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Sludgette of the Month – June 2002, Lisa The Stalker



Lisa Romano

aka “Lisa The Stalker”

If you’ve come to our page for any length of time, you know this month’s Sludgette. It’s Lisa The Stalker! She’s bastard boy floyd’s biggest fan and frequently sends in Captures with everyone from Dee Snider to comic Lewis Black to Run DMC to the Easter Bunny! She gives no fucks! She’s even Captured the fine folks at the US Post Office. Lisa has been coming to the site since almost day one and has definitely earned the title Sludgette Of The Month!

Lisa also gave the longest answers in Sludgette Of The Month history!

Congratulations to our June 2002 Sludgette Of The Month, Lisa The Stalker!

Lisa’s Data Sheet

1. Name: Lis/Lisa

2. Age: 21 (WHOOOOOHOOOOO thank GOD… no more bitching about missing 21 & up shows…)

3. Height: 5’0

4. Weight: 153

5. Measurements: 36-?-? (Don’t really care to know either!)

6. Where are you from?

Born in Melbourne, FL… then moved to Littleton, CO in 1984… moved to New Port Nowhere, FL (about 20 mins north of Tampa) in 1992, then to Orlando in 1999… now I bounce between Orlando and New Port Nowhere…

7. Ambitions: Pay down my credit cards, move to CA, go to as many shows as possible, take as many road trips for shows as possible… graduate college… and to be happy. But for now, my life revolves around my concerts… I literally consider them holy holidays… but if I drop dead next week, I want to be able to say, “I did something good…” besides just spoiling myself and going to concerts. I’m happy when I help others, simple shit like paying the toll for the car behind me during rush hour, taking my grandma shopping, etc… I don’t care how little money I have down the road either, as long as I can pay my bills. Sucks that so much worth is attached to money, we’re miserable without it… I want to be able to say “scrue that…” and what society thinks I should think is important… be yourself, dammit.

8. Turn-ons: CONCERTS!!! Never been to a concert where I didn’t see a hot guy or at least didn’t drink till everyone looked fuckable… ha ha ha ha… long ass drives for concerts (almost nothing more peaceful than blasting music, cruising down an interstate, middle of the nite, windows down, one arm out the window, hair blowing every direction, and screeching along to the tunes…), old rocker-lookin guys, taco bell, concerts, chocolate pudding, sleeping in, hanging with my friends, bloody & messy shows like Gwar, massages, loud ass music, porn, concerts, watching old HBB videos, BBF, getting my ass kicked at shows, the guy in seat 9B, Southwest air, from San Diego to Albuquerque on Tuesday May 14th… I need to find this man!!! Easily one of the hottest guys I’ve ever seen in my life, he was at least twice my age and had no idea I was drooling and staring at him for 2 hours straight… I was so nervous I could barely eat or hold a magazine… ahhh if my dream man is reading this, email me! Amyeatsstool@hotmail.com

9. Turn-offs: SNORING! School, lame ass customers that used to come into the Hardee’s drive-thru and give me shit (high school job), bratty, loud, spoiled, undisciplined kids that are climbing all over their parents and the shopping carts at stores, drunk assholes at shows (besides myself), getting up before 10am, crying babies, slobbering, messy dogs, excessive smoke, people who get in my car and fuss with the radio without asking, being on the rag, & cramps from being on the rag, people who’ll take a big dump in the bathroom then shut the door when they leave… hello!!!! Let that shit air out!!! Jackasses who drive real slow in the left lane on the interstate… NOTHING pisses me off more…

10. You are known as Bastard Boy Floyd’s stalker. What possessed you to start stalking Floyd?

Have you seen him!?!? Just lookit him… how could I resist? His looks coupled with his extreme charm, wit and respect just made me melt. And of course a filthy, broken trailor and ghetto ice cream truck helped as well… while we’re on the subject of discussing strange habits (hahahha) just thought I’d say for the record to a certain someone out there that YES, I still have that towel Jeff LaBar threw into the crowd 4 years ago, still under my pillow.

11. How long have you been coming to Metal Sludge and how many times a day do you visit the page?

Since that lame ass Thursday afternoon, Sept. 3rd, 1998, senior year of high school, only thing I was excited about was the Cinderella show I was going to see the following week, plunked my bag down and checked my email and got a message from a Slaughter newsgroup that said something like, “Go visit this horrible page and tell them how much they suck!!!!” So I clicked the link… and laughed my ass off. Sometimes I’ll come here 2 or 3 times a day, sometimes I won’t come here for a few days, it varies… depends on who’s in town! Or what town I’M in…

12. Do you have a real job?

Eh, sorta… for the summer I’m either gonna be working at a hotel in Clearwater, a mailing place near Tampa, or a tollbooth place. I’m an entertainment writer at the Central FL Future, one of the campus’ papers, I get to babble about my road trips, concerts, and do the concert calendar. During the school year I work at the paper, the school’s internet radio station, Knightcast (same place Ramiro works at…) one weekend a month or so I volunteer at the Maitland Historical Society and give tours of an old victorian home… and I work at the UCF Library, that’s my actual paid job during school… and it rocks, I can dress however I want, and when I need time off for concerts or road trips, my supervisors cheer me on and let me take off whatever days I need.

