Home / Interviews / 20 Questions / 20 Questions with Joey Jordison, 4/22/03

20 Questions with Joey Jordison, 4/22/03



Slipknot drummer and Murderdolls Guitarist Joey Jordison

We have to thank our loyal Sludgeaholic Wednesday 13 from the Murderdolls for hooking us up with Joey for these 20 Questions! Enjoy!

1. What are you currently up to? This is your only chance to promote your current activities.
I am currently swamped w/ work right now. We are in the depths of the new slipknot record writing process consisting of a 6 day a week and up to 12 hours a day work schedule, I am really proud of the material and cant wait to get it out…..I’m more than positive all the fans will be pleased. Working on a Murderdolls DVD to come out later this year, a lot of live songs, videos, and a lot of debauchery from backstage, to the mobile morgue, to terrorizing truck stops, to almost arrests, to the toilet etc. Also shooting a video in a couple weeks as well w/ the Murderdolls. Wednesday came up w/ a great concept for this and will be funny as fuck….. Hold on for the song title. We’re also going on tour all this summer doin’ festivals, main support for Iron Maiden and headline shows. We are gonna go out w/ a bang before I return to Slipknot – right after for the complete campaign of our new record! I also must extend an eternal thank you to our American fans that didn’t get to see us….we played only a handful of shows here (like 15 or so) and the record still sold great here w/ no radio, tours or video play, there will be select live dates coming, so hopefully you’ll be able to catch us. Anyway on to the next……

2. Growing up in Iowa, have you ever tipped a cow, fucked a sheep or considered suicide?
That’s an Awesome Question now were talkin.
1.) Me and some friends gave cow tipping a try but it never worked, I guess we were too small at the time or whatever, however we managed to step in some cow shit!!!! Does that count?
2.) No, I haven’t given the sheep a dose of Dr. Joey’s 2 ball compound (see Andrew Dice Clay), but rumor has it that it is like a female…..
3). An absolute no! I have never thought about or remotely considered that.

3. Name the 3 high points and the 3 lowest points of your musical career to date?
1.) Seeing Kiss @ Vets Memorial auditorium on the Asylum tour, yeah it was sans makeup but at 12 years old I about shit myself…then I saw them on the Hot In The Shade tour and Faster Pussycat blew them off the stage. Quick story….between songs Tamie Downe had the coolest rap. He was like “yeah i was just sittin in my hotel room before the show and the telephone rings (cue crowd scream) and the voice on the other end asked.. (in a total whinny girls voice mockery) Is Tamie there?…and i said YEESSS!!!! (cue louder crowd scream)….Chick: “well can i suuuuuck yooouur diiiiiiick?”…..right then the guys mom i was with turns fuckin sheet white and i was like “YEAH…. FUCK YEAH!!!!!”..they then launched into BathroomWall…fuckin great memories 2.) The signing of Slipknot to Roadrunner in the summer of 98. It was the biggest middle finger to everyone who doubted us including the industry…we destroyed every fuckin band live through the 1st album cycle then on to the second record. The records have gone to sell over 2 million in the US alone, so that’s a definite 3.) Murderdolls. I have so much fun w/ this band and the guys. It’s great to be able to show another side of me that a lot of people really didn’t know I think. Wednesday is a great friend who does a lot for that band when I’m busy w/ Slipknot and he really had a lot to do w/ helpin me construct the vision and sound of the band. Were offensive, were sloppy, were drunk and dot give a fuck!!!! NEXT…..

4. What hard rock/heavy metal band should give it up and call it a day?
Kiss. They are my favorite band of all time hands down and are one of the biggest reasons I do what I do now, but they’ve made their mark ten times over and I think could leave peacefully and call it a good (translation: RICH AS FUCK) day.

5. When Wednesday writes in, he drops a variety of song lyrics or references to a variety of hairbands. We’re going to list some song lyrics and you have to fill in the blank and tell us what band it’s from to test your 80s knowledge. Please try to do this without Wednesday’s help!

