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Sludgette of the Month – October 2004, Dianna


Sludgette of the Month


This month’s Sludgette of the Month comes to us from the Garden State, which seems to breed Sludgettes by the dozen. Seriously! We could be wrong, but it does seem that we’ve had more Sludgettes come from New Jersey than any other part of the country. Anyhow, this month’s Sludgette is none other than Dianna, who sent us some pictures of herself wearing swag, one without swag, and one with nothing at all! We’re not sure if that was just for our own private enjoyment, but it doesn’t matter anymore because we’ve posted it here for all the world to see! Congratulations to Dianna for being our October 2004 Sludgette of the Month.

1. Name and age: Dianna Maria Age 30

2. Height: 5 ‘ 7

3. Weight: 135

4. Where are you from? New Jersey where the mullets grow!

Dianna!5. Ambitions: To prove that oompa loompas really do exist. Oh yeah and to be a Horror movie queen.

6. Turn-ons: Other than being in a band?? Confidence,being able to laugh at yourself, honesty, and of course tats and piercings. TAIME DOWNES!!!!! Sorry just hoping he would see this and whisk me away!!!

7. Turn-offs: Men who don’t realize I have a face and talk to my breasts the entire time!! Hey wait…THIS MEANS YOU!!!!

8. Favorite bands: Hmm, tough one… Faster Pussycat, Poison, G N’R, Dokken (Hi Barry!!!) and um a local band ZO2.

9. Least favorite bands: Hmmm…. should I be mean…. Ill Nino for personal reasons!

10. How long have you been coming to Metal Sludge? bout a year or so

11. What exactly do you do for a living? Manage a Day Spa and hair salon also do alt. modeling. Ya know Fetish.

12. What age did you lose your virginity and how was it? 16 and it was horrible poor guy I just wanted to do it to be the first one out of my friends but he fell in puppy love. His dad did own a jewerly store though so I got a really good gift after!!

13. What’s the first thing that would turn you off to a guy, no questions asked? Bad teeth…yuck!!! And oh yeah I saw some guy pick his nose.

14. How long do you wait before you let a guy in your pants? What time is it? No really depends on the situation I guess. I have yet to have a one nite stand though. Guess I’m good so they come back for more!

15. What’s your biggest vice? I love to get drunk and act stupid. I also am a bit of a bitch and always need to get my way.

16. What are you going to be for Halloween this year? Me and my best friend were gonna be Paris and Nicky but still not sure. I try to wear as little clothing as possible on Halloween.

17. How do you feel about being our October 2004 Sludgette of the month? You picked the perfect person for Oct cuz I’m a lil creepy!! But really I am so excited and would like to give Jani Bon Neil a huge kiss!!

18. Personal Motto: I’d rather be dead than be you.

Dianna and one of those sweaty guys on the Bad Boys of Metal tour

Oh, and if you’re one of those guys that enjoys jacking off while looking at our Sludgettes of the Month, you’d better go grab a hand towel now because here’s one of those ‘alt modeling’ photos that Dianna was referring to!

There you have it. Congratulations again to Dianna for being our October 2004 Sludgette of the Month!

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