13. Favorite bands: Lizzy Borden, W.A.S.P., Motley Crue, Cinderella, Alice Cooper, Judas Priest, Gwar, Ratt, Bang Tango, Dokken, Anthrax, Quiet Riot, Scorpions, Faster Pussycat, Stryper, Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Savatage, Poison, Kix, Def Leppard, Skid Row, Roxx Gang, Great White, Manson, System of a Down (can’t stop listening to ‘Toxicity’…), also dig some stuff from Helloween, Doro, Testament and yes, even some Slaughter, Eminem & an AFI tune or two…

14. When did you lose your virginity and how was it?

BBF, you know better than to ask that… I’m still saving myself for you! And fuck you for making me wait sooo long… I’m just gonna give it up to someone else. You don’t know how many times I’ve been tempted and then how I gotta stop and explain to some dude, “Ah no, I can’t, I promised BBF I’d fuck him first…” and then he gets all confused and never calls again, you know… ok, so in reality I’d be tempted then pass out. But fuck you anyway.

15. The farthest I’ve driven to go see a concert was: Farthest that I drove was to Springfield, VA for a Lizzy show this past April… Washington D.C. for Priest/Anthrax was about 10 mins further but I had a friend doing some of the driving for that one… it was just myself and Stalker Jr. in VA… from Tampa to Springfield, it was about 14 hours (9:30pm – 11:30am, with some breaks, cause I was the only one driving…) and Stalker Jr. slept almost the whole way there, dammit!!!

16. You’ve captured a variety of bands and entertainers. Who’s next on your list?

No clue…

17. The way to my heart is: Booze and beer I guess… nah seriously, if a guy is really nice, down to earth, easy to talk with, fun to hang around, cares about me and does little nice things, then you are stuck with me… I don’t care how hot someone is cause he’ll eventually be ugly, if he has money he’ll probably be broke someday. I wanna find someone who won’t mind wiping my ass and changing my diapers later down the line when I’m all old, haggard, drooling, wrinkled, all that good stuff. I don’t think I can find anyone who could handle me… I’m fairly spontaneous and weird. And so help him GOD any boyfriend or husband of mine who tries to stop me from going on a road trip and hitting as many Lizzy or W.A.S.P. shows as humanly possible… “Fuck you honey, summer tours! See you in August!” You know, love is a real weird ass thing… learned more about that this weekend cause my bro just got married tonite. And the nite before at my sis’ graduation, I saw someone who I hadn’t seen for a few years but always had feelings for, and he had a fiance in tow. That was pretty rough, and I realized that if there is someone that you ever loved or cared about, those feelings never really die, and they can be bought back again in less than a split second even years later. Even if it’s just a crush on someone or that one nite where you talked to that one person for hours then never saw ‘em again, but totally loved that moment and fell for the person, you won’t forget that or those feelings ever. Bah I’m getting all sappy and shit… sorry…

18. How do you feel about being our June 2002 Sludgette Of The Month?

This is really weird, way back in the day, my older sis bought Metal Edge, Circus, Rip, Metallix, etc… we’d read those and I was so smitten and in love with the whole scene, everything seemed so “cool” and the musicians were untouchable, concerts were just a dream for me (my folks wouldn’t let me go to any shows till I was 13… I’d think about how cool it would be if I could be famous, if I could be the one in these pages, if I could be the one all my fav. musicians were looking at and reading interviews with… but ha, like that would ever happen… if I had any $ I’d bet that alot of those bands I’d see in those pages are sludgeaholics now… how the tables have turned