One million miles an hour headed out to where the __________ go.
Answer =
Song =
Okay I have no fuckin clue what this is….hmm..i guess if I don’t know this I didn’t want to know it. I must have thought they sucked or I’m just drawing a blank or something…ill take a D for
Dumbass on this one.

(Sludge Says: The answer is “Down Boys” and the song is “Down Boys” by Warrant.)

I grab my hat and I grab my _______. Tonight I’m gonna hit the streets and cruise.
Answer = SHOES
Song = thats Poison “i want action”

He’s the wolf screaming lonely in the night, he’s the _________ on the stage.
Song = that is Motley Crue “shout at the devil”

They call us problem child, we spend our ____________. We walk an endless mile.
Song = thats Skid Row “youth gone wild”

Rock queen, thirteen, buxom blonde, bad dream. Let me touch your ________.
Answer =
Song =
fuck I dot know…sounds familiar…I’ll be pissed probably when I find out what it is.
(Sludge Says: The answer is “Cookies” and the song is “Rock Queen” by Love/Hate.)

I knew right from the start, you’d put an __________ through my heart.
Answer = ARROW
Song = Ratt “round and round”

I need a shot of gasoline, I’m hittin’ one sixteen, I get so hot I see steam, Forget the day ’cause we’re gonna scream, _______________
Song = Cinderella “night songs”

6. Tripp Eisen recently did 20 Questions with us and said, “I put the entire Murderdolls band together; finding all the members, and I was prepared to find my own replacement.” Did Tripp really put the entire Murderdolls band together or is he taking credit for shit he didn’t do?
To Tripp’s credit he did find Eric Griffin and THE GHOUL (AKA Ben Graves ). Though he takes credit for Wednesday which I’ll never understand. I found out about the Frankenstein Drag Queens from Dizzy Draztik (Rejects vocalist) and we talked to Wed. long before Tripp thought about joining the Rejects. Wednesday took a picture of himself and sent it to us (this is before we ever practiced w/ Tripp) and for reasons unknown we didn’t hire him then. When it came time to get serious w/ the band and we had already played shows w/ Ian from Vampire Love Dolls (Acey’s old band) on bass and Racci Shay (Dope/Genitorturers) on drums, I had mentioned to Dizzy that i wanted to get in touch w/ Wednesday, he gave me the info and I phoned him at his home in North Carolina from my tour bus on the Pledge of Allegiance tour. I left the Rejects and asked Wednesday if he would like to be my new vocalist for as yet unnamed project w/ Tripp. Tripp just got to meet Wednesday before I did when he was on tour w/ Static X to deliver him the material, but I’ve known of Wednesday before I was ever involved w/ Tripp.

7. Marilyn Manson makes a cameo in first Murderdolls video. What is your relationship like with the modern age king of shock rock?
We are friends, that’s about all I can tell you really. I met him when I was asked to a party of his and he saw me shake hands w/ a member from Limp Bizkit and tell this guy that his band sucked to his face. He seemed pretty amused by that and invited me to sit down. We’ve worked together and I’ve learned a lot from him…he’s an amazing artist. He’s always made me feel welcome around him.

8. Of all the bands you’ve toured with over the years, who were the biggest dicks to deal with and who was the coolest?
We (Slipknot) kinda made every tour our own, we didn’t take shit from any headline band, tour manager etc….if the headline band put a clock up on the stage to tell us when to get off…we would smash it to pieces, throw it at them and then piss all over their gear during the set. That was basically the tour w/ Coal Chamber in the late summer of 99. We are just out for blood at anytime w/ that band..it does something to you. The coolest band we ever toured w/ was Slayer and Amen on the Tattoo the Earth tour in 2000…..fuck that ruled…hed pe is always fun too. Damn that Casey Chaos for makin me piss my bunk for too much alcohol consumption.

9. Which member of Slipknot lives their gimmick a little too much?
Those are my band mates and friends dude, I’m sorry, I wouldn’t feel right saying something bad. Our new record is shaping up great, so why would I wanna start shit ay know.

