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Sludgeaholic Of The Month – December 2003, Ryan Trush



Ryan Trush (on the left) with Russ Dwarf

Our Sludgeaholic Of The Month is Ryan Trush, not Russ Dwarf, in case you were confused. Though they are both from Canada! Unlike Paul Gargano and the BulletBoys’ webmaster, we like Canada and since it’s cold up there, and it is December, it’s the perfect month to have a Canadian Sludgeaholic Of The Month!

Congratulations to Ryan for being our December 2003 Sludgeaholic Of The Month!

1. Where are you from and how old are you?
Ok I was born in Geraldton, Ontario (where you ask) and moved to Thunder Bay when I was 8. So that’s where I live..the population is 120,000 roughly and we have our share of awesome washed up rock bands play…oh ya I just turned 23!

2. Ambitions: To be rich and famous!

3. Turn-ons: 80’s metal, the 80’s, leather, females, exciting people, cotton candy perfume, movies, good books, Monopoly, B Movies, Lemmy, Wesley Willis, Positivity, hypercolor shirts, Rock shirts, my Birthday, Crystal Light, Sleeping In, College, Red Lobster, Metal Sludge, travelling

4. Turn-offs: People who are boring, jealous, hypocritical, judgmental and prejudicial. People who say Kiss sucks, negativity, Onions, moths, probably any song on the charts

5. How long have you been coming to Metal Sludge?
wow how long….ok the first interview I remember reading was with Johnny Crypt ex-LA Guns in ’99

6. Favorite bands: any 80’s metal bands….Crue, LA Guns (any lineup-even loved em with Chris), Ratt (with or without Jizzy-love both), Slaughter, Winger, Warrant, Cinderella, Def Leppard, Wesley Willis (ok…may be not a band), Beat Farmers, Killer Dwarfs, Enuff Z Nuff, WASP, Pretty Boy Floyd, Buckcherry, Butch Walker, Tesla, Cooper, Kiss, Robin Black, Nashville Pussy, Helix, Thor, Skid Row, Dope, Frankenstein Drag Queens/Murdedolls, Faster Pussycat,
Marilyn Manson…….

7. Least favorite bands: Most of the music out today, I don’t like ….pick any band in the top 10.

8. What do you do for a living?
I work at Silvercity which is the major movie theatre in town-plenty of fun and great times! I also take Human Resources in college and tonight I’m seeing Helix!!!!

9. If you could hook up with any Sludgette Of The Month, who would it be?
Anyone who would want me….they all like metal

10. Anybody ever confused you with Andy Dick?
No but that is a neat comparison! I usually wear green contacts but i guess when I wear the glasses i kind of do….

11. You captured the Killer Dwarfs, Blue Man Group, and Dr. Hook. That’s rather diverse. What the hell does your CD collection look like?
my Cd collection-it’s got diversity for sure! Ok let’s see everything from Mojo Nixon, Elvis Gratton, Kiss, Slaughter, LA Guns, Billy Ray Cirus, Dr Hook, Roxette, Richard Marx, Poison, Abba….my latest are Donnie Vie’s Just Enuff CD (love it at 1st listen!) and ordered the new Bulletboys cd…..

12. If I had more time, I would: Have even more fun then I’m having in life right now-although I don’t know if that’s possible….

13. When was the last time you got laid?
2 months ago ish….

14. Activities I do to relax: sleep, hot tub, movies, reading, good tunes, driving……

15. How do you feel about being our December 2003 Sludgeaholic Of The Month:
wow very very very pumped!! I’ve been waiting for this day for a while-never though it would come!!

16. Personal Motto: Stay positive and have as much fun as possible!

Ok ready for a few cool stories? The 1st one involves Sebastain Bach…back around ’99 I emailed Bas to tell him I had a recent bootleg from Detroit and he said to send it to him and he would send me an autographed photo….so I did, filled the tape up with cool Priest interviews etc and he never sent anything back…

Again around ’99 I sent Joey Allen some rare Warrant stuff and he was supposed to send me something in return-after not hearing back from him in ages I asked if he had got my package and he sent me a very bitter e-mail back…sadly i didn’t save it but he was swearing and saying he’s too busy to talk to assholes like me…something along those lines.

Also, a good story-back in ’97 Slaughter played a local club and I really wanted to go being a big fan. My mom e mailed Blas and Blas said to meet at the tour bus at 5-wound up going to the restaurant with Blas and the crew, and the band snuck me into the show!! Real cool/nice guys I’ll be a fan forever…release a new cd soon!!

Also-last but not least I had been talking to Lisa The stalker for a while-I’ll say ’94 and in 2000 I met her in Flordia and we saw Savatage-great show and band and real cool girl!!

If anyone wants to chat metal or meet someone new e-mail me at ryantrush@hotmail.com (put something involving Metal Sludge in the subject so it doesn’t go in my junk mail)

last here’s a pic of Ruyter from Nashville Pussy very cool lady who loves the site-the band put on quite a show too! check them out at www.nashvillepussy.com.

Well, congratulations to Ryan for being our December 2003 Sludgeaholic Of The Month!

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