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Velvet Revolver Halloween Photos, 11/18/04



Well what do you know? It appears that Velvet Revolver is playing Metal Sludge. Not only are they are mocking someone, but are subliminally bitch slapping Axl Rose and his most recent Guns N’ Roses line-up. We back that. Nice work guys!

Here’s some photos that were anonymously sent exclusively to us. These were all taken when Velvet Revolver dressed up as the Buckethead-era GN’R when they played at the Rocktoberfest in Little Rock, AR on October 31st.

Note to all: These photos are all authentic, and can (for now) only be found right here at Metal Sludge!

Let’s start off with a shot of Duff. He actually looks more like Hillary Duff in this picture! Hey Duff, have you ever thought about part-timing it as a tranny, or perhaps filling Lesli?s old spot in Pretty Boy Floyd? Your look is 50% convincing.

This is a great shot of Bucket O’ Slash, or Sluckethead. Take your choice on the name. He looks 90% convincing. Take away 10% for the fact that the real Buckethead seems to be much taller and thinner.

Another darker shot of Bucket O’ Slash with Matt Sorum in the background sporting a very scary skull mask. Spooky!

A second shot of Duff proving he’s more Hillary than Duff. Notice the super short skirt, thin feminine legs, and apparent lack of male parts. We’ll take back the 50%: Duff is 75% convincing inthe Tranny role, as long as it’s dimly lit and his face is covered by a bit more hair. And Matt "scary mask" Sorum makes another appearance. Is he supposed to be Steven Adler, Fred Coury, or Mick Mars? Maybe he’s the skull from the cross logo on the Appetite cover. Not sure.

Dave Kushner sporting his Halloween starter kit that can be found in "that store" that is also found in every mall in America. Who is Dave Kushner you’re asking? He was in Wasted Youth. Who was Wasted Youth? No, it’s not a Skid Row tribute band, numb nuts. Go Google it for yourself. Anyway, the starter kit consists of red face paint, plastic devil horns, and a black eye/lip liner pencil. In-ear monitor system can be found at Guitar Center, with outlets also located nationwide. His horns look like they are attached with a deflated diaphragm.

Here’s a nice pic of W. Scott Rose, or Axl Weiland. Again, take your pick for the name. Maybe the name "Axl Dope Fiend" works, being that Scott Weiland is the Robert Downey Jr. of rock. Hold it, that’s it – Axl Downey Jr! Along with his half-a-fag pose. It looks like he raided The Blue Meanie?s closet and stole his championship belt. Wow. He’s ugly as fuck, and, oddly enough, the wig looks more convincing than Axl’s current braided-in silk horse tail strands. Let’s take another look:

Where is the real Axl in all of this? Well shit, we can’t verify the authenticity of this next photo, though it does look rather convincing. You be the judge:

We’ve got nothing more to add, as these pictures pretty much speak for themselves.

They also prove that Metal Sludge isn’t alone on this wagon. Lots of people far and wide support the slinging of Sludge and the mocking of the sad, helpless, and washed-up. They even do it to each other! We’re just here to report it.

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