10. Give us a touring memory from the following cities:
This must be Murderdolls related …OK
Chicago = best show of our first tour. Daron from System of a Down came out but missed us, hung out for a while w/ him till he had to split. Our bus broke down that day early and we had to take a van to sound check, I remember no of us had slept and we felt like shit, but played great. Partied afterward until 9 am or some shit and woke up in my hometown for our last show of that tour. We (minus Acey) were all still shitfaced. Our manager was on the bus w/ us and telling us it was time to go to bed and we would just look at each other like he was speaking Japanese.
Atlanta = we’ve never played Atlanta
Phoenix = Horrible show plus I have good friends there so that made it even worse. The fans dug it I guess so it was cool. We drank the show away afterward.
St. Louis = we didn’t play there w/ the Murderdolls but I’m pretty sure we passed through there drinkin our asses off and doin whatever else, and tearing the bus apart. That’s pretty much like everyone of our shows so I’ll count it as one.
Chicago = even better show than the last one we played. Sold out venue, friends from Broken Hope and Soil came out. Afterwards the usual Drinkin, Drugs, Fun! We had a flight to England the next day and the fuckin GHOUL shows up 2 hours late because he was at some chicks house, we almost miss the flight…we’re still pissed at him for that…but he don’t give a fuck.
Milwaukee = Murderdolls haven’t played there, but I’ve had nothing but the best shows there w/ Slipknot…the Milwaukee crowds are definitely in the top 3 crowds in the US.
Detroit = We barely made this show because we did the Mancow show earlier that morning and that’s in Chicago but that’s not the bad part. The bad part is that a roadie and our drum kit and our bass player got trapped in an elevator for almost 2 hours makin our drive even more of a hassle…that day sucked…but we made the show and it turned out great.
Boston = HOLY SHIT!!!! Home of the GHOUL!!!! Home of ERIC!!! Mama GHOUL came out and hung around on the Mobile Morgue. It was cool to meet the woman who spawned such a scary guy…..great show great fans…the typical aftershow…you get the picture.
New York = busier than a hooker in Times Square. Interview after Interview, Record label land and TONS of Partying (let’s get the priorities straight here). This show was @ Don Hills and was off the hook.. I loved this show. Guy from the Toilet Boys DJ’d our aftershow and was great because we could get wasted and not worry about some Jackass playin something like Linkin Park or whatever. Wednesday was Drunk off his ass 2 minutes after stage (no exaggeration here) and ended up back at Acey’s house w/ his head in the toilet while Acey blasted “LETS PARTY” and “PARTY HARD” by Andrew WK from the stereo……maybe it’ll end up on the DVD.
San Francisco = 2nd show we ever did. We’ve improved immensely in the past 10 months…..Robb Flynn from Machine Head came out revealing he was a big Drag Queens fan much to Wednesdays surprise.

11. What hard rock/heavy metal band should give it up and call it a day?
I did this one dude, see question no. 4
(Sludge Says: We fucked up and meant to ask “Which rock star deserves a smack in the mouth and why?” Instead we repeated this question because we’re idiots and drink too much. Oh well.)

12. When you see Wednesday give interviews saying he was once in the Tuff Fan Club and listens to bands like Sweet FA and Pretty Boy Floyd, do you ever want to fire him from the band?
No never! Wednesday is true to what he likes and could give fuck less what anyone else would say about it. I think it is the most honest punk rock thing that he gives props to those bands…I know shitloads of people who would NEVER do that. I personally don’t like most of it, but he is giving back to the music that meant so much to him when he was a kid.

