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9/5 Ratt tour bus tells 12 year old fan to fuck off!


9/5 Ratt tour bus tells 12 year old fan to fuck off!

Eric Brittingham ignores fans like the plague.


This is a recent e-mail we got. We get these all the time, but when a 12 year old girl was affected we felt the need to bring it to the attention of the masses. Not sure who said what, but this paints an ugly picture. With a dwindling fanbase for this type of music most of these bands need all the friends, fans and support they can get.

Shame on the cock sucker who yelled the included remark within earshot of a little girl.

Read it for yourself…

Hey Sludge,
I have to tell you about my experience at a recent rock never stops tour show.

I took my lil girl and she mainly wanted to see Ratt because she was a huge fan of them. I’ve seen them in concert 7 times, even driven 6 hours to see them once when they were only opening the show for Poison, so she grew up listening to a lot of my Ratt stuff as well as watching their video’s.

Before the show, I asked John (Corabi) if he could get the other guys to say hi to her & he was a true gentleman, a really nice guy & said yeah, to come back by the busses after the show. My lil girl acted like she had just been invited to meet God or something. She was so excited you could just see she was about to piss herself from excitement. Firehouse did a meet & greet (very nice guys) as did Quiet Riot. Not only did they meet us then, Kevin talked to us several times. I can’t say enough how kind each one of the Quiet Riot guys were. I’ve met them twice & Kevin was the most friendly & outgoing each time. I even got all 4 guys to sign a sludge shirt!

Onto Ratt & Cinderella. We went back by the busses with a few other fans, there was maybe 15 to 20 people tops including us. We saw Robbie (Crane) & I asked him if the other guys were coming out, that John said he would hook us up for my lil girl meeting the band & he said yeah, they’ll be out in a few minutes. We waited an hour & a half, no Ratt, so I asked one of the roadies or whoever he was working the show (he had a staff shirt on) if he would knock on the bus & see because I didn’t wanna keep her out all night. He knocked on the door & told them that a lil kid was outside & had been dying to meet them & was told they would & he asked nicely if they were still coming when I heard someone laugh & say “fuck her” from inside the bus.

Before that night, I had every cd, every album, every cassette, every video, every magazine cover they had ever been on as well as an autographed shirt from years ago plus tons of other Ratt Memorbilia…..it all went in the dumpster that night when I got home. I should have wiped my ass on it & sent it to em, but I didn’t think about it till later.

As far as Cinderella, I’ve always liked their music, but I didn’t really care about meeting them. Jeff was cool, their keyboardest was cool…he got a laugh when I asked him if he was Fred. Eric Brittingham had made a statement in that interview you did a week or two ago on the Rock Never Stops tour, where C.C. Banana did the interviews. He said that he tried to avoid people at all costs…which he did. I didn’t care about meeting him, but the guy I was standing next to was about to piss himself he wanted to meet him so bad. He was standing just a few feet from us & various fans were yelling “Hey Eric….will you sign this? Can we get a picture with you?” He heard them because he looked right directly at them & walked away.

I was really impressed with Firehouse, their bassist especially. He was a really nice guy, as were the rest of the band. I had never been much of a fan before the show, I am now. As for as Quiet Riot, I knew what to expect. They put on one of the best shows I’ve ever seen in my life. Alex & Chuck really brings out the beast in that band. Ratt & Cinderella (besides a few members I mentioned) are a bunch of 2nd rate halfwit fucktards who should be working scrubbing toilets or washing dishes at Denny’s.

I am not one to trash talk, but if the shoe fits. As I said…I was a huge fan, I even met the new lineup about 3 or 4 years ago, but the Jonesboro show from them (afterwards) was a huge let down. My lil girl, who is only 12 left in tears & thats no way to treat a lil kid, especially a lil girl.

Love your site. A former Ratt fan

We’re betting the farm that Stephan Pearcy would’ve signed this little girls stuff at the drop of a hat! Along with Fred Curry. A couple of cool guys. And kudos to John, Robbie, Jeff LaBar and the other bands who helped make this 12 year olds concert.

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