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Sludgette of the Month – November 2004, Nikki Quershi


Sludgette of the Month

Nikki Qureshi!

This month’s Sludgette comes to us from the other side of the pond! No, that’s not a Jani Lane reference, numb nuts. That means she’s from Great Britain! What’s so great about Britain? Beats us, but that’s where Nikki’s from. She sent us some intriguing photos along with pictures of herself modeling Sludgendise, and we liked what we saw. And since there’s a presidential election this month, we figured Nikki would be a perfect Sludgette. Actually, the fact that it’s an election month has nothing to do with anything, but here she is anyway. Congratulations to Nikki for being our Sludgette of the Month for November 2004!

Nikki1. Name and age: Nikki Qureshi / 20

2. Height: 69″

3. Weight: 69kg (I shit you not)

4. Where are you from? Oxford, England (the place with the University where they filmed Harry Potter)

5. Ambitions: The only thing I want out of life is to have fun!

6. Turn-ons: My fianc? Ali… (Oh, okay) and Nikki Sixx and Angelina Jolie… preferably all together.

7. Turn-offs: Racism, disregard for animal welfare, ignorance, Fred Durst… the usual.

8. Favorite bands: I’m just going to paste this straight off of MySpace because I’m lazy like that…

* Motley Crue * Hanoi Rocks * Faster Pussycat * Pretty Boy Floyd * KISS * Guns N Roses * Ramones * Skid Row * Love Hate * Ugly Kid Joe * Frankenstein Drag Queens * Ministry * Slayer * White Zombie * Tuff * The Newlydeads * Twisted Sister * Dogs D’Amour * Tesla * Marilyn Manson * NIN * Hole * Aerosmith * Pantera * Sex Pistols * The Donnas * Orgy * Peppermint Creeps * New York Dolls * Poison * HIM * Dope * Betty Blowtorch * Warrant * Faith No More * Slipknot * The Wildhearts * W.A.S.P. * Turbonegro * The Distillers * Sick Six Crush * My Ruin * Machine Head * Bon Jovi * Brides of Destruction * Cradle of Filth * Bang Tango * Sigue Sigue Sputnik * Iron Maiden *

9. Least favorite bands: They don’t even deserve a mention.

Nikki10. How long have you been coming to Metal Sludge?

It’s at least a couple of years because I remember reading it before I went to college but I can’t remember exactly. I’ve only been posting on the boards for a few months though (as nikkiq).

11. Exactly what do you do for a living?

Not much at the moment because my cunt of a doctor lost me my job (I’m so going to get all American on them and sue their ass). However, I’ve been doing a little bit of modelling and my friends and I will be opening an eBay Shop in the very near future.

12. At what age did you lose your virginity and how was it?

I lost my virginity to Ali at the age of 19. It was great until a “friend” walked in and started wailing “Nikki, I’m in love with you sister!”

13. Since you?re British, how many days of the month are you typically drunk?

Hahahahahaaaaa… how often does a bear shit in the woods?

14. How long do you usually wait before you let a guy into your pants?

Well… it was 19 years before I let a guy in my pants and it looks like he’s going to be the only one. :oP

Nikki15. Yes or no, have you ever:

Seen a ghost = No.
Met Harry Potter = No.
Met Ginger from The Wildhearts = No, but Ali jumped up and down on his foot once at a gig.
Figured out what the big deal is with The Darkness = I haven’t a fucking clue. Don’t get me wrong, I actually like them but I don’t understand why they got so big.
Forgotten to mind the gap = Which one?
Wished you were a U.S. citizen so you could vote in the 2004 Presidential Election = I’ve never voted before, I don’t know enough about politics.

16. The way to my heart is: Lots of alcohol. ;o)

17. How do you feel about being our November 2004 Sludgette of the Month?

Honoured… and you fuckers best all be at Metal Skool on the 29th November because it’s my birthday and I want to party!

18. Personal motto: Drink ’til you fall over then get up and start again!

So there you have it! Nikki said that she’s going to be ‘on holiday’ in Los Angeles from November 24th through December 8th and she wants to meet as many Sludgeaholics and Sludgettes as possible! So if you happen to run into her, be sure to buy her a drink. Though be warned that Nikki’s been building up her alcohol tolerance for years, so we suspsect some people might have trouble keeping up with her.

Also, if you want more pictures of Nikki, she invites you to check out her portfolio at http://RavenLeStrange.net-model.com/. Don’t forget to grab some lotion and a box of tissues first.

Congratulations again to Nikki for being our November 2004 Sludgette of the Month!

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