13. The Last of Joey Jordison.
Last time you got drunk & barfed = too drunk to remember
Last time you woke up before noon = I woke up at 8:07am today
Last piece of Kiss merchandise you purchased = Rhinestone t shirt (those motherfuckers got me again)
Last time you put the Slipknot mask on = I am makin a new one right now so I guess…. ..2 days ago?
Last rock star you shook hands with = Wednesday 13 in LA on our way home
Last time you visited the MTV studios in NYC = late summer 2001
Last time Slipknot rehearsed together = last night
Last Murderdolls concert was in = Perth Australia
Last CD you purchased = Volcano – Satyricon
Last movie you saw = Nekromantik

14. What are your thoughts on this year’s OzzFest lineup?
Looks cool to me, i personally wish there a lot more black metal influence on the side stage…but

15. Yes or no, has Joey ever:
Put on the Clown’s mask = yes
Shit your pants on stage = no
Had Edsel Dope purchase clothes for you = no
Sang along to a Justin Timberlake song = no, but id like to fuck his x girlfriend
Seen somebody piss on a rug = yes…. we Murderdolls don’t use toilets, we use the floor and empty beer bottles.
Drank a beer with Jack Osbourne = yes at ozzfest 2001
Thrown a drum stick at somebody’s face = yes..intentionally and unintentionally
Seen Slaughter in concert = yes opening for Kiss and faster pussycat. And again, FP fucked both those bands in the ass and sent em packin.
Watched a snuff video = yes
Sacrificed a goat = no

16. You’re supposed to have a monthly column in Metal Edge. Are you that bored?
I am anything but bored. I like to stay busy and challenge myself. Paul Gargano is a cool guy…he was the first one to have the balls to put the Murderdolls on the cover of Metal Edge when our record wasn’t out…i mean that is cool!!!….rumour has it as well, that it was their highest selling issue of that year. As for the column i don’t know yet…it’s been talked about, but maybe Wednesday is more suited for it than i am.

17. Are you getting more pussy in the Murderdolls now that you don’t wear a mask or do you get more pussy with the mask? Also, have you ever fucked a chick while wearing the mask?
Well….yeah…….yes the opportunities have definitely increased like herpes on a crack whore.

18. Who needs to shut the fuck up more, Corey or Shawn?
They are very outspoken individuals. I don’t agree w/ them a lot of the time and maybe they don’t agree w/ me, but we are Slipknot and no one can take that away from us.

19. Rumor has it you still live with your parents even after having Platinum albums. Any plans on branching out with some of that Slipknot money?
Well….how much is it gonna cost me to get on the Metal Sludge tour!!! hahahaha I do live w/ my Mom basically because I’m never home. I live modest, and I guess I just don’t need some big house and shit. I just need the stage, fans and music.
(Sludge Says: It’ll cost you nothing to get on the Sludge Tour Joey. You’ll just have to go on before Pretty Boy Floyd!)

20. Time for Metal Sludge’s Word Association. We mention a name and you give us your thoughts.
Corey Taylor = One of Metals best vocalists ever
Wednesday 13 = Rock and Roll Motherfucker from Hell/partner in crime
Nikki Sixx = wrote a shitload of great songs/ did a shitload of hard drugs
Rob Zombie = La Sexorcisto was cool and im gonna check out his new movie -Murderdolls would like to tour w/ him
Dizzy Drastic = Great friend/witty as hell/writes great lyrics
Marilyn Manson = phenomenal visionary and artist/ muti talented/ friend
Mushroomhead = there is enough room in the world for 2 bands w/ masks
Alice Cooper = The God of it all
Tripp Eisen = good guitarist/a little high strung/ loves manowar
Gwar = I love GWAR,i have all their albums but the last/great live/shut Corey up
Paul Gargano = see question # 19..again cool guy
Edsel Dope = gets a lot of shit/ but is a very driven alright guy
People = you know the answer to that my friend

Thanks for your time and patience, It was a lot of fun doing these,

See ya….Joey

Thanks to Joey for having fun with the questions and to Wednesday for giving us the hookup! We survived a 20 Questions with a member of Slipknot and didn’t get the shit beat out of us. Not bad. One member of Slipknot down, 8 more to go!

For more infomation, you can visit Slipknot’s site at www.Slipknot1.com or Murderdolls at www.Murderdolls.com!

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