 8

Kurt Angle?s Olympic Slam = 1 (really lame and I think it should be called the Right Angle)

Undertaker?s Last Ride = 8

Rikishi’s Stink Face = 6 (I named that move)

  6. In your 20 Questions with us last year, we asked you who was the biggest pain in the ass to work with and you said Taz. Now that he is in the WWF, is he still a pain in the ass to work with?

No he’s not a pain.  He’s still learning the WWF style.  It’s a lot different from ECW.

7. You recently got married. Please tell us you made her sign a pre-nup!

Actually she’s the heiress to the entire Firestone tire dynasty. She made me sign a pre nup!

8. How long does it take you to write your column “Metal Is Jericho” in Metal Edge?

It usually takes me about two hours…..ten minutes to write the story and 1 hour 50 min to think up insults about Gargano.

9. Have you ?accidentally? seen any of the WWF?s ladies naked yet?

Yes.  I spy on Mae Young and Fabulous Moolah whenever possible. It’s a veritable forest down there.

10. Rate the following wrestlers work rate. 1 being a lazy bastard and 10 being a great worker.

Kevin Nash = 2

The Rock = 8

HHH = 9 1/2

Chris Benoit = 9 1/2

Goldberg = 1

Val Venis = 7

Jeff Hardy = 7

Edge = 8

Road Dogg = 7 1/2

X Pac = 8

11. What was your Best & Worst moments in WWF and in WCW?

Best moment in WCW – My romantic trysts with Ralphus. 

Worst – My last six months there. 

Best in WWF – the last year has been awesome. 

Worst – Not going there sooner.

12. Have you ever witnessed any homosexual activity going on within the confines of the WWF? Any wrestlers come up from behind and try to juggle your nuts in the shower?

See last question.

13. How much was your biggest wrestling related check for and what did you do with it?

My best check totaled more than I made during my entire high school paper route.  My worst was a royalty check from WCW that was for $0.15 cents.


14. How did you go from feuding with HHH and Chris Beniot to X-Pac? Did you piss somebody off or what?

I’m sure you could’ve asked HHH the same question when he started feuding with me 3 months ago!

  15. Give us a memory about the following cities:

Toronto =

New York =

Detroit =

Chicago =

LA =

Dallas =

Orlando =

London =

Tokyo =

St. Louis =

Philadelphia =

Boston =

Most of the time all I see of the towns are the airport, the arena and the hotel.  I could tell you some stories about Peoria, Ill however…

16. What CD did you purchase that you were most disappointed in?

I thought and still think the Virtual 1X by Iron Maiden is absolutely rotten.  Steve Harris better claim temporary Insanity for that load of shite!

17. How often do you visit our wonderful page?

I have a computer in my bathroom, so many times daily!

18. What?s the lamest thing you?ve ever been asked to do by a promoter?

One promoter in Mexico wanted me to wear short yellow underwear tights.  He was gay and I’m sure he wanted to see my package.  I told him to get lost and wore my tried and true package hiding long tights instead.

19. Do you feel that you are as creative now with your interviews as you were in WCW or when you first joined the WWF?

Most expubidently.


20. Don?t you think your double powerbomb is the most opponent-assisted move in the history of wrestling?

No.  The most opponent assisted move is when the guy gets shot into the ropes and instead of hanging on, he bounces off and runs right into a beating.  How fake is that?

  21. Time for Metal Sludge’s Word Association. We mention a name and you give us your thoughts.

Kevin DuBrow = Horrible wig

Stephen Pearcy = Brutal frontman

Rikki Rockett = Very entertaining diary.  How much was true?  Who cares!

Blue Meanie = Was awarded by doing what the company asked of him (losing tons of weight) by getting fired.  No fair!!

Vince Neil = former legend who really can’t sing

Paul Gargano = Pantywaist

Zakk Wylde = After two auditions, still didn’t make it into Fozzy

Iron Maiden = Stole some of Fozzy’s songs.  Adrian Smith is an awesome guy

Kid Rock = E for effort.  Joe C. is an awesome (albeit tiny) guy.

Sebitchian Bach = Always cool to me, great singer and I owe him a huge favor.  Bach off of Bach, Sludgers!! 

Fozzy = Greatest most influential metal band ever.  Moongoose McQueen is GOD!!

The Ayatollah….

For more info on Chris you can visit his website at www.chrisjericho.com, as well as www.wwf.com.

We don’t usually do this, but Chris requested that his favorite metal band Fozzy also get a plug, so you can visit Fozzy’s site at www.fozzyrock.com.  Speaking of Fozzy, we are doing a contest with them were you can win an autographed CD, so check that out at www.metal-sludge.com/FozzyContest.htm!

By the way, RAW will no longer be on the USA Network because it’s moving to TNN, so if you wanna see Y2J in action next Monday, tune it to TNN at 9pm EST. 

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