Chantal and Lisa share an intimate moment

19. Personal motto: Oh I have so many… one I really believe in and say almost daily is “everything happens for a reason…” even those mornings when I wake up all hungover and fucked up from a nite of drinking and slam my head into the wall and scream, “WTF was I thinking?!? WTF did I do?!?” Another one, real cliche, but “Just do it!” Seriously… if you don’t try new shit or take any risks or chances, you won’t grow or learn your potential, or limits… plus, life is real boring without any variety or spontaneous road trips… And some more fav. quotes… “You play with fire, you’re bound to get burned…” oh man that’s so true yet I still strike the match in many situations when I shouldn’t… “Be careful what you wish for cause it may come true…” oh no… another one of those… I’ve wished for many things and they’ve happened alright, then I seriously regret it, but think, “well it happened for a reason…” And of course, “If you want to live life on your own terms, you gotta be willing to crash and burn…” And think outside the box… if you have the ability to think creatively and make yourself stand out, be truly unique in your thoughts and actions you could be worlds ahead of people… on the job especially… but don’t be stubborn or narrow about it… try and get a slice of every part of life… learn about other cultures, people, etc… so you can then make your OWN decision about things. Sure, what your folks tell you and how you were raised is good, but sometimes it’s not necessarily RIGHT for YOU. I learned that in quite a few areas of my life… example, I was raised Catholic. In my house that was what was “right”. Only after I was about 13 did it hit me that all religions are “right”, because it’s all your personal beliefs. And now, I managed to stand up to what I was raised with and tell my folks that I don’t like a lot of the Catholic beliefs and values. When you start to feel like a total outsider in your family (like at family functions, a lot of times I feel so alienated and like I don’t know these people, even tho my family is a very close one…), don’t freak out… I did, until my sis made me realize it’s cause I was getting older and forming my own beliefs, values and attitudes about life, I was breaking out of the ideals of my parents and becoming my own person… scary ass thought, huh? However you wanna explain it, whatever analogies you wanna use, the whole, “becoming your own person” or “finding yourself” is important… don’t follow in anyone elses steps, do what YOU wanna do… I love the Wendy O William’s quote “It’s my life, and I’ll do what I wanna, do what I wanna, do what I like, it’s my life!” OH and be careful who you drink around…

Whew, time for the Sludge sappy ceremony speech…

Thanx to Kim for showing so much support with the whole “Colorado incident”…

Skinwalker for laughing at Fifi with my sis and I and for all the W.A.S.P. stuff Rock and Roller for letting me stay with her, celebrating my 21st with me and for the “Harry Pussy” memories…

Chantel for spending a week with myself and my nutty buddies and the 8 hour long heart-to-heart chat about “life”…

Shitstaine for being hilarious and always hanging out with me when I hit L.A… and for carrying my drunk ass outta the Rainbow various times…

Sammy, ‘Warrant’s Bus Driver’ for taking care of my drunk ass in Pittsburgh and showing me a great afternoon…

Jim and Dan, wherever you are, the cab drivers who saved my friend and I last summer and let us sleep at their house even tho they only knew us for 5 minutes… Alia, I still swear they were actual angels…

Mitzi, oh man… dinner was a great idea! Thanx to her for taking me in and helping me out with a Colorado experience I won’t forget anytime soon… (as soon as I can remember it all…)

Lizzy Borden’s road crew, for taking care of my sleep deprived, starved, exhausted, puking younger sister in VA… hell, thanx to all the guys in the band for always being cool and putting up with my stupid drunk ass…

Snotti and the Metal Sludge Yahoo Club for the months of hilarious commentary, snide remarks and interesting discussion. Be a good sludgeaholic and pay a visit!!!!

Melissa, whew, if it weren’t for her, I’d have never met Lizzy or grown any balls what-so-ever. She had to drag me over to the bus and nearly smack me to get me to talk. I was so scared

All the Orlando crew, Butthole, Alia, Rob, Tina… you guys have put up with a lot of shit from me since you’ve known me, thanx for your patience, understanding, verbal lashings when they were necessary & the threats to tie me to my dorm till the 2001 Lizzy tour was over: “IF YOU GO TO NC/SC BY YOURSELF I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!!!!!!”… there isn’t enough room here to thank them enough, esp. Alia for the kick ass summer in D.C… thanx guys for watching out for me…

Oderus from Gwar, for the money shot…

The Elusive Nicole in North CA… I know you’re probably reading this… hey look! See you sometime?

The guy in seat 9B, for being some of the best eye candy I’ve ever seen… I’ll find him again!!!

And the siblings… To my older sis, who took me to L.A. countless times and went to a W.A.S.P. and Lizzy show w/me, for holding my hair back when I shot puke all over the place on my 21st, my lil sis for being a trooper and going to so many shows with me and to D.C. and Virginia… and my older bro for the music inspiration, noogies, wedgies, ass kickings, broken toys, hard snowballs slammed at my head, the “Nerd Game” and all the fun and abuse that’s helped make me the whack-job that I am today…

Holy shit, it’s only the Sludgette Of The Month, not a fucking Oscar! Easy on the typing, Lisa!

Congratulations once again to our June 2002 Sludgette Of The Month, Lisa The Stalker!

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