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The fans are asking:


Blackie Lawless
“Does W.A.S.P. = Milli Vanilli?”

It seems that our old friend Blackie Lawless is up to his old antics again. The American Metal Blast tour has only just begun and there is already a trail of fake blood, raw lunch meat, and angry fans asking “Where the fuck is Chris Holmes, and fuck that stupid mic stand!”

Some shit went down in Denver, some more shit in Minnesota, and a gang fans think that W.A.S.P. might just be pulling a Milli Vanilli on them.

Blackie Lawless Not that we, you or the musical majority care, but there are some fans who have felt slighted by a few things W.A.S.P. related as of late.

We’ll let their comments and posts speak for themselves.

A message went up last night (7-6-2005) on the World Famous Metal Sludge Gossip Board and it reads as follows.

Blackie Fucks over Tonight?s Fans (Twin Cities, MN)

WASP was scheduled to headline tonight’s Metal Blast show at Pov’s tonight but has just pulled out of the show because his mic stand wouldn’t properly fit.

Maybe if he pulled his head out of his ass he’d realize that that was the true problem, not the size of his mic stand.

And he wonders…

Posted by: Tollywood

?I’m pretty sure he did the exact same thing in Buffalo, AFTER their entire crew set up all the equipment in the club and was ready for soundcheck.?

Posted by: Starchild

This message also went up last night (7-6-2005).

Blackie Lawless Fucks Over Denver Fans.

The other night in Denver, CO I went to see the American Metal Blast Tour. I was waiting in line to get in when secuirty comes up to me and says that Blackie has asked him to make me go to my car and put away my camera (I was holding it, stupid I know) The security dude said that none of the other bands cared…it was a WASP thing. I said whatever… typical Blackie and went and put my camera back.

Still waiting in line….now about an hour after the show was supossed to start we are told that WASP was still doing soundcheck and it will be a little longer. A buddy of mine in a local band here called “Moore” comes up to me and says that they have been kicked off the show (as well as another local band) because WASP dicked around too long. From what I heard WASP didnt want any local acts to open the show so they decided to dick around and waste time so that the local acts couldnt play. Not only did they fuck over the 2 local bands that have been on this bill for 2 months, they made a shitload of people wait outside in the rain over an hour longer than they should have. One of the local bands even put up some serious dough to play this show…and speant hours setting up that day.

Fuck Blackie…..when will he stop this bullshit?

Posted by: HeadbangerBHD

It wasn’t Blackie that asked you to put away your camera, it was Blackie’s mic stand, he runs the show now.

Posted by: Overdose 138

I’m surprised that y’all are surprised this happened. Blackie has a history of doing this and the fact that clubs will still book WASP makes me wonder if they have business sense.

Posted by: Lucifer Sanchez

Here is yet another post from a die hard W.A.S.P. fan?.

Message to Blackie Lawless.

This is for BLACKIE, or for STET or DUDA or DARRELL or any of BLACKIES friends, road crew or even whores who are reading this and can tell him.

Please get to message to him.

We don’t fucking care about your mic stand and how big it is or how fucking scary it looks. We love the music, we love the show. Your fans don’t care if you have a wireless head set mic as long as you play.


Posted by: Keri Krash Summers

AMEN. And if anyone ever gets a chance to ask this douchebag (i love his music — hate his antics) a question — ask him why the mic stand is more important than the fans…..

Or to be more politically correct:

Mr. Duran — What aspects does the MIC STAND add to the show?

I personally think that the MIC stand must contain all of the tapes and triggers for the extra vox and guitar layers…..Thus making it impossible to perform without it At least that would make more sense….I mean why can’t he use a regular mic stand if he has to?

Posted by: Sog Lawless

?it’s musician ego plain and simple and they all have it to some degree. as much as brett (Michaels) passes off his “i’ll do anything for the hard workin ticket buying fans” schtick…..do you NOT think he’d blow off a show if say…….. someone burned every wig and hat of his 5 minutes til showtime??

Posted by: TriumphTheInsultComicDog

Is this report really accurate ? C’mon he can’t be that much of a prick to pull the same shit tricks he did on the last tour can he? Here’s the biggest question, WHY WOULD ANY PROMOTER BOOK wasp KNOWING FULL WELL OF BLACKIE’S B.S.?? Or are these promoters all dumb and none of them talk to each other?

Posted by: AngryAgain

That pretentious Rockstar shit does not work after the glory days are well behind ya. Give me a fucking break! Gallagher was still funny without HIS props.

Posted by: Drumstone

I heard the mic stand got a recording deal with Geffen. Even Axl Rose asked the stand to do guest vocals on a Chinese Democracy track.

Posted by: McGuirk

And here is a question asked by a fan in the World Famous Metal Sludge forums:

“Does W.A.S.P. lip sync and use backing tapes live?”

“No… the mic stand does all the harmonies”

Posted by: Hammerjack

“Yes, when I saw them on the inital ‘reunion’ of Blackie and Chris in 98 or 99 it was all on tape.”

Posted by: AngryAgain

“Yes, a friend of mine recognized Chris Holmes in the background vocals and he was not in the band.”

Posted by: IronDamien

“I saw them last summer.. they DEFINITLY use backing tracks.. you could hear blackie singing lead and harmonies throughout the whole show.”

Posted by: Dracula Lizard

“It must piss off the rest of the band; “Sorry guys, we can’t rock out tonight… the almighty mike stand isn’t in working order”.

Posted by: RazorbladeStar

We have to admit the guy?s idea that Blackie’s mic stand is essentially a command post wired with samples, triggers, back ground vocals and more seems like a legitimate possibility. Maybe they even have some Chris Holmes guitar tracks piped in? For all we know, there could be a Ronco chop n’ dice meat slicer hooked up as well.

At the end of a long day, we only have this to say? where there?s smoke, there?s fire!

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