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Sludgette of the Month – March 2004, Tazina





This month’s Sludgette proves that being persistant pays off. She emailed us numerous times about being a Sludgette Of The Month and finally we said yes. We like to see people who actually want it!

So congratulations to Tazina for being our March 2004 Sludgette Of The Month!

Tazina’s Datasheet

1. Name: Tazina – 34 yrs. old

2. Height: 5′ 7″

3. Weight:130 lbs.

4. Where are you from?

Long Island, New York

5. Ambitions: Been through it all – now it’s about being the best person I can be – to have as much fun as I can – to attend as many metal concerts as possible and to bellydance as often as possible!!!!!!! Success is not only measured by money and status, but by what makes you happy in your life!!!!!!!!!!

6. Turn-ons: long hair, leather jackets, guitars, fast cars, motorcycles, metal music, middle-eastern music, horror movies, people who are good, down to earth and not full of themselves

7. Turn-offs: smoking, drugs, slow drivers, and people who are NOT good, down to earth and ARE full of themselves!

8. Favorite bands: not enough room to list them all. Here are some: Iron Maiden, Dio, Judas Priest, Ozzy, Megadeth, Iced Earth, Pantera, Yngwie Malmsteen, Jag Panzer, Gothic Knights, Shadowkeep, Queensryche, Dokken, Ratt, Motley Crue, L.A. Guns, way too many to keep going! But you get the picture!

9. Least favorite bands: Won’t name names – but I’m not into the nu-metal – what happened to the guitar solo??????? Today everything sounds flat and most lyrics make you want to jump off of a cliff or throw yourself in front of a train! Oh – and I can do without death metal – sorry – love the guitars, can’t take the vocals!!!!!!!!!

10. How long have you been coming to Metal Sludge?

I’ve been a metal sludge fan a little over 2 years now – not too bad since I’ve only had my computer a little over 3 years now – I’m technologically challenged!!!!!!!!!!!

11. What do you do for a living?

I am a professional bellydancer and proud to say the originator and so far the only “heavy metal” bellydancer I know of! You can also find me teaching pre-schoolers when I’m not in costume!!!!!!!!!!

12. The last 5 CD’s I purchased were:

1. Iced Earth – The Glorious Burden

2. Shadowkeep – A Chaos Theory

3. Gothic Knights – Up From the Ashes

4. D-Zire – The Awakening

5. Iron Maiden – Dance of Death


13. When did you lose your virginity and how was it?

Lost my virginity at 15 in my parent’s basement! I guess it was good cause I’m still with the same guy after 19 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Freaky, huh????

14. I wish I had: I wish I had more time in the day to do all the things I want. And I wish there were two of me – one to do the things I have to do and one to do the things I want to do!!!

15. Why bellydancing?

I don’t know actually. It’s just something I have loved since a kid and have been into since I’m 18. I have always loved middle eastern music and all the “Sinbad” movies so I guess it was inevitable!!!!!!!!!

16. The way to my heart is: A psychic once told me that I give my heart easily and I believe her! I am a good, caring person and a good friend and those who return those qualities back to me always steal a piece of my heart!

17. How do you feel being our March 2004 Sludgette of the Month?

Words cannot express my appreciation for being picked as a sludgette!! I will have to come dance for you!!! I am extremely honored and eternally grateful!!! Thank you, Thank you Metal Sludge!! You Rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!

18. Personal Motto: “Shake those hips and bang that head!!!” And check me out at www.metalgoddess.net

THANKS METAL SLUDGE!!!!!!! LOVE YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tazina http://www.metalgoddess.net

Congratulations to Tazina for being our March 2004 Sludgette Of The Month

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